Interim LAB Elections in Houston 11-12-01 |
11-14-01: Heres's a report on how it went: http://geocities.com/kpftradio/labfoto.html --------------------------
From: "Chug"
The listener community of KPFT/Houston is pleased to
announce open public elections of the new KPFT Interim Local
Advisory Board
Elections will be held on November 14 2001 from 6:30-8:30 PM
at 803 Hawthorne, Montrose, Houston (L&G Community Center)
and are open to all within the KPFT Signal Area.
The slate of candidates for the Interim LAB was drawn from an
open nomination process over the last 5 days and includes a
wide diversity of people with varied skills, including those with
broadcast and other media experience, community organizing,
outreach & activism, connections with Houston's music
community and candidates with a wide range of professional
skills. It includes both long-term Pacifica acitivists and new and
old KPFT listeners unconnected with any established Pacifica
reform group.
The slate can be viewed at
(Outreach for nominations and voters has been done on
Houston-area list servs and a KPFT email/phone outreach list
but not unfortunately on the airwaves of KPFT. Candidate's page
will be finalized on Monday with all the candidates and data)
Election is to an INTERIM board with a task to organize rules,
policies and guidelines for direct listener election of a
permanent KPFT LAB within one year (by 11/13/02). This will be
done under the guidance of the PNB. The Interim LAB will be
dissolved on or before 11/13/02 even if no elections have been
The by-laws for the Interim LAB essentially follow the 1998 PNB
by-laws with few amendments and include open public
meetings of all committees and subcommittees
The creation of an Interim LAB was necessitated by the illegal
and ineffective nature of the current 5-member Houston LAB (4
white men, 1 white woman, 4 of them financial/legal
professionals) This group is no longer meeting publicly, no
longer notifies dissident LAB member Teresa Allen of its
meetings and has been in persistent violation of every line of
relevant Federal law and Pacifica Foundation by-laws. A
modified summary of the LAB violations is here at
Several months ago, we notified Mr Ganter, the PNB and Pacifica
management of these violations and gave them an opportunity to
respond. They have not.
We welcome any Houston listeners on this list to vote in the
upcoming election and hope all in the Pacifica community will
support this step towards a KPFT that is connected and
responsive to the community it serves.
Help us bring back community radio in Houston.
And see you in DC!
-Dan "Chug" Jones, for the KPFT Interim LAB Election
P.S. I would particularly like to thank Edwin Johnston, Cherie
Gorman, Jo Ann Wolf, Ken Freeland and Stan Merriman among
the organizers for their efforts in getting things together for this
election in this (admittedly) short time-frame
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