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One CdPNY member's thoughts on
what needs to happen next.

[ replies may be sent to . They will be posted below the article ]

What is to be done if Pacifica is serious

As a longtime pain in the ass of the producers here in NYC to get them to break the gag rule or to tell the listeners ANYTHING or to face the truth that silence and avoidance would backfire, I will continue to speak my mind.

Below is one story to give the picture of what is ahead and why no one is perfect and we listeners have to push our favorite hosts to do the right thing.

Several times over the years since 1996 we would give staffers information about the struggle. We protested outside events where amy, Samori, Bernard, Valerie Van Isler and others would speak. Every program got a flier in thier mail box for the teach-ins which were held annually. Few cared and some even hindered the word getting out. Meanwhile recordbreaking fundraisers were held, something almost everyone was proud of, except me because taxation without representation (or even information) turns my stomach.

At a War Resistors League demo in Washington Square park around the Balkan war in April of 1999, I asked Amy to say something about Pacifica. If I remember correctly she had just refused an award by some press org. because of their politics. Anyhow, the Pacifica by laws had just changed for the worse and I asked Amy to speak to the crowd to tell them what was going on. She said to me "The people don't want to hear that, they are tired and want to go home." It was about 4:30PM. After that I quit asking anything of her for a long time. I was indeed saddened that once again the people that deserve the information were not informed.

The takedown of KPFA in 1999 went unmentioned by the daytime programmers except for the local news or a call in or a little mention here or there. There was no gag rule after Samori died that spring and the takedown of KPFA was considered news. Still silence.

Amy Goodman's total silence up until October of 2000 leads me to believe that she has been saving up all her energy to save Pacifica now.

Amy's calling for the return the fired and the banned will not save Pacifica. The return of the fired and the banned will not save Pacifica. The Fired and banned say they are the answer. They are not. This is not a club where you try and get your people back in the door. Saving the network and free speech are more important in my opinion - that means all five stations need help all together and need to work together.

The answer is very simple to me. The gag rule cannot exist. For starters, Amy should return to the airwaves. She should broadcast off site for safety until the management changes. She should have a report each and every day about Pacifica, free speech, the mission, our rights and how access to Pacifica is so necessary to have this DIALOGUE. It is one of the most interesting topics at this time, isn't it?

There are numerous notable and local people who have much to say on the subject and I am certain would be glad to help return Pacifica to its mission, Chomsky, Zinn, McChesney, Scooter, The CdP in Berkeley, what is up with the elections there, etc. There can be updates and commentary and What You Can Do to move the network along. The topic is endless and again interesting.

This could jump start the network and the listeners to focus on what has been missing and will hopefully send the Anti mission people packing. It could counteract what will surely be coming over the airwaves while those people and programs breathe their last breath.

There should be built in immediately evaluation of programs and programming every few years and training and such. Kellia Ramares in her commentary (pasted below) says a lot of where the participation and excitement could be multiplied by the other media institutions that have cropped up. Then we could have more Democracy Now!'s.

Meanwhile the management mght need to be replaced by people perhaps from community radio elsewhere that understand the mission of Pacifica. They could start evaluating the shows for their adherence to the mission and to community needs. Some fired and banned might come back at ALL five stations, some might not. Most programmers were silent throughout the network during the purges at KPFT, KPFK, KPFA and most egregiously during the takedown in 1999 of KPFA.

To imagine at this late date that some fired and banned in NYC don't want Amy back on the air until she brings them along and the other 4 stations be damned, says that some of these people are still operating in their own self interest and not in the interest of the network or the listeners (the who?).

That is not the leadership for me.

It is time that everyone start looking on how to save Pacifica instead of their and their friends' asses. Let us know what your plans are so we know where to start protesting and what to put on the signs.

[ Patty Heffley, cdpny ]


go check out the thread on the goodlight message board at:


From: Mitch Ritter
Tuesday, November 27, 2001 11:19 PM

I am so glad to have been sent a link to this discussion. Patty Heffley makes some needed points, and the objections by folks below are either well taken or at least carefully considered (we can disagree in Progressive Circles without bringing on charges of Class Traitor and Fascist I hope, even if that has never been any Pacifica station's strong suit for quite a number of years now). Here is my feedback within Patty's text:

[*comments by Mitch.]

