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NYC DAILY REPORTS and Documents | NYC iPNB meeting page
iPNB DRAFT minutes - NYC meeting
September 19-21, 2003

[ posted here 10-2-03]


September 19-21, 2003
Synod House, Cathedral of St. John the Divine
New York City

Directors present for portions of the meeting: Chair Leslie Cagan, Teresa Allen, Marion Barry, George Barnstone, Janice K. Bryant, David Fertig, Ray Laforest, Rob Robinson, Carol Spooner

Also present: Acie Byrd was seated to replace James Ferguson as a director appointed by the former board "majority" members under the terms of the Settlement Agreement governing the appointment of directors to this interim Board.1

Directors absent from the entire meeting: Pete Bramson, Bertram Lee, Dick Gregory, Charles Smith, Jabari Zakiya

Parliamentarian Dr. Eli Merchant was also present.

The full meeting was webcast by www.kpftx.org and some portions of the Satruday meeting were broadcast by WBAI.

FRIDAY EVENING, September 19th

There was no quorum for the Friday evening session scheduled for 4 to 8:30 p.m. A quorum under the new bylaws is a majority of the Board, eight (8) Directors.

Six (6) Directors present: Teresa Allen, George Barnstone, Janice K. Bryant, Chair Leslie Cagan, Dave Fertig and Ray Laforest.

Also present: Acie Byrd (see note above).

Nine (9) Directors were absent: Marion Barry, Pete Bramson, James Ferguson, Dick Gregory, Bert Lee, Rob Robinson, Charles Smith, Carol Spooner, Jabari Zakiya.

        1 Acie Byrd was seated based upon the oral representation to the Chair by George Barnstone that written notice of Acie's appointment, signed by at least six of the former board "majority" members, would be provided shortly. As of the date of preparation of these Minutes (October 1, 2003) no such letter of appointment has been received by the Chair or Secretary. At the request of the Board Secretary, James Ferguson submitted an unsigned letter of resignation on September 24, 2003, dated September 15, 2003, which letter is attached to these Minutes as "Appendix 1."

Lacking a quorum, the Directors present heard reports concerning plans for Pacifica's internet work and for expansion of the Pacifica Affiliates program.

Following those reports, the Directors present heard public comments primarily directed to the new bylaws. Public comments on the new bylaws were approximately evenly divided in support and opposition.

SATURDAY, September 20th

Executive Session

The Chair convened the meeting in Executive Session at 9 a.m. to discuss pending litigation matters.

Separate "Confidential Minutes" will be submitted for this Executive Session.

Public Meeting

The Chair convened the public board meeting at approximately 10:30 a.m.

Eight (8) Directors were present constituting a quorum: Allen, Barnstone, Barry, Bryant, Cagan, Laforest, Robinson, and Spooner.

Also present: Acie Byrd (see note above).

Seven (7) Directors were absent: Barry, Bramson, Ferguson, Fertig, Gregory, Lee, Smith, and Zakiya. Dave Fertig left after the earlier Executive Session due to injuries he had suffered when hit by a car earlier in the week.

Also present: Executive Director Dan Coughlin, Chief Financial Officer Lonnie Hicks, Station General Managers Gus Newport (KPFA), Eva Georgia (KPFK), Duane Bradley (KPFT), and Ron Pinchback (WPFW), Washington Bureau Chief Verna Avery-Brown, National Development Director Pilar Gonzales, National Operations Director Jim Bennett, National Administrative Director Valerie Van Isler, Archives Director Brian deShazor, and Parliamentarian Dr. Eli Merchant. WBAI General Manager Don Rojas was recovering from surgery and not present.

The proposed agenda for the meeting was amended and approved without objection, as follows:


1. Executive Director's Report, including training programs.
2. "PACE" Pacifica Affiliates Motion.
3. Pacifica Archives Report.
4. Presentation by Free Speech Radio News.
5. Report from Development Director
6. Budget discussion - Fiscal Year 10/1/03 to 9/30/04.
Break for Lunch.
6. (continued) - Budget discussion, continued.
7. Race and Nationality/Diversity issues.
Recess until Sunday.


8. Elections - next steps.
9. Station reports - General Managers.
10. iPNB meeting Schedule.
11. Public comments.
Meeting Adjourned.

1. Executive Director's Report

Dan Coughlin discussed the current media environment and the "radical" political environment following the Iraq war which creates urgent need for distribution of alternative programing now. He described the digital conversion situation to new but uncertain and unproven technology (IBOC) and grant applications so that Pacifica could make the conversion if it is deemed appropriate technology. Also discussed was the need for funding for a national program on the upcoming Presidential elections campaign. Coughlin made video presentation of the KPFA "First Voices" apprenticeship program for women and people of color, and hoped there would be funding to duplicate the apprenticeship program at other stations, with adjustments for local needs as appropriate.

2. "PACE" Pacifica Affiliates Motion

Motion by Teresa Allen, seconded by Carol Spooner:

Resolved that:
the iPNB endorses the direction outlined in the "PACE" report of 9/19/03, and encourages further refinement through discussion in the Affiliates Committee and with the national staff.

Passed unanimously.

