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KPFA elections: request for contributions

[editors note: Just think, for half the reported price of WBAI's horribly oppressive wasteful new surveillance system Pacifica could fund KPFA's (or WBAI's) LAB election!]

From: John Sheridan
Date: Sun Sep 2, 2001 10:09 pm
Subject: KPFA LAB Elections - You Can Help: Matching Funds Available!

KPFA LAB Elections - You Can Help: Matching Funds Available!


The second direct listener election of a Local Advisory Board (or Board of any kind at Pacifica) is underway at KPFA. The community is holding this election to elect listeners under the aegis of the KPFA LAB.

But we could sure use your help. The election is going to cost $12,000, not including repaying one of our volunteers who covered some large expenses himself last year. IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENT: Until November 1, donations of exactly $300 or $600 made to the Center for Voting Democracy through Giveforchange.com (see link from "about us" on their website) will be matched in full!!

I would urge anyone who loves Pacifica to help with some dollars toward funding this crucial election. I am asking because supporting direct listener elections at KPFA supports the network we are trying to save, one which as is potentially reaches over 20% of American households. An elected LAB is more democratic, helps us in the lawsuits against Pacifica, and will aid in democratizing the rest of the network.

Please send your contributions to the KPFA LAB Election Committee. Contributions of $300 or more are also tax deductible, if made payble to the Center for Voting Democracy (CVD). Otherwise if you prefer, checks can also be made to Californians for Proportional Representation (CPR) and either way should be mailed to:

KPFA Election Committee
P.O. Box 13349
Berkeley, CA 94712

(Please put "FOR KPFA Election" in the memo section of your check).

Many thanks for your standing up for the listeners and democracy at Pacifica. This will come to WBAI, Houston, L.A. and the rest of Pacifica one day - sooner than later!

-- John Sheridan
KPFA LAB Election Committee

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