<snip> [Patty wrote]
Below is one story to give the picture of what is ahead and why no one is perfect and we listeners have to push our favorite hosts to do the right thing.

*"We listeners" is way too passive a term. Most of us are listener-activists, and that identity of being active should be insisted upon (I've always respected the rightwingers who instead of getting stoned went door to door during the awful 80's and actually did politics from the grassroots, even though I opposed their programs and visions of society. I could never get progressive friends to give up their distractions and do the grunt work of activism like a well-motivated church-led program, although the Christic Institute and the Unitarians did in fact inspire some progressive activity to oppose the 'moral majority' movement). Just look at how the rightwingers actually convinced mainstream America that the mass media was a liberal conspiracy! Where were the campuses full of idealistic youth to organize even stronger movements using the easy illustration of mass media=corporate agenda! Nope, at KPFA and WBAI we were all content to preach to the converted in the smuggest sort of More Radical Than Thou hierarchical way. We could've been inviting mainstream America to debate on Pacifica stations, but instead we said, since corporate media won't invite our saints Chomsky, Cockburns, Davis, Parenti, McChesney onto NIGHTLINE then we are not going to bother giving anyone with mainstream views any access to a Pacifica mike, or if we did, we used the corporate media tactic of choosing an especially ignorant specimen set up as a straw man for the radical hero to pummel. So we never got discussion, just radical rhetoric. We never persuaded anyone who wasn't already persuaded, usually by shallow cultural icons rather than by thinking through complex problems.*

Several times over the years since 1996 we would give staffers information about the struggle. We protested outside events where Amy, Samori, Bernard, Valerie Van Isler and others would speak. Every program got a flier in thier mail box for the teach-ins which were held annually. Few cared and some even hindered the word getting out. Meanwhile recordbreaking fundraisers were held, something almost everyone was proud of, except me because taxation without representation (or even information) turns my stomach.

*This frustration I witnessed firsthand when I spent time in NY at some of these fundraisers in swank Manhattan bistros, with Amy on a stage with the other "Stars" of the alternative universe. And when during the Q&A someone would raise questions about what was going on with the purges at Pacifica, Amy conveniently would announce she didn't know enough to speak about that. Never worked very hard to learn, but worked like the devil to avoid Patty, Sean, Frank, and other listener-activists who were bringing the info most respectfully to her that they spent their own funds gathering and copying and duplicating via multi-media samples. This mirrored my own experience back in northern California working with Take Back KPFA and the incredible listener-activists like Gilardin, Bergstresser, Blankfort, Radke, Gray, Torres who could not get an on-air producer like Bensky, Osman, (although I think Dennis Bernstein did show some on-air solidarity with the first wave of purged programmers, I now forget)to show any solidarity with fellow broadcasters who represented the INSTITUTIONAL MEMORY of KPFA and Pacifica when they were unceremoniously shown the door. 40 years as founding broadcasters of the world's first listener-sponsored mass media outlet, yet the likes of Elwood and Mandell were booted from the air with nary a peep from their co-workers! The weekly evening labor show produced and hosted by Steve Zeltzer got taken off the air for strip programming of music during the after-day job hours, and Osman would on Sunday play Si Kahn labor songs and encourage miners in Ukraine and West Virginia to strike, while remaining mum on the purges of his KPFA airmates! I took info on this to Robbie and Utah Phillips and Si Kahn at the Freight & Salvage and they still did not say a word about the 5 year plan that led to the purges or the purges until their own airtime was threatened! That memory will haunt me. Then David Bacon is brought on for a few minutes segment on the Morning Show and takes the gig! Pure scab action without insisting Zeltzer and his Labor Show be returned, in fact Bacon went on to replace Zeltzer as the Labor beat reporter, now moved on up to the NPR station in San Fran KQED as their This Week In California talking head! I asked what kind of progressive community accepts a "Star System"? Then, I saw it happen at the magazine COVERT ACTION QUARTERLY which used to be COVERT ACTION INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN where the owners locked out the whole editorial staff in a labor dispute, and because Dennis Bernstein and other KPFA "Stars" used to pump up their journalistic credentials with occasional articles in the magazine they said nothing over the air at KPFA to support their FIRED & BANNED comrades and in fact continued to hush up that fiasco and support the owners of CAQ! I did interviews with those owners when I admired their work on that magazine and their sideproject of media analysis called LOOT (LIES OF OUR TIMES) but I stopped supporting them after they locked out their staff over a labor and wage issue, and could not believe KPFA would not even discuss what was going on their! As if a gag rule existed to protect the Stars and Owners of all progressive media outlets! Same logic that has kept anyone from KPFA asking why the alternative weekly in the Bay Area the Bay Guardian can't be a union newspaper when they dominate the market and make a bundle, but keep turning over staff because the owner feels he is the only 'progressive' game in town.*

