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WBAI LSB Election Results

WBAI single transferable vote count by round:
Listener delegates
Staff delegates

Ballots Mailed/Approx Quorum/Undeliverables
Returned/Adjusted Quorum
Listeners: 20873 / 2088 / 78 / 2080
Staff: 252 / 63 / 4 / 62

Ballots Received
Listeners 3200
Staff 126

Disqualified Ballots:
1 ballot unopened&disqualified -- turned in by hand
against the rules
18 Listener ballots disqualified -- barcode not
2 Staff ballots returned -- barcode not included
50 Listener abstentions -- barcodes returned but no
ballot enclosed
1 Listener ballot unreadable

Total Ballots Counted:
Listeners 3131
Staff 124

Thousands of surveys returned as well as contributions
as below:
448 checks/MO's totalling $8,217 plus $59 cash




1. Omowale Clay
2. Evan Tobias
3. Sara Flounders
4. Luanne Pennesi
5. Berthold Reimers
6. Lisa Davis
7. Marian Borenstein
8. Patt Heffley
9. Alice Shields

10. Cheryl Ife Griffin
11. Mitch Cohen
12. Berta Silva
13. James Ross
14. Sharon Davis
15. Alex Steinberg
16. Robert Owens
17. Harry Lichtenstein
18. Nicholas Martielli
19. Patricia Logan
20. Paul Zulkowitz
21. Shohreh Tehrani
22. Ed Marshall
23. Rolando Bini
24. Andrea Fishman
25. David Goldman


1. Cerene Roberts
2. Vajra Kilgour
3. R. Paul Martin

4. Roger Manning
5. Dred Scott Keyes
6. Ibrahim Gonzalez
7. Margareth Dominique
8. Aroni Saunderson-El

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