From: Pete Korakis To: concerned friends lists Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 11:26 PM Subject: Emergency Rally! Friday, June 29 Outside WBAI 120 Wall Street between 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. PACIFICA STATION MANAGERS ARE IN TOWN FOR SECRET MEETINGS... LET'S SHOW THEM WHOSE RADIO NETWORK THIS REALLY IS! Station managers from all five Pacifica stations and the Executive Staff of the Pacifica Foundation arrived in New York City Thursday for a secret quarterly meeting. Members of the Pacifica resistance movement discovered they were meeting at the Millennium Hilton Hotel in downtown Manhattan and organized a spontaneous, disciplined, peaceful protest. Approximately a dozen people entered the posh 4th floor meeting room and commenced chanting: "Utrice Leid, You're Unfit....Now It's Time for You to Quit!" The chanting continued for several minutes, effectively breaking up the meeting. Pacifica's notorious goateed duo, Mark Schubb of KPFK and Garland Ganter of KPFT, made one last pass at the buffet table before joining their fleeing colleagues. When hotel security arrived, the prote sters left chanting and victorious. The Pacifica managers will be having a breakfast meeting at WBAI Friday morning, and members of the resistance are organizing a last-minute welcoming committee. Take the 2, 3, 4, or 5 train to the Wall Street stop and join us outside 120 Wall Street between 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. as we demand a ret urn of progressive programming and the return of the fired and the banned. Be there to greet Pacif ica executive director Bessie Wash, who installed Utrice Leid in the Christmas coup, and Pacifica p rogramming director Steve Yasko, the chief tormenter of Amy Goodman, along with Schubb, Ganter and the rest of the right-wing Pacifica wrecking crew. Let's let them all know how we feel about the coup at WBAI and the assault on all five stations in the network. They can run but they can't hide -- we charge them with radiocide! And in case you get this too late for this morning's action, you can join us later Friday at 5 to 7 p.m. at the weekly protest outside the home office of Pacifica National Board member and officer A ndrea Cisco at 98 Vanderbilt Ave. in Fort Hill/Clinton Hill, Brooklyn. Take the A train to Jay St. and Boro Hall and transfer to #54 bus -- across the street from the Marriot Hotel -- to Myrtle and Vanderbilt Ave., or take the G train to Clinton and Washington Ave. and walk 3 blocks to 98 Vander bilt Ave. Let's keep the pressure on! ------- End of forwarded message -------
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