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More "Pacifica management" garbage

KPFT Local Advisory Board Member Arrested for
"Criminal Trespass" at KPFT by Station Manager's Wife

October 6, 2001


Teresa Allen, a member of radio station KPFT's Local Advisory Board, was arrested a radio station KPFT tonight (10/6/01) when she went to check on the status of the ongoing fundraising drive at the station, located at 419 Lovett Blvd, Houston, TX.

Teresa has been a regular unrestricted visitor to the station in her role as an official member of the federally-mandated and sanctioned LAB. It is her legal responsibility as a member of the LAB to advise on the policies and programming of the station. When she stopped by KPFT tonight, Teresa was denied entrance and then arrested by Houston police at Molly O'Brien urging for "criminal trespass". Ms. O'Brien is the wife of station manager Garland Ganter. Ms O'Brien was formerly Development Director at KPFT but has since left the station's employ and was not a KPFT employee at the time of her actions of 10/6/01.

This is the second time that Molly O'Brien Ganter has forced the arrest of a KPFT listener. Ms O'Brien did the same thing in 3/01 when she and her husband (manager Garland Ganter) pressed two assault charges against KPFT listener, Edwin Johnston. Both of this charges were thrown out of court for lack of evidence.

KPFT is a listener-sponsored, non-commercial radio station and a member of the 5-station Pacifica Radio Network that is currently being sued by its listeners in 4 different lawsuits for violations of its non-profit charter, financial malfeasance and illegal personnel actions.

At this time, KPFT is currently in the middle of its fall fund drive and has aired numerous recordings promoting the station as "a community radio, a station of its listeners". It seems a patent contradiction that while the station is presenting one face on-air, the wife of the station manager is having its listeners (and a member of its federally-mandated advisory board) arrested.



-------------------------------- October 9, 2001
Pacifica Campaign Action Alert

Pacifica Board Member Arrested at Houston Station Reign of Mismanagement and Chaos Continues at Network

Call 713-526-KPFT today! That's 713-526-5738!

1) Register Your Protest On the Arrest of KPFT Local Advisory Board Member Teresa Allen
2) During this Fall Fund Drive, Let KPFT Know That You Will Boycott the Station and the Network Until Democratic Accountability is Restored at Pacifica
3) Demand the Return of Democracy Now! to KPFT's Airwaves

Please call as many times as you feel necessary to have your point of view heard. Call every day this week. Please be polite.

Teresa Allen, a member of radio station KPFT's Local Advisory Board (LAB), was arrested at Pacifica station KPFT in Houston Saturday night (Oct. 6) when she went to check on the status of the ongoing fundraising drive.

Teresa has been a regular unrestricted visitor to the station in her role as an official member of the federally-mandated and sanctioned LAB. When she stopped by KPFT Saturday, Teresa was denied entrance and then arrested by Houston police for "criminal trespass" at the insistence of Molly O'Brien. Ms. O'Brien is the wife of station manager Garland Ganter and formerly Development Director at KPFT but she has since left the station's employ.

Teresa Allen was released on a $500 bond Sunday, according to the Houston Chronicle.

This is the second time that Molly O'Brien has forced the arrest of a KPFT listener. In March, she and station manager Garland Ganter pressed two assault charges against KPFT listener, Edwin Johnston. Both of these charges were thrown out of court, but not before Pacifica Executive Director Bessie Wash had falsely accused the Pacifica Campaign of fomenting violence.

Protest this Latest False Charge
Call 713-526-KPFT today!

Please call as many times as you feel necessary to have your point of view heard. Please be polite.

Protest the Arrest of Teresa Allen
Boycott the Dictatorial Regime at Pacifica
Support the Real Pacifica, Call for the Return of Democracy Now!

Background Article from The Houston Chronicle


Oct. 7, 2001, 10:16PM

Board member arrested for trespassing at KPFT
Copyright 2001 Houston Chronicle

A board member of Houston's Pacifica radio was arrested over the weekend for trespassing at the station's offices.

Teresa Allen, a member of KPFT's local advisory board, was arrested on a misdemeanor trespassing charge at 419 Lovett about 5 p.m. Saturday.

Allen said Molly O'Brien, wife of station manager Garland Ganter, physically blocked her from entering the building and then called Houston police to arrest her. Allen was released on $500 bond Sunday.

Allen said she had gone to the station to check on its programming. "Our policies give me the responsibility to the public with regard to our station," she said. "One is to ascertain the quality of our programming."

KPFT staff directed questions regarding Allen's arrest to Ganter, who could not be reached for comment Sunday.

KPFT and its four sister stations in the Pacifica Radio Network have generated intense criticism the past few years from some hard-core listeners who object to a shift in programming from serious news, and political and social discussions, to mainstream music.

The listeners charge that the network has censored outspoken on-air personalities and that its national officials have usurped control of individual stations from local advisers.

Dan Jones, a member of Houston Committee For People's Radio -- a group of concerned listeners -- said Ganter runs the station as a "dictatorship."

The national board has lost control over Ganter and its other station managers because they cannot agree on how to control them, Jones said.

The Pacifica Campaign is a grass-roots organization representing listeners and staff alike, fighting to preserve Pacifica's 50-year tradition of progressive, community-based radio.

For more info go to: http://www.pacificacampaign.org

Pacifica Campaign
51 MacDougal St., #80
New York, NY 10012
(646) 230-9588

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