Policies and Procedures Adopted by the Pacifica National Board (PNB) March 12, 2004 - January 6, 2005 |
This is a digest of PNB adopted policies as excerpted from PNB minutes and is not a complete list of motions passed or business conducted. Full minutes for a meeting are accessible by clicking the "minutes" link on the page listing the info for that particular meeting. PNB meetings page: http://pacifica.org/about/pnb/meetings.php |
1) Regarding formation of the PNB Finance Committee (Article 8, Section 3E of the bylaws):
2) Resolutions forming ad-hoc committees (see minutes) |
3) Regarding establishing a procedure for information request by board members:
Adelson Proposal:
That any Director(s) in need of documents or information from Foundation Management personnel shall inform their local representative to the Coordinating Committee in writing via email. That three days prior to the biweekly Coordinating Committee meeting, each Coordinating Committee member will aggregate all requests received in the preceding two weeks from their local signal area Directors, and will post these to the entire PNB. The Chair of the Coordinating Committee shall assemble an agenda such that all items received are considered by the Coordinating Committee during its meeting, and shall post that agenda, along with all requests received, to the PNB at least 24 hours in advance of the Coordinating Committee meeting. All portions of the agenda that do not relate to confidential matters shall also be posted publicly at that time. In the event that some items involve confidential matters, the agenda shall include a portion that shall be held in closed session. The biweekly meeting of the Coordinating Committee shall be held via telephone conference call and in compliance with all meeting requirements regarding public access. During its biweekly meeting, the Coordinating Committee will determine a timeframe for response to each request, and will establish who will be responsible for responding to the request. In general, it is expected that requests of information to be provided by management personnel will be assigned to the Executive Director to delegate to other personnel as appropriate. In the event that the timeframe set by the Coordinating Committee for response to a request is unacceptable to the Director(s) making the request, the Director(s) may directly make the request of the Executive Director, specifying the timeframe in which the documentation is needed, and copying the PNB with the request via email. If the Executive Director believes that the information request falls within the narrowly restricted range of requests which may legally be denied, s/he must submit the request to the Foundation counsel to provide an opinion on whether the information request may legally be denied. Foundation counsel shall speak with the requesting director concerning the request prior to providing his/her opinion. If Foundation counsel indicates that the request may not be denied, the Executive Director shall make arrangements with the requesting Director(s) to provide access to the needed documentation, copying the PNB with these communications. If Foundation counsel indicates that grounds exist for denying the request, then any further consideration of whether to meet the request must come before the full PNB at a regular or special meeting of the Board. All decisions of the Coordinating Committee are subject to review and approval or reversal by the PNB. At each regular meeting of the PNB, the Coordinating Committee report shall include a listing of all requests considered, including the dates on which they were considered, the dates agreed to for fulfillment of requests, and the actual dates of fulfillment of requests. Upon adoption, this policy shall be communicated to all Directors, Delegates, management personnel, and staff. 2 - Proposed communication policy for Local Station Boards: Information requests from Local Station Boards shall be made to either local station management or to the Executive Director or CFO, as appropriate. These requests shall come via the LSB chair or the relevant LSB Committee or Subcommittee Chair, and shall be approved by the LSB or the relevant Committee or Subcommittee prior to being made. Such requests shall also be communicated to the local National Coordinating Committee representative in writing via email, to be included for informational purposes in the list of information requests made of management personnel. The list of such requests shall be reported during the biweekly Coordinating Committee conference call. In the event the information is not provided in a timely manner, or in the event of a difference of opinion between management and the LSB, Committee, or Subcommittee about the appropriateness of the request, the manager and/or the Chair of the LSB, Committee, or Sub-committee shall submit the request in writing via email to the local National Coordinating Committee representative. During its biweekly meeting, the Coordinating Committee will determine a timeframe for response to each request, and will establish who will be responsible for responding to the request. At each regular meeting of the PNB, the Coordinating Committee report shall include a listing of all requests considered, including the dates on which they were considered, the dates agreed to for fulfillment of requests, and the actual dates of fulfillment of requests. |
4) Regarding making PNB minutes available to the public in a more timely manner:
Teresa Allen moved: Be it Resolved that PNB Secretary shall listen to the tapes, circulate draft minutes to the PNB for 10 days for review, make corrections and list on www.pacifica.org as "Draft Subject to Final Approval". Passed unanimously. 5) Regarding counting ballots from committee elections: Adopted at the 5-18-04 PNB Coordinating Committee meeting via teleconference:
MOTIONS PASSED AT PNB MEETING IN HOUSTON JUNE 4 - 6, 2004 [resolutions 6 - 23 ]
6) Regarding scrivener's error in the Pacifica Bylaws:
"Meetings and actions of committees shall be governed by, and held and taken in accordance with, the provisions of Article 7 of these Bylaws with such changes in the context of those sections as are necessary to substitute the committee and its members for the Board and its members, except that the time of regular meetings of committees may be determined by resolution of the Board as well as the committee. "
And that published copies of the bylaws on the Pacifica websites and elsewhere be updated.
