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Mumia audio on Democracy Now

2-28-01, 1:12 PM
On this morning's Democracy Now! Mumia Abu Jamal read his recent commentary on the battle for WBAI and Pacifica. If you missed the program, it is now on line in streamable mp3 audio http://www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=2689

Columnist/author Barbara Ehrenreich was a guest on the program, live, and echoed Mumia's sentiments before addressing the discussion topic of that segment, which was GW Bush's fairytale address to Congress yesterday.

There is an unconfirmed report that the Mumia portion of the program was censored from WPFW; that it was interrupted right after Mumia's commentray began and that music was played instead for about ten minutes.

WPFW is the station formerly managed by Bessie Wash, and has repeatedly censored coverage of the crisis at Pacifica crisis.

You can call WPFW at 202-588-0999 and 202-588-0893 to voice your objections, though censorship has been so clumsy and blatant, that they can hardly care. Removing the management of WPFW and Pacifica is the only real remedy to the persistant problem of censorship at that station.

If you want to get a broader picture about the censorhip at WPFW, which goes beyond Pacifica matters and into outright censorship of political content that is anti-establishment, take a listen to: http://www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=2613

Those who wish to read the text of Mumia's commentary will find it here

------ 2-28-01, 10:44 PM------
Folks around the country have written to report whether or not Mumia Abu Jamal's commentary on the X mas Coup at WBAI, which aired on Democracy Now! this morning was censored on their local station.

WPFW - Censorship confirmed KPFT - censorship, unconfirmed The program aired in its entirety on KPFA and KPFK.


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