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Democracy Now! returned to KPFK 5-28-01

May 28, 2001

Dear Friends,

We won an important victory this past Thursday when Pacifica station KPFK in Los Angeles returned Democracy Now! to the air live and direct. The move came in response to the thousands of protest calls and letters to the station.

But Pacifica station WBAI in New York continues to keep Democracy Now! off the air. More than that, WBAI management has forced the Democracy Now! team into a sub-standard production studio that no WBAI programmer broadcasts from. There isnB9t even a clock in the studio! Not surprisingly, as you may have heard, the show suffers serious technical problems. And on Friday, Democracy Now! didn't even air for twenty minutes.

This is part of the campaign of harassment and intimidation directed against Amy and the Democracy Now! team. And we need to protest vigorously. If the present WBAI management can throw Democracy Now! off the air with impunity, and degrade the quality of the cast, then no producer is safe. We must not rest until Democracy Now! returns in full to WBAI. Remember, every phone call, letter, or e-mail counts!!

Best regards, Juan

Protest Pacifica management's harassment and censorship of Amy Goodman and Democracy Now! and demand that Democracy Now! be played in full, every day. Here's a few things you can do.

1. Call the WBAI tally room at (212) 209-2950. Say NO to the censorship and harassment of Democracy Now! Keep calling until you feel you've been heard. Please be polite.

2. Picket WBAI every day. The WBAI pickets, in front of the station at 120 Wall St., in lower Manhattan, run from 7:30-9:00am and 4:30-6:00pm all this week (May 29-June 1).

3. Call the Office of The Vice Chair of the Pacifica National Board -- Ken Ford. He works for the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) in Washington, DC. Please call NAHB President Bruce Smith, Ken Ford's boss, an d let him know that Ken Ford's work at Pacifica is damaging the public reputation of the NAHB. Ask Mr. Bruce Smith to urge Ken Ford to resign from the Pacifica Radio Board. Be polite but be firm. Call NAHB executive office at 800-368- 5242 x303 or x408. Bruce Smith, can be reached directly at: Bsmith@nahbofficer.com. (If you have already e-mailed the NAHB general mailbox, please forward it to Bruce Smith directly.)

4. Please protest directly to the Pacifica Board and send a copy to the Pacifica Campaign (pacificacampaign@yahoo.com).

CONTACT: You can cut and past this list of email addresses into the "To" heading of your letter-- your email program may require semicolons in between addresses rather than commas. (Note: Some of the addresses may bounce back.)

Bmwpacifica@aol.com, cpadga@aol.com, kford@nahb.com, acdarius@aol.com, jmurdock@ebglaw.com, rfarrell@kamber.com, KvPPhD@aol.com, wendell_i_johns@fanniemae.com,prbram@aol.com, HARAV1@aol.com, tomasmoran@aol.com, robrobin@erols.com, LeslieCagan@igc.org, Valrie.Chambers@mail.tamucc.edu, uleid@escape.com, pacificacampaign@yahoo.com

Protest Pacifica management's harassment and censorship of Amy Goodman and Democracy Now! and demand that the editorial integrity of the program be respected. Call for Democracy Now! to be played in full, every day on WBAI.

Please be polite and patient. You will be speaking with -- or writing to -- a wide variety of people. Win them over to our side.


Bessie Wash
Executive Director, Pacifica
Tel: 888-770-4944 x348
Fax: 202-588-05621

David G. Acosta CPA
Chair of the Pacifica Board
Tel: 713-926-4604
Fax: 713-921-2780

Ken Ford
Vice Chair
Tel: 202-822-022820
Fax: 202-822-0369

Andrea Cisco
Board member
Tel: 718-624-610520
Fax: 718-624-6287

Bertram M. Lee
Board member
Tel: 202-248-1896

John M. Murdock
Board member
Tel: 202-861-0900
Fax: 202-296-2882

Karolyn van Putten
Board member Tel: 415-771-1160
Fax: 603-699-0715

Wendell L. Johns
Board member
Tel: 202-752-8193
Fax: 202-752-4281

Bob Farrell
Board member
Tel: 310-514-2052
Fax: 310-514-0967

Valrie Chambers
Board member
Tel: 361-825-601220
Fax: 281-655-0266

Utrice Leid20
WBAI interim manager
Tel: (212) 209-2820 Buleid@escape.com



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