At a War Resistors League demo in Washington Square park around the Balkan war in April of 1999, I asked Amy to say something about Pacifica. If I remember correctly she had just refused an award by some press org. because of their politics. Anyhow, the Pacifica by laws had just changed for the worse and I asked Amy to speak to the crowd to tell them what was going on. She said to me "The people don't want to hear that, they are tired and want to go home." It was about 4:30PM. After that I quit asking anything of her for a long time. I was indeed saddened that once again the people that deserve the information were not informed.

*I saw Patty take a hit from a respondent below for not getting the word out on the air. Let me just say that for listener-activists who were not invited to share their info on the programs of those who were NYF&B (Not Yet Fired & Banned), and Amy, Bernard, Al Lewis come to mind at WBAI since Patty provided much info to them and they said not word one when the producer and host of Radio Bandung got canned for discussing not just Pacifica, but in fact broadening the discussion to discuss non-profit org structures in general, and Joung Yoon Lym was way ahead of the scandal at the NEW SCHOOL by discussing it on her last show before she was Fired & Banned by progressive "Star" Samori Marksman. So, Patty and her SOS (Save Our Station) pioneers picketed on the streets in the rain and sun handing out info on what was going on at WBAI and at other Pacifica sister stations. Why would anyone rag on her for doing what other listeners failed to do, namely actively seek out info? Unless those other listeners are now ashamed for not having been listener-activists back then.*

Amy's calling for the return the fired and the banned will not save Pacifica. The return of the fired and the banned will not save Pacifica. The Fired and banned say they are the answer. They are not. This is not a club where you try and get your people back in the door. Saving the network and free speech are more important in my opinion - that means all five stations need help all together and need to work together.

*Again, harking back to the respondent below who takes Patty to task for making this point about the hijacked movement's switch to emphasizing the F&B (who really are only the last group of Fired and Banned, the ones who were rewarded with longer airtime for playing the company game), this post-big money fundraiser emphasis is simply the Hollywood Star System with so-called progressives plugged in for the usual emptyheaded distraction merchants. Amy is the pseudo-prog movement Jennifer Lopez. Could alternative journalism or pop music survive if either had to get 2 jobs each, pumping cappuccino and folding jeans at the Gap, just to pay the rent and be able to afford to write the occasional piece for a community paper or sing on a community station? Most of us need to work multiple jobs to pay for our vocations, whether it be journalism or the arts, and that is what secures our own independence! Amy and Bernard and the other Stars didn't speak out about the Star System when they were still in the Galaxy. Why should their shows be guaranteed if others could do better? How do others get a chance? Because of the clinging to airtime Pacifica's senior public affairs broadcasters have never become mentors to a younger generation that then brought new blood to the airwaves, but rather connived at every turn to thwart other younger progressive journalists who were seen as rivals or threats to their status in this alternative community. Good thing too, or instead of reaching a national audience with her books, Laurie Garrett would still be the Michio Kaku or Gary Null of Pacifica's airwaves, reassuring the radicals that they alone possess the special rigorous analysis and received wisdom to be considered truly progressive!*

To imagine at this late date that some fired and banned in NYC don't want Amy back on the air until she brings them along and the other 4 stations be damned, says that some of these people are still operating in their own self interest and not in the interest of the network or the listeners (the who?).

That is not the leadership for me.

