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Concerned Friends of WBAI sends their priorities to the "Pacifica" national board

November 27, 2001

At a general membership meeting of Concerned Friends of WBAI attended by over 100 people, the following two resolutions were adopted. The first demands 18 immediate actions by the Pacifica National Board. The second lists 9 conditions for calling off the financial boycott.


1. Removal of the 2/3 Vote Requirement in Proposed PNB Agreement

Insure that any transitional and interim PNBs continue to make decisions, as prescribed in the by-laws, by a simple majority, with only the exceptions prescribed in those by-laws (i.e., votes on by-law amendments and other specified exceptional decisions).

2. Maintain the PNB's Flexibility to Set LAB Election Dates

Oppose any change in the Leslie Cagan Amendment adopted as part of the PNB's 11/18/01 agreement, stating that "the timeline for these [LAB] elections will be determined by the Transitional Board."

3. Withdrawal of Charges against KPFT & WBAI Protesters

Direct the General Managers at KPFT and WBAI to withdraw all charges against those arrested in protests at those stations and to stop proceeding with prosecution of any such charges.

4. Seating as a PNB member the duly elected choice of the WPFW LAB

Immediately seat Paul Mokhiber as a full voting PNB member, as he has been duly elected by the WPFW LAB to fill the seat vacated by the expiration of the term of Ken Ford in June 2000.

5. Prohibition on Sale or Lease of Any Station

Issue a notice of intent to adopt within 30 days the following amendment to the Pacifica Foundation by-laws: "No Pacifica station shall ever be sold or leased to an outside entity."

6. Restoration of Fired, Banned and Suspended Staff at All Five Stations

Bring back all producers and staff at WBAI who have been fired, banned and/or suspended since Dec. 22, 2000; restore all programming removed since that time; and begin a process and criteria to do the same for producers and staff who seek to return to the other four Pacifica stations and the Pacifica national office.

7. Revocation of the "Gag Rule"

Immediately revoke the "Gag Rule" (which prohibits on-air discussion of internal Pacifica or station business or policies) and end all forms of censorship throughout the network.

8. Dismissal of Utrice Leid

Immediately dismiss Utrice Leid as National Programming Director and remove her from any role in administration of WBAI programming or operations, and declare her ineligible for any other management position within Pacifica.

9. Democratization of the Foundation

a. Designate listener-supporters (term to be later defined) as voting members of the Pacifica Foundation.

b. Require each LAB to develop a plan for democratic participation in Pacifica's governance, including elections of LAB's by listeners and paid and unpaid staff.

c. Institute an open process jointly with LABs and listeners, including town meetings with PNB members in attendance, to bring forth specific ideas about the current policies and future structure of Pacifica.

10. Full Financial Disclosure

Require the PNB Treasurer to provide the PNB and the public with full financial disclosure of the Foundation's books, including all debts and obligations, and to make future financial decisions fully transparent and accountable.

11. Recognition of Unpaid Staff as Workers with Full Rights

Recognize the right of unpaid Pacifica and local station staff to be considered workers and to be included in collective bargaining agreements, and when requested by staff, bargain with a union representing both paid and unpaid workers.

12. Removal, Suspension and Reappointment of General Managers at Four Stations

a. Immediately remove Robert Daughtry as WBAI General Manager, a position for which he was illegally hired, and work with the WBAI LAB and staff to institute a broad-based, participatory search committee to choose a new manager or management team for the station.

b. In support of the demands by listeners and LAB members at the affected stations, immediately suspend the General Managers of WPFW (D.C.), KPFT (Houston), and KPFK (L.A.) while an expedited evaluation is conducted by the respective staffs (paid and unpaid) and LABs.

13. Settlement of the Pacifica Network News stringer strike

Settle the strike by Pacifica Network News stringers on terms agreed to by the strikers.

14. Guarantee of Access by LABs and Listeners at each Station

Direct each station's General Manager to provide the local LAB with:
a) physical access to the station,
b) space for open, public LAB meetings,
c) air time to announce public meetings, provide information on LAB elections - including on-air candidate forums - and allow for public discussion of Pacifica governance issues;
d) relevant technical help and a commitment to air recorded LAB announcements as needed;
e) monthly station financial reports; and
f) appropriate access to listener-subscriber lists for legitimate LAB business.

15. Providing a voice for affiliates on the PNB

Begin a process of providing Pacifica affiliates with a voice on the Pacifica National Board.

16. Moving the Pacifica national office from Washington back to Berkeley

17. Webcasting all PNB meetings, including conference calls.

18. Holding the next PNB meeting in New York City

Hold the next PNB meeting in New York City, since that was the original venue of the last meeting (before it was changed to DC) and is long overdue in the rotation of these meetings.


Adopted Nov. 27, 2001

Concerned Friends of WBAI recommends that WBAI listeners continue to boycott any fund drives until:

1) Pacifica makes full disclosure of its financial status, including all debts and obligations.

2) All fired, banned and suspended producers and staff at WBAI are brought back.

3) The strike by Pacifica Network News stringers is settled on terms agreed to by strikers.

4) The gag rule is revoked throughout the network.

5) Utrice Leid is removed as National Programming Director.

6) Robert Daughtry is removed as WBAI General Manager.

7) The right of unpaid staff to be considered workers and included in collective bargaining agreements is recognized by Pacifica.

8) The Pacifica National Board amends the by-laws to prohibit the sale of any station.

9) The Pacifica National Board eliminates the proposed requirement for a 2/3 vote to make all decisions.

The Coordinating Committee of Concerned Friends will consult with free-Pacifica activist groups around the country who have supported the boycott to discuss: a) the possible establishment of some form of escrow fund; and b) the conditions under which we would all call for an end to the national boycott.

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