CF coordinating committee meeting minutes 10-1-01 |
Posted at: groups.yahoo.com/group/NewPacifica From: siddharta5@y... Date: Fri Oct 5, 2001 3:18 pm Subject: Minutes CFWBAI CC Meeting Oct. 1, 2001 Friends, Due to the large number of comments, I am reproducing the minutes of the CFCC 10/1 meeting. The meeeting concluded some time around 10:30 pm although I did not record such time. Please note that the topic of general meeting agenda (#2) was addressed before the lawyer's hiring topic (#3) and was referred to a subcommittee to finalize. The issue of adding the topic in item #3 was raised but not directly addressed in the context of finalizing the agenda. It is my personal view that stating that the CC intentionally wanted to hide the hiring of Mr. Lubell is absurd since a draft of the minutes was posted late on Tuesday night and was picked up by a good number of usual CC and CF detractors. It is more appropriate to discuss how we should best use Mr. Lubell rather than try to have him removed because of the process. Let's not throw the baby.... ===================================================================== Minutes CFWBAI CC Meeting Oct. 1, 2001: Location Charas El Bohio Community Center on East 9th Street, Manhattan. Meeting convened at 7:15 pm with total attendance of 21 1. Reports: a) PNB update and issues by Leslie Cagan. Details of recent telephone conference where 5 new members were selected. Executive session on Wednesday to discuss DN and Amy (personnel issue, no published agenda). PNB meeting on Oct. 27, 30-day prior announcement is not respected. b) Foundation is in bad financial shape. c) Bob Daughtry (sp?) new GM starts 10/1 but U. Leid still made program changes during the week end for Monday. d) Web sites have been closed. General discussion on the assault of civil rights and free speech. 2. Thursday General Meeting Agenda Discussion: Robert Knight guest speaker, facilitators Vajra and Arthur Items: Upcoming fund drive boycott, Peace movement/CF cordination, Pitch for funds (Ray will do), Next steps in campaign, Role of Pacifica in war context, Meeting theme (Pacifica as catalyst for activism?), Summary/Analysis of current situation, Community announcements. An ad-hoc agenda committee will prioritize the agenda. MOTION: That there be a pitch to raise funds for CF in conjunction with a pitch to donate to help Robert Knight who is an unemployed banned producer. People will be encouraged to donate for both causes in 2 separate receptacles. Adopted 11-0-0. 3. Jonathan Lubell was introduced. He is an attorney since 1958 and a well known activist. He is also involved in Media concentration issues and familiar with Pacifica. He offered to serve CF pro-bono as counsel. MOTION: That Concerned Friends authorize Jonathan Lubell to act as its pro-bono advisor and representative under terms to be determined by the Coordinating Committee (CC). A subcommittee will develop the modalities and report back to the CC. Adopted 14-1-1 Ad hoc legal liaison committee: Steve B., Andrea F., Mimi R., Rosalie H. and Susan L. 4. Fund raiser for lawsuits on October 17 at H. Winston Center MOTION: That an advance of $250 be made for the event. Adopted 14-0-0 MOTION: To honor $300 bond for Judson Memorial Church posted by Susan L. Adopted 15-0-0 5. Boycott Strategy: Brainstorming group formed and referred to Outreach/Action meeting Wednesday 6. Susan L. to post CC and Outreach/Action meetings for a month 7. Draft of response to Farrell "peace proposal" will be prepared and posted on the CC list serve for comments. Final comments due Wednesday at 9pm. Consolidated draft ready for General Meeting. 8. Not addressed due to lack of time: Coordination with peace movement, vigil coordination. Addendum to Reports (#1): Greg Craig has asked plaintiffs lawyers for postponement of trial date. No decision yet. CF may address by providing recommendation. Respectfully submitted, Fred Nguyen 10/5/01 3:04 pm EST |
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