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PNB Resolutions From D.C. Meeting
October 1-3, 2004

Resolutions from PNB meeting October 1-3, 2004
in Rockville MD (D.C. area)

The text of these resolutions compiled by the PNB secretary is subject to approval of the PNB.

Roger Manning
PNB Secretary


1. MOTION by Spooner to approve all minutes included in board packet supplied for this meeting: 4/28/04, 4/28/04 executive session, 5/26/04, 6/4-6/04, 6/6/04 executive session, 6/22&7/2/04, 7/16/04, 7/26/04, 8-/23/04.
PASSES without objection

2. MOTION by Adelson as amended: that the PNB authorize one day of fundraising on all 5 stations to raise revenue to fund Radio for Peace International's (RFPI) return to the air, in exchange for which we will contract with RFPI for RFPI to broadcast a Pacifica stream via shortwave radio. A contract with RFPI will be established before conducting the national day of fundraising.
PASSES 16 yes

3. MOTION by Shields that the PNB choose the budget without central services ( 3%) and that in 6 months the Archive conduct a real cost analysis of the whole Archive budget.
PASSES 14 yes,

4. MOTION: Next highest vote getter in original committee election, Adelson, elected by proclamation to fill vacant seat on the FSRN contract negotiating of the PNB.

5. MOTION by Shields that the ballot mailing be delayed until the candidate statements are ready to be mailed with the ballots
PASSES 14 yes, 1 no, 2 abstain

6. MOTION to amend by substitution by Walker as amended: that the Pacifica National office will cause an ADA compliance audit of Pacifica facilities: a. establish a list of short-term projects that can be completed within the current capital budget; b. establish a list of long-term projects that can be completed in conjunction with raising long term capital funding; c. that timelines will be created for each of these to be approved by the PNB.
PASSES 17 yes

7. MOTION by Roberts: whereas the PNB recognizes both the concerns of the WBAI LSB and the management and whereas the PNB needs to adopt a FY05 budget for Pacifica, the PNB hereby chooses to approve the WBAI Budget Proposal #3, and directs the National Finance Committee to revisit said budget by November 15, 2004; and further endorses the National Finance Committee requirement that the WBAI LSB, Management, the Executive Director, and the Chief Financial Officer work to improve the WBAI fundraising performance and premium fulfillment.
PASSES 14 yes, 2 no, 2 abstain

[WBAI Budget Proposal #3 includes $171k in cuts from WBAI management original proposed budget, but no cuts in labor]

8. MOTION to amend by substitution by Walker as amended: that the Pacifica National Office does not initiate a hiring process for the National Program Director until the Programming Committee has developed policy on national programming and a resolution is brought forth for approval by the Pacifica Nation Board at the March 2005 meeting.
PASSES 18 yes, 1 abstention

9. MOTION by Lane as amended: that the provisions in the Pacifica bylaws, Article 5, Section 7, and Article 7, Section 9 whereby a member ceases to be a member after missing 3 consecutive meetings be applied to committees of the PNB, such that any committee member who misses 3 consecutive committee meetings shall no longer be a member of the committee, and that the chair of the committee shall notify the chair of the PNB and the respective LSB of any pending suspension from the committee.
PASSES without Objection

10. MOTION by Lane as amended: that the PNB schedule a bylaws convention in the Fall of 2005 after September 30th and prior to March 30 , 2006, and that notices commence six months beforehand PASSES without objection

11. MOTION by Roberts as amended: that the Pacifica National Board hereby approve the FY05 budget with the following adjustments: establishing a line item for board training of $25k; increasing to full funding of legal expenses at $311k; that the PNB revisit the implications of negotiations re: national programming and the WBAI budget by 12/3/04; and with an accommodation for an ADA audit at the five stations, Pacifica Radio Archives and National office.
PASSES 18 yes

12. MOTION by Spooner that 3rd Governance committee resolution presented during the Saturday session be sent back to the Governance committee
PASSES without objection
[MOTION by Lane that in order to resolve issues expeditiously, each LSB shall form a standing Grievance and Ethics committee of not less than 5 members to hear any dispute relevant to LSB members and policy concerns and that the PNB establish a standing Grievance and Ethics committee of no less than 5 members to handle any ethics or grievance issues on the PNB level and to hear appeals of decisions from LSB Grievance and Ethics committees. These committees would only meet when necessary.]

13. MOTION by Schroell that the PNB authorize the current FSRN working group to also work on the RFPI agreement negotiation in a similar manner.
PASSES without objection

14. MOTION by Roberts to refer Oluguson motion to governance committee Motion to refer
PASSES without objection
[MOTION by Oluguson upon removal or resignation of any LSB member, all current members and replacement delegates who ranked lower that he/she shall be advanced in accordance to election ranking to fill that void. This seat inheritance process shall be retroactive.]

15. MOTION by Manning to refer the Lane motion to the national finance committee and LSB finance committees for comments.
PASSES without objection
[MOTION by Lane: because of the responsibility of the Pacifica Board to leverage contributions of our listeners, the CFO is hereby instructed to investigate, and report to Pacifica's Finance Committee, the terms and conditions that would attach to a loan of (1) $25 million dollars and/or (2) $50 million.]

16. MOTION by Warren as amended: that the PNB highly encourage the five sister stations of Pacifica and it's affiliates to ensure fair and thorough coverage of all ballot accessed candidates, leaving the judgement to the program director to implement this.
PASSES 13 yes, 1 no

17. MOTION by Adelson to divide the Olusagun motion
PASSES without objection
[MOTION by Olusagun that: because inclusion and diversity are the first mention in the Pacifica Mission statement and an essential element in operating the C.O.I. process, and because it is a cultural bias to respect the work before us, specifically the work of the anti-racism group of the Pacifica Now conference of June 19, 2002, moves that the report of the anti-racism group of the Pacifica Now conference of June 21, 2002 be supported and that the PNB reaffirm the vote taken by the interim Pacifica National Board in September of 2003 in NYC and establish the Race and Nationality Committee as part of the C.O.I.]

