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Vigilance and hard work now more than ever

With the lawsuits settled, it is still the listeners who will have to save Pacifica, financially and as protectors. We are just in a better place to do that. Sieze the opportunity.

Things are changing very fast. Let's hope that the 5 former majority members are just hanging around because they want to avoid some financial responsibility (still abhorrent) and not to screw us over some more. We will know soon enough.

With the lawsuits settled and the self appointed interim Pacifica Natonal board moving ahead to write bylaws and to prepare for mandated elections, all is not over.

Don't forget, it is the listeners, that saved this network, beginning years ago by working thier asses off, whistle blowing and alerting, demanding that the board, management, LAB and producers "do something, PLEASE!!" and later, by giving money to everyone that asked. It is imperative that the listeners keep the pressure on the new interim board to carry out the process to protect our network.

That means that we have to see this as a network of five listening areas with people in them that need information and deserve to have their stations returned back to the mission. There are five stations that need healing.

We must always be vigilant and know that if the 5 former majority, still seated hijackers, have some nefarious plan then we have to act against that. Conversely, if the staff that are returned to power , don't encourage and embrace the most open, fair and equal, democratic participation by the listeners in governance of the network then we have to act against that. Time will tell.

That means to not just accept that the producers at WBAI will go back in and the job is finished and to start giving money and forgetting about what happened and what has to be done. It isn't over. We have to restore the network and give money to save it, again. But we can stop too. You have to follow your instincts and think of the big picture.

It is up to the listeners to insure that the Pacifica Foundation shifts from exclusion to participation of the listeners in the governance and oversight of the network.

Last night at the big WBAI bash "undoing the coup" in NYC i kept hearing those on the stage, lead the chant "Whos' Station? Our station!" That chant can go both ways, you know.

Be aware all, It will be up to the listeners to make it "our station" mean something, because power concedes nothing without a fight, not even in this progressive Pacifica that we love.

Attend the meetings, ask questions, demand answers, participate, think about running for the LAB. Otherwise we could end up where we once were, little mushrooms, in the dark...


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