7) Right of Directors to inspect Foundation records:
In recognition of the absolute right of Directors to inspect Foundation records, as outlined in the by-laws, and with full acknowledgment of the fiduciary obligations of Directors to the Foundation, the Pacifica National Board hereby affirms the access privileges of Directors to all records, including, head-count, and salary information, upon request. Information marked confidential will be treated accordingly.
8) Right of Delegates to inspect local records:
9) Schwab share transfer authorization:
10) WBAI Bank of New York check signing authorization:
11) Regarding notices and distribution of materials:
12) Postponing consideration of Elections Review committee recommendations:
12 yes, 8 no MOTION by Spooner that the ED and CFO provide the board a cost analysis [of the Elections Review committee proposals] 5 days prior to the special meeting
13) Regarding approval of contracts:
2) That in the interim period prior to the development and approval of such a policy, the Executive Director, CFO or station General Manager, as relevant, shall inform the Board of Directors of 1) the intent to develop, establish or enter into new contracts, and 2) shall provide the Board with a copy of the contract to be established or entered into not less that 14 days prior to taking action on it. Where it is not possible to provide 14 days advance, the contract shall be provided to the Board as soon as possible, accompanied by an explanation of why 14 days advance notice was not possible. Note: this policy is not intended to apply to the signing of contracts with new contractors, (e.g. the hiring of new personnel) using standard contracts of long-standing use within the Foundation, or to contracts for incidental items. 3) The mechanism of informing the Board of Directors will be the standard practice via email and writing.
14) Regarding information request policy:
15) Developing a code of conduct:
16) Regarding composition of Board/Staff relations committee: 17) Editorial resolution on the situation in Haiti:
Resolution on Haiti with Allen amendment:
Therefore, be it resolved:
Be it further resolved:
18) Re-establish the PRA committee:
Archive Committee members approved by acclamation with one director from each station:
19) Regarding board involvement in FSRN negotiations:
20) Regarding director/delegate requests for legal advice:
Foundation, Directors and/or members of a Local Station Board must direct all inquiries through the chairs of any standing committees of the Board on which they serve, and must submit their requests, in writing, to the Coordinating Committee for processing.
21) Establishing Board/Staff Relations Committee:
22) Regarding search for new attorney:
23) Board/Staff Committee will be confidential:
MOTIONS PASSED AT PNB TELECONFERENCE JUNE 22/July 2, 2004 [resolutions 24 - 29]
24) Postpone approval of meeting minutes until next in-person meeting:
25) Elections Review Committee resolutions (12 items):
ITEM 2 as amended:
ITEM 5 as amended:
ITEM 6 as amended:
ITEM 7 as amended:
ITEM 8 as amended:
ITEM 9 as amended:
ITEM 10:
ITEM 11: ITEM 12. ITEM: Shields motion as amended [replaces rejected item 4]:
That a volunteer coordinator will keep records for each volunteer, giving the date, time and location of the work done, and including the signature of the coordinator attesting to the work completed. These records must be made available to the Elections Supervisor and may be validated by the Elections Supervisor in determining eligibility to vote as a "listener member".
