Notice of special iPNB meeting 6-7-03 |
MEMO TO: Members of the IPNB Station Managers LAB Chairs Executive Director and National Staff FROM: Leslie Cagan, chair of IPNB RE: SPECIAL MEETING OF THE IPNB In response to Jabari's memo (June 5), I am convening a special meeting of the Interim Pacifica National Board for this coming Monday, June 9th. I know that this is very short notice, but given the need to make a decision about whether or not to postpone our full meeting scheduled for June 20, 21 and 22 I hope everyone will be able to adjust their schedules.
WHAT: Special Meeting of the IPNB via conference call
I have asked Derek Brown in the national office to set up the call and let everyone know the phone number and access code as quickly as possible.This meeting needs to be webcast and I will try to set that up sometime today so we will be able to get the word out publicly right away. This should not be a long meeting/conference call. There will be one item on the agenda: should we postpone our upcoming full meeting and if so when should it be held? Please feel free to let others know that this special meeting is happening and that given strong sentiment on the board for postponing our next meeting that this might very well happen. Finally, all of the members of the Interim Pacifica National Board must respond to this message as quickly as possible. I need to know if you are going to participate in the conference call/meeting this coming Monday. Thank you. Leslie |
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