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Coordinating Committee Resolution 2-26-01
statements of support page

The following resolution was passed unanimously by the Coordinating Committee of the Concerned Friends of WBAI on Monday, February 26, 2001:

WHEREAS the March 3, 2001, meeting of the Pacifica Foundation Board of Directors in Houston presents an opportunity for dissident members of the Board to place important items on the agenda as an official record of their sentiment,

Be it hereby RESOLVED that the Coordinating Committee of the Concerned Friends of WBAI strongly supports New York dissident members of the Board, Leslie Cagan and Beth Lyons, in their efforts to address the following demands of the Coordinating Committee, and calls upon the other New York members of the Board, Andrea Cisco and Frank Millspaugh, to support them in doing so:

"That the gag rules at WBAI and all other Pacifica stations where they are currently in effect be removed immediately, and that security forces be removed from all stations,"

"That the Board of Directors and the Executive Director cease and desist from their current interventionist stance in the day-to-day operations of its five stations, including but not limited to the practice of installing station General Managers without consultation of all paid and unpaid staff members of a station, the Local Advisory Boards, and listener-sponsors,"

"That all hirings, firings, and bannings carried out by Pacifica Executive Director Bessie Wash or Interim General Manager Utrice Leid at WBAI on December 23, 2000, and following, be immediately rescinded and reversed, respectively,"

"That members of the Board Rabbi Aaron Kriegel and Robert Robinson be allowed to participate fully in the March 3, 2001, meeting of the Board,"

"That the status be determined of those currently representing themselves as members of the Board," and finally,

"That the proposed by-laws not be brought to listeners for 'town-hall style' meetings."

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