Report from this morning's picket of secret Pacifica manager meeting 6-29-01 |
from the message board at: http://www.goodlight.net/wbai
drew about 20 people ...
at least half of us coming down because of Vajra's announcement on WBAI, echoed on this board, to COME ON DOWN. After DN today, Amy had a meeting with the station managers who are meeting at the station. She came out of 120 Wall St. shortly before 11 am, accompanied by a small group of people (who may have been on her show this morning -- didn't hear it because I was on my way down to 120 Wall). We cheered her. I didn't hear what happened at her mtg. with management. Mike Levine walked by on his way to the station and a bunch of us engaged him for about 15-20 minutes in a discussion of station and Pacifica politics. Ryme was taping for WBIX. Among notable quotes from Mike: "I am not political." "I'm on the internet." "I haven't investigated [changes on the Pacifica National Board] because I barely have time to do "my" work." Celebrities at the picket line included Curly S, "Martine from Manhattan" (who told Hugh a week or so ago that all the talk about discipline gets her "hot"), Vajra (of course! today's hero), and lots of other listeners.
It was loads of fun.
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