Boycott! Boycott! Boycott! 10-17-01 www.pacificaboycott.org |
- Boycott flyer pdf for printing (143kb, 2 sided) It's fundraising time at wbai. All the money donated by listeners will go to Pacifica national in D.C. to be spent on on expensive law and PR firms, security systems and whatever else is being used to shut us out of our network. We the listeners have absolutely no say in these matters EXCEPT in our choice to withhold contributions. An infinitely more constructive thing to do would be to contribute to key organizations working to regain the hijacked Pacifica Foundation, particularly the lawsuits which MUST be properly funded. Also check out www.pacificaboycott.org for more information and things you can do. A short list of places to send money:
Lawsuits Against the Pacifica National Board
Additional cross complaint lawsuit
by Board members:
Gifts specifically for the listeners'
lawsuit can be sent to:
Support the striking Pacifica National News stringers by
Concerned Friends of WBAI
Coalition for a Democratic Pacifica - New York
The Pacifica Campaign
Boycott flyer pdf for printing (143kb, 2 sided) top of page | www.pacificaboycott.org | home |