Hi folks,
Over the past few months, some major changes have happened over at Pacifica.org - and the next few months will be even better (please read below)!! After beginning a complete re-haul of the old site (see http://www.pacifica.org/documents/pdf/WebReportOct2002.pdf), we are now introducing a whole new way for you to participate in the life and message of our website, Pacifica.org!
the Pacifica Lounge - Now Open For Listeners!
As of today, November 23, the Pacifica Lounge, and the Radio Station Rooms are open for you to visit! (see http://Pacifica.org/forums/) "The Pacifica Lounge" is a nice big, comfortable space, that is perfect for our national dialogues. Also, each station (including the affiliates) has it's own room for listeners to meet. Stop in, read the posts and post your own messages!
the Rooms Are Empty And Ready To Be Used!
To post, please visit http://pacifica.org/forums/profile.php?mode=register and create your account (select a username, and provide an email address; you will automatically receive a confirmation email with a link back to the forums area, this will allow you to post messages). Everyone can read all the messages posted (aka "posts").
Listen to this weekend's iPNB meeting at KPFTx.org (http://www.kpftx.org/specialevents.htm), then visit the Pacifica Lounge to discuss what's going on (http://Pacifica.org/forums/)!
Coming Soon! Pacifica's Own Secure Web-Based E-mail Service!
Pacifica soon will be offering a web-based email system (like hotmail or yahoo mail), that is entirely SSL encrypted! You will also be able to use this email account with your favorite email software (like Eudora, or Outlook Express). Most importantly, Pacifica will own and maintain the mail servers for your security and confidentiality (most email services cannot claim this - especially in this political climate).
Some specifications are available. If you are interested, email me at web@pacifica.org with your feedback, questions, or requests (please note I cannot reply to all emails sent - sorry).
Introducing An Online Program Guide
The page at Pacifica.org for programming is being renovated, to include written summaries of all of Pacifica's programs and guests. To make it useful for you there will be a search engine to help dig through the information. There will also be a place for you to request our new email newsletter with program updates of shows and stations of your choice!
When We Can Afford It...
Pacifica.org will be archiving .mp3s of all of Pacifica's programs, from all of the five stations. This new Pacifica.org will allow us to bring Pacifica's programming to the whole world like never before!
Again the message rooms are available now (http://Pacifica.org/forums/)! Many of the features mentioned above will be available by March 2003. Thank you for all the feedback (keep it coming), patience and interest!
In solidarity,
Pete Korakis
Pacifica.org web worker
web@pacifica.org |