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DAILY REPORTS and Documents | iPNB Houston meeting info
Notes on iPNB meeting in Houston

An Overview by Jim Curtis:

A balanced decent into deadlock with a couple of high points and a pure air pocket drop.

The motions on the bylaws spiraled out of control [and] on many occasions having to be repeated because of the inattention of some of the board members and/or their ignorance of the concepts being presented.

A new first for the board was a chance for each member to address the others about what they thought was important in their work on the bylaws revisions.

Although the board had previously voted at its last meeting to only consider election models with one or two classes of members, the boards time was taken up again and again with two more variations of a model which has multiple classes.

This very vocal group which do not represent the bylaws committee or necessarily the listener members from its station, also wanted to add more specific political and philosophical language to the principles in the blaws.

If I may say so, I think the error Pacifica drifted into those ten years before we started to take it back, was from having groups within Pacifica trying to unify it politicaly.

It appears that only one of the board members understands proportional representation voting.

No one voted to second Carol Spooner's initial motion to support the existing KPFA election model.

So while no one is saying that self-determination can't be democratic; almost no one understands that it is still more democratic and self-determining to use proportional representation voting!

The board did vote to have a uniform election model, whatever that now means.

The new high point for me, was hearing David Fertig say that the ends never justify the means in reference to the "Pacifica Campaign".

The new low, was hearing James Ferguston using foul four letter language at [KPFT] LAB member Staci Davis on live radio broadcast.

While she had only admonished him for wasting our time through his inattention; his unrepentant insult endangers Pacifica's license.

He needs to be removed [from] the Pacifica's Director's Board for this dereliction of duty.

It would have been better had he stayed home, than to have revealed this side of his character at our meeting.

Even if he is replaced by someone who might be less informed about the bylaws than he, it still would have been better.

Jim Curtis, KPFA Elections Committee

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