Surveillance Insanity at WBAI 6-19-01 |
From: Eileen Sutton savewbai@lists.tao.ca Subject: Surveillance Accelerated Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 2:01 PM LISTENER MONEY FOR INTERNAL SURVEILLANCE?
Call the station today!
Reportedly, ADT workers were not at WBAI the end of last week. But as of yesterday, sources say the installation of WBAI's new high-tech, time-code locks for many of the station's doors, including Amy Goodman's office, has been accelerated. Is a station-wide lock out looming, as we saw in Berkeley, 1999, in which only a few engineers are allowed into the station to set up pre-approved Pacifica programming? This was ultimately the foiled scenario in Berkeley, and it brought thousands into the street to free that station. CALL INTERIM MANAGER UTRICE LEID AND DEMAND TO KNOW WHY LISTENER MONEY IS BEING SPENT ON A SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM AT A COMMUNITY RADIO STATION.
Call 212-209-2800/general station number
Be polite, but firm. And remember: as reported earlier this year, ADT had first consulted WBAI in February, so this security system is only a response to Pacifica's own plans to completely control WBAI. Onward, --efs p.s., Democracy Now! did a tremendous show today on the issue of workplace surveillance. You can hear it again at www.democracynow.org. |
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