*nor for me.*

*comments above from me, Mitch.
One last comment *Keep on doing Patty...but don't burn out. We don't need to be the amateurs who assure Amy, Larry, Bernard, Juan, Utrice, Robert Knight, Clayton, Dennis B. etc of their "Professional" status. Paid and unpaid staff work for our pleasure, not the other way around! The programmers never build community radio, the listeners do! Keep Pacifica amateur! And see the latecoming movement hijackers like Mimi Rosenberg and Bob Lederer for just what they are, underachieving wannabe's who steal the creative impetus and harness the work of those with low self-esteem to their own selfish purposes. Mimi and former Lynn Chadwick and MFB spokesperson Elan Fabri are two sides of the same coin, and neither should be currency in community radio. Eileen Sutton I'm not so sure about either, but I'll gladly learn from others who have some experience with her grassroots actions. Screw the ideological purity, show me someone who knows how to retain curiosity and desire to learn cuz they will always be more valuable than the know-it-alls and policers of politically correct thought. I'll take a curious social conservative over an ambitious and rhetoric of certitude spoutin' radical any day of the week.......now matter how many body piercings the latter may be flashing!


Some replies from the newPacifica email group at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NewPacifica:

From:  John Sheridan 
Date:  Sat Nov 24, 2001  2:08 am
Subject:  Re: [NewPacifica] What is to be done if Pacifica is serious

Thank you, Patty.  Thanks for being a conscience when many others are out 
to feather their own nest.  The rewriting of history is rampant and 
cynical.  The return of the banned and fired is important, but as you note, 
and I guess this is still news to some of us WE ARE A NETWORK, AND WE HAVE 
I appreciate your being a pain in the ass, and you are respected out here 
in KPFA land, if not in some other places.  Please remain so.  You 
represent a lot of grassroots empowerment which a lot of people have only 
contempt for.  But they will lose.  Your vision will win, as difficult as 
it is to accommodate the wishes of the many for the insider voices of the 
few.  It continues to be an extremely difficult, painful battle.  I hope 
you hang in there.  Remove the gag rules, democratize the LABs (that must 
be a pill for some to swallow!), and don't treat the listeners or the 
listener-subscribers as cashcow racists to be milked at regular 
intervals.  Keep fighting for a much less top-down Pacifica.

-- John


From:  David Combs 
Date:  Sat Nov 24, 2001  3:03 am
Subject:  Re: [NewPacifica] What is to be done if Pacifica is serious

Some questions:

 who made this "agreement" (down in dc)>


 what would *we* gain from it?

 what would *we* lose from it?


 what would *they* gain from it?

 what would *they* lose from it?


 is it not true that what's good for them is bad for us?

   (given that they want to stay in control -- and that looks
     pretty likely, given how hard they are fighting!)

   (wonder what's "in it" for them?   Hmmmm.  Any ideas?)


Does the expression "as easy as taking candy from a baby"
  relate at all to the fight against the pnb?

Seems to me that if *they* suggest some "compromise" --
  or actually *anything* -- then we are real FOOLS if
  we even *consider* agreeing to it -- if we don't simply
  REJECT it, regardless of what it says.

These guys are just too damn smart, too damn experienced
  in screwing people in negotiations.

I'm actually horrified that we're (well, at least the
  plaintiffs) even considering this thing from the dc-weekend.

Seems to me that the only people who can defeat us is ourselves,
  and we're rushing headlong into losing pacifica forever.

Does no one recall that when the pnb decided to make itself
  "self selecting", that some of "OUR" pnb-members VOTED
  FOR IT!!!!!



From:  siddharta5@y...
Date:  Sat Nov 24, 2001  11:46 am
Subject:  Re: What is to be done if Pacifica is serious

My comments below:
--- In NewPacifica@y..., Patty  wrote:
> As a longtime pain in the ass of the producers here in NYC to get 
them to break the gag rule or to tell the listeners ANYTHING or to 
face the truth that silence and avoidance would backfire, i will 
continue to speak my mind.

Reply:  we would not expect anything less
> Below is one story to give the picture of what is ahead and why no 
one is perfect and we listeners have to push our favorite hosts to do 
the right thing.
> Several times over the years since 1996 we would give staffers 
information about the struggle. We protested outside events where amy, 
Samori, Bernard, Valerie Van Isler and others would speak. Every 
program got a flier in thier mail box for the teach-ins which were 
held annually. Few cared and some even hindered the word getting out. 
Meanwhile recordbreaking fundraisers were held, something almost 
everyone was proud of, except me because taxation without 
representation (or even information) turns my stomach.
Reply:  a voluntary donation can hardly be described as a tax

