Keep the Heat on Andrea Cisco 6-28-01 |
From: Pacifica Campaign pacificacampaign@yahoo.com
Keep the Heat on Andrea Cisco
Take the C or G train to Clinton/Washington Ave. This is in the Fort Green/Clinton Hills section of Brooklyn, near the Brooklyn Navy Yard. If you choose to take a bus on Vanderbilt Ave, it is the #69. Downtown Jay St. & Boro Hall the bus # is 54. If you can't picket, please call, fax, and/or e-mail her and ask her to please resign from the Pacifica Board. Please be polite.
Andrea Cisco
Background: During her tenure as a National Board member, Andrea Cisco has been involved in actions which have brought the Foundation to such a state of crisis that she is a party to four lawsuits, including one backed by the California Attorney General. These cases include listener-supporters and local advisory members suing for inclusion and a democratic process as per the Foundation's mission. As a board member, she was directly involved in the the 23-day shutdown of KPFA in Berkeley in 1999 and the illegal takeover in the midnight coup at WBAI in December 2000. And, she has betrayed the trust of the local advisory board. Her company, R. Thomas Training and Consulting (http://www.rthomasconsulting.com/) specializes in something that the WBAI community strongly believes in -- diversity in the workplace which opens the doors of opportunity and respects the differences of each one. In fact, the company says that "we understand diversity" and urges its clients to "talk the talk, think the talk and walk the talk." This is an ideal that the WBAI community has cherished and which was implemented during the past ten years. WBAI was one of the most diverse staff structures in all of community and public broadcasting and was recognized for this achievement. Yet, Andrea Cisco, a diversity consultant, has supported board and management actions where station staff have been harassed, intimidated, arrested, forced out or fired and banned without explanation. She has supported management tactics which include race-baiting and the politics of division and hatred which is in direct contradiction to the Pacifica mission. She and others on the board have sanctioned lock-downs, security forces and surveillance systems which have effectively locked out the community from their own institutions. She has supported censorship of programming, and the violation of Pacifica board resolutions on democratic process. The race-baiting was highlighted by National Public Radio's June 21st Morning Edition report on WBAI. Check out NPR's web site. You'll see the story listed at the bottom of the page: http://www.npr.org/ramfiles/me/20010621.me.15.rmm "We're talking here today about the European psychological warfare against Africans. And that's what the whole thing is about," said WBAI interim general manager Utrice Leid, referring to the crisis that has rocked the network since the Christmas Coup. "I need you stalwart soldiers out there S This is a call to arms. I told you it's a war." As a national board member, Andrea Cisco is charged with the stewardship of the organization's interests, assets and name. However, the above charges show that Ms. Cisco has not "walked the talk" as a director of the Foundation. In fact, she has betrayed that mission and many others. Her term on the national board expired in March 2001, yet she refuses to step down. Her actions as part of an irresponsible board clique have tarnished the very credibility of Pacifica and damaged its reputation as a leader in community radio. She has been asked by many to leave the board. Please urge Andrea Cisco to resign immediately from the Pacifica Foundation national board.
The Pacifica Campaign
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