KPFA: 2 proposed resolutions for the Pacifica National Board 5-18-02 |
Motion that the KPFA Station Board is requesting be adopted by the Pacifica interim National Board. 5/18/02 The Pacifica Radio Foundation strongly endorses the creation in the United States of a legal, low power, FM Community radio service. Pacifica pledges its support to this goal and commends all those who have been struggling for years to make it a reality. Pacifica also applauds the energetic proliferation of grassroots-based Independent Media Centers that, using the new and affordable media technologies of the internet, have spread all over the world. The I.M.C.'s have grown out of the international Anti-Globalization Movement as a progressive response to censorship of important information by corporate broadcasters and the increased consolidation of the ownership of all media. The Pacifica Foundation encourages a robust collaboration of its member stations and all its affiliates with the Indy Media Centers. Pacifica recognizes that the Micro Power Radio and the Indy Media movements are part of a larger Media Democracy Movement that also encompasses the resistance by community stations around the nation to the Healthy Station Project as well as the struggle to save Pacifica itself. Pacifica wholeheartedly acknowledges that this emerging movement is a continuation of the spirit and the vision that began when Pacifica started KPFA as the first listener sponsored, independent, community radio station in the world in 1949. The need being as great as ever for all people to have access to media that is free from corporate or government control, Pacifica pledges it's strong support to the expansion of independent, free speech, community-based media and broadcasting. ------- Motion on mandated emergency settlement-related programming adopted by KPFA Station Board, 5/18/02. The KPFA Station Board strongly urges that the interim Pacifica National Board and/or the interim Executive Director issue a mandate to all Pacifica Station Managers to facilitate the creation of and the airing of, as soon as possible, special emergency settlement-related programming. This should be done with the assistance and support of the Stations' Local Boards. There should be not less than 4 hours primetime and 2 off-prime hours a month of such programming aired on each of the stations during the settlement period. And, most importantly, this special programming should be heavily promoted on-air beforehand to garner the largest possible audience of interested listeners. The purpose of this programming is to inform and educate the subscribers about the changes taking place at Pacifica, the history and issues involved, and the subscribers' newly emerging role as voters. This programming is crucial if the subscribers are to take part in a meaningful way in the upcoming local board elections and the current process of rewriting the foundation's bylaws. To date, there has been an insufficient amount of such programming broadcast on Pacifica's stations. This programming mandate is needed to overcome inertia and any resistance to such programming at the local level and because time is slipping by while the deadlines for Local Board elections and the seating of a new National Board are rapidly approaching. For these reasons this programming initiative must be started quickly without any further delay. At the end of the settlement period the need to continue this special programming and the best ways to use the airwaves to inform about and involve the subscribers in the governance of Pacifica should be evaluated. There were also a measure adopted by the Local Board regarding the need for an accounting of it's financial relationship with Pacifica and the other Pacifica Stations, specifically documenting moneys raised by KPFA which were taken by or loaned to Pacifica or the other stations and need to be documented and eventually, repaid. Another measure was regarding the need for KPFA mgmt. to notify the Station Board before transferring funds outside the station or making any hires. This is so the current advisory board can give it's advise regarding these actions. The 2 above paragraphs are an approximation of these measures. The specific language of these latter 2 motions will be published ASAP. |
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