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Stuff that volunteers could do

- Posted on the discussion list at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NewPacifica

From: liz_mclellan  orlando2k@e...
Date: Thu Apr 18, 2002 1:33 pm
Subject: Volunteers : Brainstorm Please!

There has been a lot of talk about maximising use of volunteers at Pacifica - and through affliate interchange - especially after the FInancial report it becomes very clear that Pacifca need a vibrant extensive community of volunteers.

One of the issues that comes up is that it is time consuming and in some cases expensive to volunteer in certain capacities. For instance some people in the signal area have disabilities which mean that costs of transportation to the station are prohibitive.

Also - managing the time and use of volunteers as well as record keeping for the purposes of voting status is an issue at well. I come from the computer industry so lots of these issues seeem easily surmounted...

What we should be trying to do is make sure that there is a way for you to plug in and work regardless of location, income, computer access, production ability, having a disablity etc...

I would like to ask anyone interested to contribute to this list of potential volunteer activities - and perhaps suggest how they could be integrated and managed at New Pacifica --- remember this is a brainstorming session - so please SKIP the arguments back and forth -

We are gathering all ideas without too much criticism and then we can sort out feasibility and desireability afterwards...

Keep in mind we are epsecially interested in opening up to people who can't because of cost or time or distance or accesibility constraints participate along the normal channels - also to expand and knit together all people interested in forming a healthy Pacifican community beyond the stations - AS was Lew Hill's image of Pacifica.

Here's a list I came up with --

- data input
- graphics
- flyer distribution
- phonebanking/telemarketing/outreach
- elections interview of candidates
- editing copy
- audio editing
- tabling at events
- carpooling to events
- babysitting at events
- facilitation events (with training perhaps)
- training other volutneers
- record keeping
- noteking and posting
- running as a LAB candidate
- programming (computer/web)
- Folio ditribution/mailing
- Writing for the Folio
- working wiht 3rd party elections team on elections
- contribute content to show production
- voluntary engineering
- training volunteer engineers
- general training of volunteers
- delivery of materials for outlying volunteers
- being a location based voluteer coordinator for your area
- taking pledges
- making presentations on Pacifica to groups
- maintaining a Pacifican or external independant web site
- providing interpretation - ASL or other language
- translation of Pacifican Materials for wider distribution.
- providing cassette tapes of meetings as requested
- envelope stuffing
- throw a block party fundaraiser
- throw any kind of fundraiser
- putting people up for meetings - lodging
- back end arrangments for national meetings
- recording meetings digitally
- archiving meetings on the web

OK - your turn! :)


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