> At a War Resistors League demo in Washington Square park around the 
Balkan war in April of 1999 I asked Amy to say something about 
Pacifica. If I remember correctly she had just refused an award by 
some press org. because of their politics.
> Anyhow, the Pacifica by laws had just changed for the worse and I 
asked Amy to speak to the crowd to tell them what was going on. She 
said to me "The people don't want to hear that, they are tired and 
want to go home." 
It was about 4:30PM.
> After that I quit asking anything of her for a long time. I was 
indeed saddened that once again the people that deserve the 
information were not informed.
Reply:  I was not there but I'll venture on a flexible limb:  It is 
not easy to prioritize your fight.  Amy and the others were within 
Pacifica and, I assume, made the bet that WBAI would not be attacked 
if it continued to raise money since that was what, apparently, was 
the issue.  In many situations, there is a compromise.  Palestinians 
go to work every day for Israeli companies.  That does not make them 
zionists.  One does not rise so easily against a network and keep 
working.  The risk of doing or not doing may have been a 
miscalculation but the same can be said of the KPFA people not walking 
out when KPFT was purged etc...etc...  
By the way, Patty, if you knew so much, why is it that the listeners 
never heard of it?  That makes you pretty ineffective, don't you 
think?  Also, your alliance with a guy like Jim Dingeman, a notable 
arrivist and mole for Pacifica did not endear you to people like Amy, 
I'm afraid.  Just stating that you have a position, even if that is 
accurate and the "right" position does not give you a strategy.  
Graveyards are full of people who were right.

> The takedown of KPFA in 1999 went unmentioned by the daytime 
programmers except for the local news or a call in or a little mention 
here or there.
> There was no gag rule after Samori died that spring and the takedown 
of KPFA was considered news. Still silence.
Reply:  I am going to say something scandalous:  before the coup, most 
people in the WBAI signal did not know what KPFA was nor did they care 
much.  That's reality.  Does that make the listeners stupid?  no.  It 
took a crisis to focus on the old network, so, in retrospect, the 
hijacking of Pacifica was a plus.  Before 1997, there was little 
threat to Pacifica.  It is the Clinton's theft of the Communications 
Act which created a greed for band width while minimum public airwaves 
had heretofore had been protected by law.

> Amy Goodman's total silence up until October of 2000 leads me to 
believe that she has been saving up all her energy to save Pacifica 

Reply:  No, Amy does not save energy.  She is a hypocondriac and a 
hypertense lady, as I understand.  Her health is said to be fragile.
Like I say, there are many issues in this world.  Fighting the medias 
over their silence in East Timor, the Middle East, Iraq, Columbia, 
Nigeria, Yougoslavia etc... is more important.  Demanding that Amy 
also did other things that you, as a listener, should do is not 
reasonable.  Yes, the back door was open and the thieves came in.  You 
should probably ask yourself how in heaven you could not find a way to 
alert the listenership before, if you knew so much.  October 2000 is 
good enough.  It is before the coup.  No one expected treason from 
Leid and her goons, not even you.  The listeners would have not budged 
if Amy had been removed.  There was no movement.  They would have 
lamented and then gone on with their lives.  The situation is 
different now.  The "I told you so" give you credence and perspective 
but not credibility for what you and your friends, and others too, 
were able to do to prevent the coup.  Pacificans do not generally arm 
> Amy's calling for the return the fired and the banned will not save
> Pacifica. The return of the fired and the banned will not save 

Reply:  What the F&B stand for is within the Pacifica  mission 

 The Fired and banned say they are the answer. They are not. This is 
not a club where you try and get your people back in the door. Saving 
the network and free speech are more important in my opinion - that 
means all five stations need help all together and need to work 

Reply: The do not say they are the answer.  They say they were fired 
because what they say does not bring a growing audience.  That's free 
speech, period.  Each station is part of the network but they have 
their own culture and community interests.
> The answer is very simple to me. The gag rule cannot exist. For 
starters, Amy should return to the airwaves. She should broadcast off 
site for safety until the management changes. She should have a report 
each and every day about Pacifica, free speech, the mission, our 
rights and how access to Pacifica is so necessary to have this 
DIALOGUE. It is one of the most interesting topics at this time, isn't 

Reply:  It does not look like Amy gets easily convinced by your 
arguments.  I, for one, stand by the F&B, who were dismissed illegally 
in violation of their rights.  Getting them back is principled.
> There are numerous notable and local people who have much to say on 
the subject and I am certain would be glad to help return Pacifica to 
its mission, Chomsky, Zinn, McChesney, Scooter, The CdP in Berkeley, 
what is up with the elections there, etc. There can be updates and 
commentary and What You Can Do to move the network along. The topic is 
endless and again interesting.

