Pacifica Decides to Sue Free Speech Websites 4-23-01 |
From: Patty Heffley Date: Mon Apr 23, 2001 5:52 pm Subject: Pacifica Decides to Sue Free Speech Websites April 23, 2001 PACIFICA SQUANDERS MORE LISTENER MONEY In another despicable attack on free speech with the inappropriate use of listeners' money, The Pacifica Foundation and the lawfirm Epstein, Becker and Green together have decided to take the low road again by actually suing Patty Heffley, the administrator of the listeners' website http://www.wbai.net. This is the website of the WBAI Listeners Network, maintained by the listeners group Coalition for a democratic Pacifica-New York. They will also sue the other sites http://www.freewpfw.org and http://www.savepacifica.net and perhaps others. According to their attorney Paul Alan Levy from Public Citizen's Litigation Group, who represents wbai.net, savepacifica.net, and freewpfw.org, each case will be fought in a different location. There are 3 Lawsuits in process against the Pacifica Foundation at this time for among other things mismanagement of the foundation and violation of their own bylaws.
In the Listeners Lawsuit,
The Harrassment continues....
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