Pacifica National Board Special Meeting Notes 11-22-04 |
These meeting notes are not official minutes. Official PNB minutes posted at pacifica.org
- Written by Roger Manning, wbai.net editor Meeting via teleconfernce
Directors present: Directors not present: Samuel Kiteka, Also present as officers of the Pacifica Foundation: Dan Coughlin -Executive Director(ED)
Meeting convened by PNB Chair, Marty Durlin. The full meeting was webcast by www.kpftx.org +++++++++++
1) Call to order
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 8:09pm Eastern time Quorum present. Chair Durlin convenes meeting. Chair goes over agenda.
2) Approval of minutes for Executive sessions: 4-28-04, 8-21-04, 10-1-04 MOTION by Lane to approve the minutes for Executive sessions: 4-28-04, 8-21-04, 10-1-04 Brief discussion. Some directors would like more time.
Adelson - y PASSES 15 yes, 2 abstain
3) Discussion of DC Co-op and WPFW (30 min.) Lane questions this item being on the agenda when it is still being handled locally. Cooper (requested on the agenda)- letters from Coop say that LSB is not responsive. Shakir - the LSB is dealing with this and having meetings. Dolores did agree that she would wait for LSB actions, she is overstepping. Chair Durlin - the reason for the agenda item is to hear what is going on, please report. Shakir - gives report of the committee formed in D.C. to handle the issue. Still looking into and learning about the situation. The coop is trying to be separate from the station which is not what the intention of the station. Ryme is on both sides - as management, and as a Coop volunteer. Shakir - the LSB committee formed for this issue is meeting again on Dec 8. and is composed of 3 LSB, 3 Management, 3 Coop. The issue is whether the coop will continue, it's not just about just one individual. She (Dolores) has taken upon herself to communicate with the PNB - was barred at the station. LSB is scheduled to meet with her. Chair - ask Cooper if there are any other questions. Cooper - respects the WPFW LSB's work. As C.O.I., Cooper says it's important to address this issue which has inclusion issues. Shakir - it's a problem that some members of Coop not being truthful . Olusugun - is on the C.O.I., the issue is being addressed. Manning - had wanted the Coop on the agenda so as to hear a report from the D.C. directors. Have been in contact with Coop and explained to them that it is a local issue still and that they may also want to contact the ED as this is a personnel issue involving the station GM who is supervised by the ED. Lane - protests that this should not be on the agenda unless the LSB chair requests. Miguel - we should move the agenda. Kolhatkar - when hearing all the sides, it is typical of conflicts around the network. Supports studying better ways to handle these things, perhaps in the way that FSRN does. Randhawa - given the new structure of governance, we need to encourage local handling of issues. Chair Dulin - she should rap up. Such issues should come through the LSB chairs in the future. Laforest - supports that the ED may have to help if not resolved. Supports Kolhatkar suggestion of researching methods this. Kolhatkar - any PNB member has the right to raise an agenda item. Durlin - would have been helpful to know that the WPFW LSB had formed a committee. Shakir - that was communicated, though could have been more thoroughly, have been short on time. Point of Order by Randhawa that board needs to approve the agenda for this meeting. MOTION by Spooner to approve agenda - PASSES without objection.
4) Adelson Resolution on programming (15 min.) Adelson - would like the PNB programming committee to consider his "Proposed Motion on a Policy on New Voices in Programming at Pacifica Radio Stations" [below] and gather input from the stations. The goal is for the stations to come up with individualized creative approaches to creating a system of bringing in new blood into programming. Discussion. MOTION to amend by Lane to have motion apply motion to Pacifica national programming as well - PASSES without objection Discussion. Adelson - clarifies motion. Kolhatkar - this is a good start. In any case all programs should be reviewed annually. Supports a proposal application process for national programming proposals. Sanders - basically agrees with motion - what we should have been doing all along - this needs time to develop. Randhawa - agrees partially, but hasn't had time to properly review proposal as it was only emailed today. Supports sending it to the programming committee etc. Laforest - agrees. Shields - likes motion, send it to committee. Likes Kolhatkar's idea too. Maldonado - tough to get air time, a complex issue. Adleson - Proposal would affect 8.5 hours a week. Warren - is this the proper approach - bringing it to the PNB first instead of going through commmittee? Manning - this is a big issue and dictating something like this from above has a lot of potential for serious conflict. Spooner - it's alright to bring creative ideas to the PNB first to be sent to committee - would be good to have the committee come back to the PNB with response on this in March
