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Notice of Pacifica National Board meeting

The meeting will be
Webcast on kpftx.org
[Meeting details below]

Posted By: Carol Spooner
Date: Wednesday, 18 February 2004, at 9:12 a.m.



Date: March 12-14, 2004
City: Berkeley, California

Location: To Be Announced [Meeting details below]

Twenty newly elected Directors representing the Five Pacifica Radio Stations -- KPFA, KPFK, KPFT, WBAI and WPFW -- will be seated at this meeting. Two additional Directors will be elected by the newly seated Directors from nominees submitted by Pacifica Affiliate stations, and the two Affiliate Representative Directors will be seated at this meeting.

Carol Spooner Secretary, Pacifica Foundation

MEETING DETAILS [more details coming]

Webcast on kpftx.org


King Middle School,1781 Rose Street, Berkeley CA. (near KPFA)


- Friday, March 12, 6pm - 9:30pm
- Saturday, March 13, 9am - 6pm
- Sunday, March 14, 9am - 1:15pm


Friday, March 12
5:00 pm - Workshop on Robert's Rules of Order and meeting guidlines
6:30 pm - Meeting convened by outgoing IPNB chair, Leslie Cagan
6:45 pm - Election of chair, pro tem
7:00 pm - Review of proposed agenda, adoption of agenda
7:30 pm - Election of affiliates representatives to the Pacifica National Board
8:00 pm - Brief introductions of new Pacifica National Board members (2 minutes per person)
9:00 pm - Public Comment, Part 1
9:30 pm - Adjourn for the evening

Saturday, March 13
9:00 am - Meeting reconvenes
9:05 am - Discussion of the roles of the board officers and board committees [coordinating, finance, audit, technology, programming, governance, management review, election review] [Election of board officers and establishing the committees will come later in the agenda. The point of this agenda item is to make sure everyone understands the different functions and responsibilities of the officers and the committees so they can be thinking about what committees they would like to serve on as the meeting unfolds.]
10:00 am - Report from Pacifica Executive Director, questions and answer period (20 minutes for presentation, 40 Q&A)
11:00 am - Finance Report
- overview from Chief Financial Officer
- explanation of the latest audit, by Ross Wisdom
- questions and discussion
12:30 pm - Lunch Break
1:30 pm - Public Comment, part 2
2:00 pm - Reports from the five station managers (30 minutes per station)
- questions and discussion
4:30 pm - short break
4:45 pm - Report from Affiliates Coordinator
- questions and discussion
5:30 pm - Report from Archives Director
- questions and discussion
6:00 pm - adjourn for the evening
6:30 pm - Reception at KPFA

Sunday, March 14th
9 am - Executive Session
- report on any outstanding legal matters and settlements of law suits, as well as any other contract issues
10:30 am - Public Comment, part 3
11:00 am - Election of board officers
12:00 pm - Establishment of board committees
1:00 pm - Review of board meeting schedule - dates/cities
1:15 pm - Meeting Adjourns



National board members are booked at the Doubletree Hotel at the Berkeley Marina from Friday, March 12, to Sunday, March 14. The Hotel has been booked full.


Berkeley meeting housing coordination

From: Gerlinde Busch
Subject: Housing for Pacifica National Board Meeting
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 09:55:51 -0800

Community Housing for Pacifica National Board Meeting
March 12-14 in Berkeley

Please distribute widely

If you can provide accommodations for people attending the PNB meeting or if you are looking for a place to stay, please, fill out the form below and email it to or call me at 510-654-4802.

Thank you,
Gerlinde Busch

Housing offers:

Address: Day and evening phone:
How many people can you accommodate?
Women, men or both?
Do you live near public transportation?
Do you have pets?
Is your place wheelchair accessible?
Other commments:


Housing needs:

Day and evening phone:
For how many people do you need accomodations?
Women, men or both?
Ariving in Berkeley:
Do you have any allergies to cats or other pets?
Do you need wheelchair access?
Other comments:

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