A Diversity Proposal 8-10-02 |
For your consideration From: Maildiallo@a... Date: Sat Aug 10, 2002 6:23 pm Subject: A Diversity (Not Affirmative Action, Not EEOC) Proposal To: KPFT_Governance@yahoogroups.com I am offering the following text as a substitute for Carol Spooners Diversity Goals to be included in the Pacifica Bylaws working draft. I have listened to some Pacifican express various reasons for not wanting to accept her proposal and our ideas dealing with this issue. I studied these objection carefully and formulated a different approach. Previous objections to naming specific communities, goals and classifications have been eliminated. The focus is now on preventing the exclusion of broadly defined communities instead of inclusion of specific groups. These communities can be defined in any way deemed helpful by the committee that monitors excluded communities. Excluded communities are not limited to race and gender but may take on any form that would be considered helpful in Pacifica achieving its mission. I won't in this note be able to speak to everyone's concern but I will be happy to respond to any question posed. The Proposal: There shall be established in each of the Pacifica signal areas, a subcommittee of the National Board to monitor under representation of communities in their respective signal areas. These "Committees of Inclusion" will (a) identify the communities in their signal area to be monitored, (b) identify criteria for determining what constitutes under-representation in both station programming and staffing, and (3) make quarterly reports on the status of represented and under-represented groups to the PNB and the LAB. Station managers will be expected to consider the under-represented communities in their future decisions about staffing and programming. All station managers will report to the PNB and the LAB quarterly on the status of represented and under-represented groups in their signal areas. The PNB shall query and monitor station managers with under represented communities on their plans for addressing these under represented communities and how these steps also include fair consideration for represented communities. Where necessary and with due notice, the PNB will suggest and/or direct managers to implement specific changes to reduce or eliminate under represented communities or to provide more consideration for the impact of changes on represented groups. Diallo |
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