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Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade statement 3-8-01

A statement from WBAI Producer Bill Weinberg
Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade

After Tuesday's broadcast of the Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade (March 6), I was approached by Utrice Leid on my way out of the studio. She demanded a copy of the show's air-check. As usual, we had openly discussed the WBAI situation on the air, and taken listener phone calls in which WBAI's direction and management were directly addressed.

Also, as usual, I tried to steer the discussion away from personalities and towards the real issue of corporate America trying to shut down free-speech radio. But this time, Utrice was on the premises throughout the broadcast. (She usually leaves at midnight, just as we are going on.)

I asked Utrice if it would be OK if I dropped the air-check off next Tuesday night, the next time I planned to be at the station. Utrice responded, "no, I need it immediately." I said, "Well, if you need it immediately, can we communicate about why you need it?" Utrice replied, "No, I just need it."

I walked away. End of conversation.

I intend to supply Utrice with the requested air-check, although not necessarily "immediately," as I am busy with deadlines and my business will not be taking me in the vicinity of Wall Street this week. My co-host Ann-Marie Hendrickson and myself have grave concerns that our show is about to be yanked from the airwaves. We urge all listeners to tune in next Tuesday at midnight.

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