26) Regarding research of mediation assistance for WBAI:
27) Reaffirming the information access rights of LSB treasurers: MOTION by Roberts that the Pacifica National Board affirms the right of the Treasurers of the LSBs, acting on behalf of the local Finance Committees, to have absolute access to all financial data, including, but not limited to, salaries, head-count, and source documents which support the budget line items. When confidential information is involved, the information will be reviewed in executive session only by the Treasurers and the LSB members of the Committee.
28) Regarding PNB involvement in FSRN negotiations:
2) That the Executive Director will send to the board by email or FAX no later than June 24th any written proposals he has received from FSRN. 3) That the board will reconvene at an appropriate time, to consider and discuss the materials provided by the ED and to give guidance to the board representatives to the negotiations; those portions of the meeting concerning general board philosophy and policy overview concerning the FSRN negotiations will be publicly webcast; however, some portions of the meeting may be held in executive session for more detailed discussions if the board deems it advisable. In accordance with the provisions of the bylaws for closed meetings (Art. 6, Sec. 7). 4) That the final contract must be approved by majority vote of the board of directors to become effective." Motion on FSRN negotiation PASSES 11 yes Nominations are opened for the 3 seats on the FSRN negotiating group:
Notice to absent board members with opportunity to nominate with be sent by the chair. -- JUNE 22 MEETING RECONVENES Friday, July 02, 2004 --
29) Regarding formation of Board/Staff Relations Committee:
MOTIONS PASSED AT PNB TELECONFERENCE JULY 16, 2004 [resolutions 30 - 35]
30) Scheduling more regular PNB meetings:
31) Change Date of September PNB in-person meeting:
32) Election of Walker to Technology committee:
33) Extend FSRN ballot period:
34) Authorize chair to research mediators for WBAI:
ADOPTED IN CONFIDENTIAL EXECUTIVE SESSION July 16, 2004 35) A motion authorizing a mediator to process documents received from former Pacifica attorney and to assist board in examining claims made by the attorney. |
MOTIONS PASSED AT PNB TELECONFERENCE JULY 26, 2004 [resolutions 36 - 40]
36) Regarding violence at WBAI and within Pacifica:
MOTION by Roberts that the resolution shall be read by the LSB chair at the beginning of the LSB meeting PASSES with objection Adelson Motion as amended:
37) Governance Committee recommendation for the composition of Board/Staff Relations Committee Resolved that:
Chair takes recommendations on how to proceed in forming committee.
38) Deadline and budget for Executive Review Committee:
39) Regarding illegality of holding regular PNB meetings via teleconference:
40) A motion putting off any Executive review decisions until the Executive Review Committee completes it's work and reports at the October 2004 PNB meeting. |
MOTIONS PASSED AT PNB TELECONFERENCE August 23, 2004 [resolutions 41 - 48]
41) Authorization of funds for WBAI mediator:
42) Scheduling of Special PNB meeting:
43) Directing ED to produce written operation plan explaining budget items:
44) Regarding audit of inter-unit transfers:
MOTION by Adelson part 2: That the PNB request that in the next audit that the auditor audit inter-unit transfers beyond those for central services since 1/1/02, and that the PNB not delay passing the FY05 budget pending this audit.