MOTION by Adelson that PNB reaffirm of the policy of the iPNB on Race and Nationality
PASSES 17 yes

MOTION by Adelson to approve the 2nd part of Olusagun motion that establishes the Race and Nationality Committee as part of the Committees of Inclusion (C.O.I.)
PASSES 16 yes

18. MOTION by Walker as amended: to postpone the Race and Nationality discussion until when the PNB would hold a "Day of Diversity" to coincide with the Pacifica Annual Meeting in January 2005; that the C.O.I conduct planning for that day; and that the Race and Nationality issue be brought back to the full PNB within one month from the date of this PNB meeting so as to address the issue prior to the retiring of this PNB term.
PASSES 17 yes

19. MOTION by Roberts as amended: that the PNB authorize the five LSB chairs to attend the January 2005 PNB meeting at Pacifica's expense and that the ED, CFO, and 5 GMs be part of the retreat held at the January meeting.
PASSES 18 yes

20. Date of next of Pacifica National Board regular meeting: Chair informs board to set aside Thursday January 13th noon to end of Monday Jan 17, 2005
No objection

21. MOTION by Walker amended: that KPFK work with the Pacifica C.O.I to create a host committee to plan for the participation of the Pacifica Foundation board and staff members in the Martin Luther King Parade in Los Angeles on January 17, 2005.

22. Chair confirms next special PNB meeting:
Next PNB Special meeting (via teleconference) Monday October 25, 5:00pm Pacific time

23. MOTION by Adelson regarding unbudgeted interunit transfers: Whereas the PNB passed a resolution at its Aug. 28, 2004 teleconference meeting requesting that the National Finance Committee develop a policy for unbudgeted inter unit transfers to be brought before the PNB for approval at the October 2004 PNB meeting,
And, Whereas due to its recent workload the National Finance Committee has been unable to address this policy to date, Therefore, Resolved:
1) that the PNB reaffirm its request to the NFC to develop such a policy on unbudgeted interunit transfers as soon as it is able, to be brought before the PNB for approval, and
2) that in the interim period prior to adoption of such a policy, the Executive Director shall notify the PNB of any contemplated unbudgeted inter-unit transfers, and shall inform the PNB of the reason for the transfer and the status of the transfer, e.g.. whether it will be loan or not, prior to its execution.
PASSES 13 yes

24. MOTION by Adelson regarding the fcc and micropower broadcasting: Whereas, the Federal Communications Commission has in recent weeks renewed attacks on micropower broadcasters similar to the attacks that occurred in the late 1990's, which in turn led to the mass movement that ultimately impelled the FCC to create a new class of micropower licensing,
and, Whereas, the resulting licensing rules were deeply flawed and in many ways hostile to access to unused FM bandwidth by low-power broadcasters,
and Whereas, the Pacifica Foundation is an historic advocate of free speech in broadcast media,

Therefore, Resolved:
That the PNB calls on the Pacifica Foundation, local affiliates, and other public radio networks to:
a. Condemn the recent FCC attacks on and shut down of KFAR, First Amendment Radio in Knoxville, TN, and FRSC, Free Radio Santa Cruz, in Santa Cruz, CA.
b. Demand that the FCC cease the attack and shut down of micro-power broadcasters without due process c. Support the return to the air of KFAR and FRSC, and
d. Support the expansion of all means for democratic communication and participation in broadcast media, including micropower FM broadcasting.
Be it further resolved:
That the Pacifica Foundation and its local affiliates organize discussions, on-air forums, and join with free speech and civic media activists, with the goal of fostering a better understanding of the issues affecting democratic communication through broadcast media, including low-power FM broadcasting. The Executive Director is duly instructed to formulate and distribute an editorial statement reflecting this resolution to all General Managers for airing.
PASSES 14 yes, 4 abstain

25. MOTION by Shields that the PNB mandates the ED and the GM of WBAI immediately mail to the paid and unpaid staff the surveys of the management evaluation approved by the WBAI LSB, the mailing to be witnessed by several members of the WBAI LSB and the LSB chair.
PASSES 10 yes, 7 no

26. MOTION to amend Olusagun motion by Manning that the PNB acknowledges the great value of the D.C. Radio Co-op
PASSES 15 yes

MOTION by to amend the amendment by Adelson: and to refer the Olusagun motion to the WPFW LSB
PASSES 16 yes, 1 no
[MOTION by Olusagun that the PNB support and encourage the WPFW-MASC efforts to sign a memorandum of understating between WPFW and the D.C. Radio Co-op members so as to include said MOU in the reconstruction of the new News Division which is stated as being temporary and experimental until the end of the drive and national elections.]


Motions passed in executive session:

27. MOTION by Spooner that board refer to the Coordinating Committee further work and discussion in vetting a new attorneys for Pacifica
PASSES with out objection

28. MOTION by Spooner that Executive Review Committee report be entered into the record
PASSES without objection

29. MOTION by Roberts as amended: Pursuant to the bylaws and the recommendations of the Executive Review Committee and Dr. John Vogelsang, we hereby resolve to appoint a Special Personnel Committee consisting of one PNB member from each station selected via STV to form specific performance objectives and suggest terms and conditions for the Executive Director and report back to the PNB by 11-1-04, to be followed by recommendations general evaluation policies throughout Pacifica.
PASSES 8 yes, 6 no

Results of Special Personnel Committee election:
Shields for WBAI, Walker for KPFA, Roberts of WPFW, Schroell for KPFT, Kolhatkar - KPFK

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