Here's the folks to whom you may express concerns regarding the
selection of the new General Manager for WBAI
Silvia Arana (CF-NYC)
Carolyn Birden (CdPNY)
Marian Borenstein, Co-Chair (LAB)
Elombe Brath (Unpd Staff)
Leslie Cagan (iPNB--Janice is alternate)
Janet Coleman (Unpd Staff)
Aniruddha Das (Unpd Staff)
Gail Golden (LAB)
Indra Hardat (Pd Staff)
Mark Laiosa (Pd Staff)
Anthony Mackall, Co-Chair (LAB)
NIck Martielli (Area rep, LI)
Fred Nguyen--Area rep, NJ
Bok-Keem Nyerere (CPR)
Ursula Ruedenberg (Pacifica Campaign)
Jose Santiago (Pd Staff)
Bernard White (PD)
Panama Vicente Alba (LAB)
Daniel Vila (Latino Interests Group)
--Not sure who's coming from LIG
--Non-voting sitting-in alternates: Steve Brown (CdPNY), Lee Kronick
(LAB), Marsha Newfield (CF-NYC)