Support the Lawsuits!!! HELP PAY OUR FINAL LEGAL BILLS |
None of the $400,000 financial settlement money will go to pay the legal bills it took for us to recover that money for Pacifica. The listeners' lawsuit has about $100,000 in final expenses -- including huge amounts of our lawyers' time in November & December spent in negotiations, as well as sending our lawyer to Houston for 4 days of depositions, and massive amounts of lawyers, paralegals, and secretarial time spent in intensive preparation of the case for trial. Without that work, we could not have kept the pressure on them that finally brought them back to the negotiating table to settle the lawsuits with the transfer control of Pacifica. We have approximately $40,000 in the bank -- so we need to raise another $60,000 to "pay the freight" it took to get us this far.
Please consider making a tax deductible donation before the end of
year. Gifts to the Marin Health Fund/Public Media Initiative (MHF/PMI)
tax deductible -- you can do this on-line at
If you do not need the tax deduction, you can make non-tax deductible gifts to the Committee to Remove the Pacifica Board, and mail them to 1136 Wild Rose Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 95401, or you can give to the Committee on-line at www.paypal.com (you need to give them our email address: wildrose@pon.net) Thank you everyone so much for your support these past 2-/12 years. We couldn't have done it without you! With the Winter Solstice the light returns.
Carol Spooner
Gifts to the additional cross complaint lawsuit
by the dissident National Board members go to:
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