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"Pacifica's" lame PR firm

Westhill Partners is the high-priced "crisis management" PR firm that has been hired by Pacifica to wage the war of public opinion. www.westhillpartners.com

Westhill partners former client roster includes such campaigns as as representing Brown and Williamson Tobacco company, where its efforts focussed attempting to discredit Jeffrey Wigand, the B and W scientist who blew the whistle on the fact that the tobacco companies knew how deadly and addictive their product was. but suppressed that knowledge. They also worked for Monica Lewinski, the Clinton connection that probably has resulted in their representation of the Pacifca hijack group.

Their operative on the case is Michael Powell mpowell@wsthillpartners.com who has been writing copy, bo under his own name and under other names, as below.


(A draft of an email that will be sent to many of Westhill's clients)

Is Bessie Wash Plagiarizing Garland Ganter or the Reverse: Why you are not getting your money's worth from Westhill Partners.

(The PR firm Westhill Partners charged the Pacifica Foundation 10,000's of dollars and didn't even bothering to rewrite its faked Op-Eds before circulating them to America's largest newspapers)

The PR firm Westhill Partners has a reputation as a smart, guerrila PR outfit that you call in when your company is under seige and things are desperate. I submit to you that the two pieces that Michael Powell of Westhill ghost-wrote and then placed in the NYDaily News and Houston Chronicle (under the names "Garland Ganter" and "Bessie Wash" ) were incompetent cut-n-paste jobs that expose Mr Powell as a rather lazy, unethical hack.

For instance, in her [NY Daily News] Op-Ed today Bessie Wash ends her piece:

"Pacifica will only survive as a true citizen's voice if those opposing change let the network respond to the evolving information needs of our listeners with sound management and socially relevant programming. If not, the self-appointed defenders of the status quo will burn down this remarkable on-air village to "save" it."

And KPFT's Garland Ganter ends his 8/10/01 piece in the Houston Chronicle in a stunningly similar fashion:

"But Pacifica and KPFT will only survive as a true citizen's voice if those opposing change allow the network's management to respond to the unique and evolving information needs of local communities with independent, culturally diverse and socially relevant radio programming"

Ms Wash begins her piece....

"(Pacifica's) future threatened by a small cadre of former staff and disgruntled listeners who resist efforts to adapt the network......"

In the Chronicle, Mr. Ganter identifies the enemy as:

"a small cadre of former employees and disgruntled listeners resistant to these changes...."

Ms Wash claims:

"We must modernize our vision and operations to meet the evolving information needs of the ever-changing communities we serve"

Mr. Garland echoes that eerily:

"(we) have sought to modernize programming and operations to improve its service...to respond to the unique and evolving information..."

The words speak for themselves. Westhill Partners cannot be trusted to even plagiarize themselves with skill.

I would suggest that you are not getting your money's worth with this PR firm and should look elsewhere.



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