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interim Pacifica National Board conference call regarding Pacifica elections issues

Brief rough notes (edited version of notes posted on web). Minutes published here when available.

Directors Present:
Leslie Cagan [WBAI], Acie Byrd [WPFW], Teresa Allen [KPFT], Ray LaForest [WBAI], Lydia Brazon [KPFK], Dave Fertig [KPFK], Rob Robinson [WPFW] [... others ?]
Also Pacifica Executive Director Dan Coughlin, and National Elections Supervisor Terry Bouricius

MOTION passed to have a non candidate iPNB director at each station to convene the delegates meeting at each station after the election. iPNB chair Cagan is to coordinate.

Discussion as whether or not to dictate that the new Local Station Boards elect their officers before they elect their 4 representatives to the Pacifica National Board (Pacifica board of directors). No decision made.

Discussion over concerns by some that a quorum of voting members (10%) may not return ballots in the Local Station Board Elections.

Lydia Brazon recommends that the bylaws be ignored and the 2 week extension period be continued indefinitely until a quorum is reached.

Ray LaForest proposes ignoring the bylaws by just one additional extension after the first one, but he recognizes that even more extensions might be necessary.

Leslie Cagan has put in a request to Pacifica lawyer for his opinion. Further action on the quorum issue will wait pending the lawyers' response.

Discussion regarding affiliate representation: Theresa Allen [KPFT] reports that only contracted affiliates can nominate for the two Pacifica National Board affiliate seats and that many affiliates haven't signed contracts. All affiliates have been notified.

Dan Coughlin [Executive Director] leaves the meeting.

Acie Byrd asks abut the WPFW candidate issue of people being kept off the ballots but able to run as write-in. Acie wants them to get announcements out that the people are write-in candidates. Apparently WPFW won't give out the staff list to the election supervisors and won't give out the staff membership list to the staff members. (Refusing to give the staff-member list to other staff- members or even to listener-members would be illegal.)

Byrd makes motion to ask executive director to accept National Elections Supervisor Terry Bouricius's recommendation to implement staff-member access. The motion passes and Cagan will contact Coughlin.

Byrd raises the issue of "private mailing" and asks for a report from the national elections supervisor on the issue. Chair Cagan rules it out of order [not on the pre-announced agenda of the iPNB special meeting as is required]. Cagan says the iPNB has to stay out of the elections process and this issue is within the elections supervisors purview. Cagan then asks Bouricius if there is anything he wants to report. Bouricius states the law and that the alternative means of communication by providing the mailing list to the mailing house was followed.

LaForest makes a motion regarding the problems with Pacifica listeners not receiving ballots and the fairness of the election. Supports this board recommending to the next board to take up access to mailing list and ballots. No second. Motion is out of order [?].

Elections Supervisor Terry Bouricius reports that there have been over 1000 complaints about ballots, that the mailing lists are in very bad shape. He had assumed the post office return notices would have been reincorporated into the mailing lists. Also the weight of the ballots may have been a problem. Dave Fertig says a postal carrier can hold mail up to a week. Bouricius says they are replacing ballots that were not correctly mailed which is about 500. Bouricius says they don't have a provision to deal with replacing ballots that were correctly mailed because they don't have the ability to tell whether a person is voting twice. More discussion of ballot mailing logistics...

Brazon says that KPFK is inundated with calls regarding ballots. She asks if the iPNB can ask Dan to assign personnel to help the elections supervisor in sending out the late complaints. Bouricius says reports that it's to late for this, there are too many mechanisms to deal with. He will talk to Dan without a board resolution.

Byrd asks about write-in memo from Bouricius, does it apply to the whole network? Bouricius says that all the station elections may have write-ins. This is his ruling interpreting the Pacifica bylaws and Roberts' Rules of Order.

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