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Audio of amazing gag busting
WBAI news report 3-12-01



Andrea Sears, news editor at WBAI, showed high courage and integrity yesterday when she ran the press conference with Congressman Major Owens on WBAI's local news cast. Owens made a statement on the House floor last week, after he was censored as a guest on WBAI by interim manager Utrice Leid.

Andrea used sound from Owens, city-councilwoman Kathryn Freed, fired WBAI producers Mimi Rosenberg and Ken Nash. It's unfortunate that Andrea needs to be publicly commended like this for simply doing her job, but in a time of gag rules, take-overs and censorship, thanks are certainly in order. The WBAI local news runs 6:30-7:00 p.m. and 11:30 to midnight, Monday-Friday, and on Sundays at 6:00 p.m.

If you feel as I do about her work, please let Andrea know at (212) 209-2861.

Eileen Sutton
Banned WBAI Unpaid News Reporter

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