45) Adelson elected to Finance Committee:
46) Refer development of policy on LSB misconduct to Governance Committee:
47) Regarding GM hiring process at KPFA:
48) Regarding distribution of policy memoranda:
Article 5 Section E of the Pacifica Bylaws
Overseeing the conduct, management and control of the Foundation's affairs and activities, including the monitoring of the activities and actions of its radio stations and national staff consistent with applicable law and regulations, the Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws; Article 7 Section 3 Specific Powers and Duties
Therefore, let it be Resolved that:
MOTIONS PASSED AT PNB TELECONFERENCE September 13, 2004 [resolutions 49 - 54]
49) Regarding Pacifica Radio Archives funding:
50) Regarding board training funding:
51) Table motion information access: 52) Regarding management review: Spooner Motion PASSES 10-2
53) Acknowledging departing director Santa: MOTION by Adelson to thank Vicki Santa for her service and wish her well
54) Regarding executive review: |
MOTIONS PASSED AT PNB MEETING IN D.C. October 1-3, 2004 [resolutions 55 - 84]
55) Approval of minutes:
56) Regarding Radio for Peace International:
57) Regarding Archives budget line:
58) Regarding vacant seat on FSRN negotiating committee:
59) Regarding mailing of ballots:
60) Regarding American with Disabilities Act compliance:
61) Regarding WBAI budget: [WBAI Budget Proposal #3 includes $171k in cuts from WBAI management original proposed budget, but no cuts in labor]
62) Regarding hiring of a national program director:
63) Regarding committee member absences:
64) Bylaws convention:
65) Regarding budget line item for legal:
66) Refer back to committee - ethics committee proposal: [MOTION by Lane that in order to resolve issues expeditiously, each LSB shall form a standing Grievance and Ethics committee of not less than 5 members to hear any dispute relevant to LSB members and policy concerns and that the PNB establish a standing Grievance and Ethics committee of no less than 5 members to handle any ethics or grievance issues on the PNB level and to hear appeals of decisions from LSB Grievance and Ethics committees. These committees would only meet when necessary.]
67) Authorize FSRN negotiating group to work on RFPI:
68) Refer to committee - delegate replacement:
69) Refer to committee - loan proposal: of the Pacifica Board to leverage contributions of our listeners, the CFO is hereby instructed to investigate, and report to Pacifica's Finance Committee, the terms and conditions that would attach to a loan of (1) $25 million dollars and/or (2) $50 million.]
70) Resolution on fair elections coverage:
71) Regarding Race and Nationality Policy: [MOTION by Olusagun that: because inclusion and diversity are the first mention in the Pacifica Mission statement and an essential element in operating the C.O.I. process, and because it is a cultural bias to respect the work before us, specifically the work of the anti-racism group of the Pacifica Now conference of June 19, 2002, moves that the report of the anti-racism group of the Pacifica Now conference of June 21, 2002 be supported and that the PNB reaffirm the vote taken by the interim Pacifica National Board in September of 2003 in NYC and establish the Race and Nationality Committee as part of the C.O.I.] MOTION by Adelson that PNB reaffirm of the policy of the iPNB on Race and Nationality MOTION by Adelson to approve the 2nd part of Olusagun motion that establishes the Race and Nationality Committee as part of the Committees of Inclusion (C.O.I.) PASSES 16 yes
72) Regarding Race and Nationality Policy:
73) Bringing LSB chairs to PNB meeting:
74) Set date of January 2005 PNB meeting:
75) Planning for January 2005 PNB meeting:
76) Set date of next PNB teleconference: Monday October 25, 5:00pm Pacific time
77) Regarding unbudgeted inter-unit transfers: 2) that in the interim period prior to adoption of such a policy, the Executive Director shall notify the PNB of any contemplated unbudgeted inter-unit transfers, and shall inform the PNB of the reason for the transfer and the status of the transfer, e.g.. whether it will be loan or not, prior to its execution.
