At the September 2003 interim Pacifica national board meeting
in NYC a motion [see minutes]
was passed to go to the judge and ask to extend the elections completion
deadline beyond January 2004.
The judge granted this motion. The resulting election timeline is below.
as set by the court on October 23, 2003
November 21, 2003 - "Date of Record" -
date on which individuals must be members in order to vote in this
election. Listeners must have contributed a minimum of $25 or three
hours of volunteer service, between November 21, 2002 and November
21, 2003.
December 5, 2003 - "Close of Nominations" -
deadline by which the Local Election Supervisor must receive candidates’
petitions, statements, etc. (Note that the court had previously set
November 15, but the December 5 date replaces that date).
January 5, 2004 - "Ballot Mail Date" -
ballots and candidates’ written statements to be mailed to members.
February 5, 2004 - "Election Close Date" -
voted ballots must be received by the Election Supervisor by this date.
February 12, 2004 - "Election Certification Date" -
National election Supervisor must certify results by this date.
February 17, 18 or 19, 2004 -
First meeting of Local Station Boards to elect national Foundation
March 12-14, 2004 -
First meeting of newly elected Pacifica Foundation Directors.
If a Local Station Board election fails to achieve a quorum of votes by
the Election Close Date of February 5, 2004, the Close Date for that
station area only shall be extended for two weeks to February 19, 2004.
The ballots shall be counted and the election results for that station
area shall be certified by February 26, and the newly elected Delegates
for that station area shall meet to elect Foundation directors between
March 2 and 4, 2004. If at least one Local Station Board election must
be so extended, the newly elected Pacifica Directors shall be seated at
the first meeting of the new National Board on the weekend of March