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WBAI UnPaid Staff registration notice

WBAI upaid staff union agreement


UnPaid Staff Organizing Committee (USOC)

In an effort to facilitate both the Local Station Board elections and our own Upcoming Stewards Elections we are collecting a list of all Unpaid Staff by asking UnPaid Staff to fill out the form below.

According to our Contract:

" UNPAID STAFF shall consist of those persons who shall have filled an Unpaid or Paid WBAI Staff position for not less than four months, and who Shall work for WBAI at least ten hours per month or twenty hours over a two month period, including preparation and producing of programs and other station operations. Persons who work as marathon telephone volunteers do not qualify as Unpaid Staff. "
UnPaid Staff includes those working in an UnPaid capacity on the Web Site, Outreach, Operations, etc. If you are a member of the Unpaid Staff please fill out this form and return By email to knash@igc.org with a cc to sboyer@fifthave.org & jh@liquidsoundlounge.com or place in LOCKER #107 near the Conference Room.


Your Name_________________________________________________________

Your Unpaid Job &/or Show at WBAI_____________________________________________

Your Telephone #____________________________________________________

Your Email Address__________________________________________________

Your Address_______________________________________________________

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