78) Regarding micropower broadcasting: the attacks that occurred in the late 1990's, which in turn led to the mass movement that ultimately impelled the FCC to create a new class of micropower licensing, and, Whereas, the resulting licensing rules were deeply flawed and in many ways hostile to access to unused FM bandwidth by low-power broadcasters, and Whereas, the Pacifica Foundation is an historic advocate of free speech in broadcast media, Therefore, Resolved:
Be it further resolved: That the Pacifica Foundation and its local affiliates organize discussions, on-air forums, and join with free speech and civic media activists, with the goal of fostering a better understanding of the issues affecting democratic communication through broadcast media, including low-power FM broadcasting. The Executive Director is duly instructed to formulate and distribute an editorial statement reflecting this resolution to all General Managers for airing. PASSES 14 yes, 4 abstain
79) Regardng WBAI LSB mailing to staff:
80) Acknowledging D.C. Radio Co-op:
81) Regarding D.C. Radio Co-op: [MOTION by Olusagun that the PNB support and encourage the WPFW-MASC efforts to sign a memorandum of understating between WPFW and the D.C. Radio Co-op members so as to include said MOU in the reconstruction of the new News Division which is stated as being temporary and experimental until the end of the drive and national elections.] MOTIONS PASSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION October 1-3, 2004:
82) New attorney search:
83) Enter Executive Review report into the record: 84) Establish a Special Personnel Committee: general evaluation policies throughout Pacifica. PASSES 8 yes, 6 no Results of Special Personnel Committee election: Shields for WBAI, Walker for KPFA, Roberts of WPFW, Schroell for KPFT, Kolhatkar - KPFK MOTIONS PASSED AT PNB TELECONFERENCE October 25, 2004 [resolutions 85 - 92] 85) Approval of minutes:
86) Elect WPFW replacement of Special Personnel Committee: Nominations - Shields nominates Olusagun. Lane and Shakir nominated but decline. Only candidate Olusagun elected by proclamation without objection.
87) Regarding board training documents:
88) Regarding Union agreements and the bylaws:
89) Regarding management review related information requests: Whereas the LSB is charged with evaluating their GM and PD, Whereas the PNB understands the sensitivity of information contained within past evaluations of a GM and PD,
90) Prioritizing Race and Nationality on upcoming agenda:
91) Regarding recruitment of board training facilitator: |
92) ED performance objectives and job description: |
MOTIONS PASSED AT PNB TELECONFERENCE November 22, 2004 [resolutions 93 - 98] 93) Approval of minutes:
94) Regarding new voices in Pacifica programming: programming when it develops: Whereas, the mission of Pacifica requires it to "provide outlets for the creative skills and energies of the community,"
Therefore, be it resolved:
95) Including national staff in January PNB meeting board training: [Regarding Pacifica Race and Nationality Policy - resolutions present by Olusagun]
96) Refer to committee:
ADOPTED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION November 22 [reconvened 11/29], 2004
97) Regarding kpftx: 98) A resolution addressing a grievance by a staff member. (confidential) MOTION PASSED AT PNB TELECONFERENCE December 7, 2004
99) Regarding 2004 PNB term: |
MOTIONS PASSED AT PNB TELECONFERENCE December 20, 2004 [resolutions 100 - 104]
100) Approval of minutes:
101) Finance Committee resolutions:
Item 1) Policy on Inter-unit transfers Resolved that:
Item 2) as amended - Resolved that:
Item 2 PASSES without objection Item 3) Policy on reporting of fundraising information
Item 4) Recommendation for policy development re: financial reserves:
Item 5) as amended - Resolved that:
Item 6) Policy on monthly reporting of financial information to LSB Finance Committees
7) Policy on monthly reporting of headcount and salary expenditures
102) Resolve to revisit NFC resolutions [above]:
103) Regarding January 2005 PNB meeting: ADOPTED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION December 20, 2004
104) Set next teleconference: |
104) MOTION by Spooner to approve PNB minutes of 11-8-15-04 Executive session, 12-20-04, and 12-20-04 Executive session teleconference meetings.
105) Regarding the work of the Special Personnel Committee:
MOTION by Spooner as amended to approve ED Performance Objectives Monitoring Procedure with the first paragraph to be replaced with "The PNB members of the Coordinating Committee will carry out the monitoring of the ED's performance."
MOTION by Spooner as amended that Chair pro-tem Lane send the approved ED Job Description, Performance Objectives and Monitoring Procedure to current and incoming PNB and ED
Compiled by Roger Manning, Pacifica Secretary 2004 |
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