Reply:  Some education on Pacifica and its history is needed.  Most 
people don't care much.  What is interesting to you may not be to 
others.  I prefer town hall meetings, but don't expect huge crowds.
> This could jump start the network and the listeners to focus on what 
has been missing and will hopefully send the Anti mission people 
packing. It could counteract what will surely be coming over the 
airwaves while those people and programs breathe their last breath.
Reply:  Some people think Null and DeMele should go.  There are 
reasons to keep them here for now. Don't ask ALL the listeners, you 
will get one million answers.  Some folks will tell you that removing 
Caldwell and the other Utricians is racist since some of them, at 
least, had the right political views, only the wrong allegiance.  This 
programming thing is a knot of vipers.  The LAB is the right place to 
start with discussing programming.  You will never satisfy everyone.
> There should be built in immediately evaluation of programs and 
programming every few years and training and such. Kellia Ramares in 
her commentary (pasted below) says a lot of where the participation 
and excitement could be multiplied by the other media institutions 
that have cropped up. Then we could have more Democracy Now!'s.
Reply:  It's tough to duplicate Amy.  WBIX's Eroll is on the right 
track when he says young people need to be taught journalism and 
broadcasting.  Indy-Media is a good connection for Pacifica.

> Meanwhile the management might need to be replaced by people perhaps 
from community radio elsewhere that understand the mission of 
Pacifica. They could start evaluating the shows for their adherence to 
the mission and to community needs. Some fired and banned might come 
back at ALL five stations, some might not. Most programmers were 
silent throughout the network during the purges at KPFT, KPFK, KPFA 
and most egregiously during the takedown in 1999 of KPFA.
Reply: it takes one to know one?  The mission needs to be discussed.  

> To imagine at this late date that some fired and banned in NYC don't 
want Amy back on the air until she brings them along and the other 4 
stations be damned, says that some of these people are still operating 
in their own self interest and not in the interest of the network or 
the listeners (the who?).
Reply:  They operate in our interest:  the return of the F&B is part 
of OUR demands.  I am a listener and most listeners out there want 
them back.

> That is not the leadership for me.

Reply:  Leadership, perhaps not, but good programming, certainly.  
Don't fault them for that.  Lederer, Rosenberg, Lewis, Knight and even 
White are darned good journalists and hosts.  They would be hard to 
replace.  Before you propose such a move, let's see whom you have in 
mind.  Not Dingeman, we hope.
> It is time that everyone start looking on how to save Pacifica 
instead of their and their friends' asses. Let us know so we know 
where to start protesting and what to put on the signs.
Reply:  The problem here is that what the F&B stand for is what the 
Pacifica mission represents.  Asking that they be not allowed back, as 
you seem to imply, makes listeners like me suspicious that you may 
have ulterior motives.  "Save Pacifica" is a slogan, not a plan.  If 
you have better ideas, spell them out, please to revert to simplistic 
catchy phrases.  As you have seen in DC, most of the Pacificans do 
have a brain.


From:  Susan Klein 
Date:  Sat Nov 24, 2001  12:24 pm
Subject:  Re: [NewPacifica] Re: What is to be done if Pacifica is serious

Everybody needs to chill out.  I still don't know
why we're all so obsessed with Amy Goodman
anyway.  Not to defend or detract, but Amy did do
two interviews with Lynn Chadwick, former
Pacifica Executive Director, on Democracy Now one
aired in April 1999 where Lynn said there was no
more free speech at Pacifica and one in July 1999
the day after the KPFA takeover.  Neither
interview aired on all Pacifica stations. 
Although both were broadcast on WBAI.  Yes, we
all need to know Amy Goodman's future career
plans.  So, we can all focus on other things like
bringing democracy to Pacifica.  BTW, didn't Amy
grow up in suburban Long Island?

Susan "NO I"M NO AMY GOODMAN, I"M ME. Besides I
grew up in suburban New Jersey and am now living
in rural redneck territory." Klein

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