question called by Allen MOTION by Adelson as amended: to refer to the Programming Committee the following motion with the addition that the Programming Committee will consider integrating these policies into national programming when it develops: Whereas, the mission of Pacifica requires it to "provide outlets for the creative skills and energies of the community," And Whereas, a consistent stream of new, fresh voices and perspectives in Pacifica's broadcasting will maintain a vibrancy in programming, insure an ongoing connection to the variety of communities served by the station, and strengthen and extend Pacifica's service to the community, Therefore, be it resolved: 1) That it become Pacifica Programming Policy that a minimum of 5% of all weekly airtime be devoted to new voices/programmers, ie. people who have not previously regularly hosted or co-hosted a radio program. Programming featuring new programmers as co-hosts with experienced programmers shall be counted as half an hour per hour of programming toward the 5% goal. 2) That programming featuring new voices will be distributed reasonably evenly across day parts (morning, afternoon, evening, overnight), across the week, and across program type (i.e. public affairs, music, health/spirituality, science/technology). 3) That each station program director will be responsible for providing the PNB Programming Committee with a summary indicating how these new voices will be worked into the existing program schedule by the March meeting of the PNB. This plan shall be developed in collaboration with the station Program Council and shall be reviewed by the LSB Program Oversight Committee (or its equivalent) and the Committee of Inclusion. 4) That a listing of all programming featuring new voices (including the date and time of airing) shall be kept by the station, and provided quarterly to the Program Council, the LSB Program Oversight Committee, and the Committee of Inclusion. Vote on Adelson motion as amended: 5) Randhawa Resolution to include Archives and Affiliates Directors in board orientation/training in LA in January MOTION by Randhawa to include Archives and Affiliates Directors in the board orientation/training at the PNB meeting in LA in January 2005
Vote on Randhawa motion:
6) Update on Pacifica Elections - Dan Coughlin (30 min.) Announcement by Adelson - as new chair of the Finance committee invites WPFW potential replacements to attend the committee meetings pending being seated. 7) Discussion on Race and Nationality policy (40 minutes) Cooper Chairs. Olusagun presents several motions relating to the Race and Nationality resolution. [will fill in later after receiving text via email] 1. The Executive Director is to construct a National programming collective to handle National programming on external issues of race and Nationality. Spooner - is C.O.I. presenting these or himself? A: not from C.O.I., being presented by himself
2. ED search for a team for diversity training Discussion as to how to proceed. Chair Cooper recommends Olusugun giving motivation on all the motions and then emailing text to the board so these important proposals can properly be addressed next PNB teleconference. Allen - have these been addressed by the C.O.I? Olusagun - no, they come out of the resolution that has already been passed. Manning - why didn't receive by email in advance and who exactly is presenting these? Olusagun - he canvassed R and N committee people. Shield - didn't we agree that C.O.I.? Recommends having C.O.I. work on this. Olusagun - yes, but would to get some PNB comments tonight. Adelson - some of these are what has already been approved, but others go beyond and should be reviewed by the C.O.I. Also budgeting needs to be worked out for some items through finance committee. Resolution regarding national programming could go forward. Supports dividing the question. Spooner - supportive of the intent, but a lot to consider without prior presentation. Supports sending to C.O.I. for recommendation at next meeting. Laforest - about Spanish language item. Sanders - not sure if this board can get through this, but needs. MOTION to divide the question by Adelson - PASSES without objection Olusagun presents first item which is item 7 of the Race and Nationality Resolution:
MOTION by Olusagun that: Given the particular urgency of racism and xenophobia in this country today, the national office will facilitate the creation of a racially/nationally diverse collective of producers from various community radio stations to develop ongoing nationally broadcast programs aimed at promoting education and dialogue on: 1) issues of race and nationality and their intersection with class and gender, both nationally and internationally; and 2) empowerment efforts/campaigns by communities fighting these and related forms of oppression. This may include national airing of extraordinary local radio programs. Shields - offers paid and unpaid instead of 'volunteers'. Does it extend not only to race and nationality but to gender and other oppressed groups? Discusion.
MOTION by Adelson to amend by substitution that the PNB to instruct the ED to implement item 7 of the Race and nationality resolution and report on progress at the next PNB meeting. Discussion. Adelson substitution - PASSES without objection Cooper recommends that the other Olusagun motions be sent to the C.O.I and emailed to the PNB. MOTION by Cooper that the other 6[?] Olusagun Race and Nationality motions be referred to the next joint meeting of the Committees of Inclusion - no objection
Point of order by Adelson - should continue to discuss this agenda item if it is to discuss Jan. 05 L.A. PNB meeting planing Durlin - resumes chairing the meeting. 10:54pm eastern Executive session convenes
8) Executive Session to discuss legal and personnel issues
Executive session recessed at 1:02 am to be reconvened via teleconference on November 29. |
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