3. Archives Report

Archives Director Brian deShazor thanked the board and station managers for their support. He reported that there are approximately 10,000 unidentified tapes in the Archives, and that much of the tape is deteriorating. The technology to preserve the Archives is in transition. Digital preservation on CDs or hard drives has a short life of approximately 10 years. The manufacturers of analog tape preservation systems need pressure to market the technology, which is becoming obsolete. This problem affects many sound recording tape libraries. Archives tape sales have gone from about $30,000 per year to about $165,000 per year, largely due to sales of current Democracy Now! programs. This has allowed the Archives to function without receiving central services funding from the national office. The Archives are seeking grants from the National Endowment for the Arts for preservation and archival inventory.

4. Free Speech Radio News

About a dozen members of the Free Speech Radio News (FSRN) staff from around the country introduced themselves. Discussions are underway concerning integrating FSRN with Pacifica in a more formal relationship. Currently, the five Pacifica stations allocate the 30% CPB Community Service Grants required to be allocated for acquisition of national programming to FSRN. In addition, FSRN receives independent funding from private donors through their website, some grant monies, and some funding from non-Pacifica radio stations. FSRN reporters currently work collaboratively with several Pacifica station news departments, and the Washington Bureau Chief. FSRN has "stringer" reporters around the country and the world. FSRN's practice is to seek local reporters on the scene where stories are breaking and to train them in reporting skills.

5. Report from Development Director - Pilar Gonzales

Dan Coughlin introduced Pilar Gonzales as the new Development Director. Pilar said her focus will be primarily on individual donors through mailings, special events and personal contacts, rather than grants, although grant funding will also be investigated and applied for where appropriate. She reported that available grant amounts are diminishing as the stock market decline.

Four new "Funds" have been established for donor-directed gifts: I. "The National Programming Fund" - to help fund acquisition, production and distribution of such programs as Democracy Now!, Flashpoints, FSRN and "ElectionWatch," II. the "Futures Building Fund" for internet technology expansion, III. "The First Voice Fund" for expansion of the apprenticeship program, and IV. "The Pacifica Archives Fund." The 1-year goal for each of these funds is $250,000, except the "Archives Fund" which has a 1-year goal of $150,000, with lead gifts being sought in the $5,000-$10,000 range. Gifts of any amount will be accepted to the Funds.

Pilar also presented the following "Fundraising Code of Ethics" which she has developed for Pacifica:

Pacifica Foundation Fundraising Code of Ethics

Our code of ethics was created to foster respectful and productive fundraising with our communities. In the context of community radio, the actual practice of ethical fundraising serves to promote and preserve the spirit of free speech, independent media, and social justice by advocating activism, philanthropy, and volunteerism.

Responsible stewardship of our resources is the ideal of purposeful fundraising, progressive philanthropy, and personal generosity. We are committed to the donor's intent of their gift to Pacifica in every way that abides to the organizational mission and to ethical nonprofit practice.

We affirm that all Pacifica Foundation solicitation appeals:

  • Shall be truthful, accurate and accountable to the actual programs for which the solicited funds will be used;
  • Shall accurately describe Pacifica's purpose, programs and needs;
  • Shall only make claims, which Pacifica can fulfill;
  • Shall contain no misleading information, (including material omissions or exaggerations of fact);
  • Shall not use misleading photographs or any other communication, which would tend to create a false impression or misunderstanding of our mission.

Any and all communications by Pacifica to the public shall respect the dignity, values, history, and culture of the communities being served by its radio programming and network. In particular, the organization shall avoid the following:

  • Messages which fuel prejudice, hatred, or intolerance.
  • Messages which foster a sense of national superiority over local community.
  • Messages which exploit our listeners for only their resources rather than respect their intelligence on issues, and respect them as equal partners in civic action for peace & justice.

Pacifica staff will ensure that messages sent out in short term urgent appeals do not undermine the long time work of development education of our sister stations.

Pacifica staff shall not exploit or personally benefit from any donor relationship, volunteer relationship, or organizational committee relationship.

Pacifica staff shall disclose all potential or actual conflicts of interest; such disclosure shall not preclude or imply ethical impropriety.

Pacifica shall adhere to the spirit as well as the letter of all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to fundraising practices.


6. Budget and Financial Report - CFO Lonnie Hicks

Lonnie reported that, although we have just about paid off the $5 million dollar debt we inherited from the old board in January 2002, there is new litigation pending with current legal defense expenses being incurred and unknown outcome that may require about $500,000 in cash next fiscal year. He also reported that revenue has increased about $1.8 million, about 13.4%, from FYE 9/30/02 through projected FYE 9/30/04 (from about $13.7 million to about $15.5 million in revenue), while expenses have increased about $2.2 million, about 16.9% (from about $13.1 million to $15.3 in expenses). Increased expenses are mainly attributable to increased staffing and increased salaries and benefits. Lonnie reported that Pacifica currently has very little in cash reserves or "working capital," and that this affects our credit rating as well as our ability to meet unexpected needs as they arise. After consultation with our auditor, Ross Wisdom, Lonnie is recommending that the board provisionally approve the current proposed FYE 9/30/04 budget, with the proviso that by November 15, 2003, a revised budget will be presented to the board where the national office and each station will have accumulated 1 month's operating expenses in reserves or "working capital" by the end of FYE 9/30/04. While the situation is fluid, and will depend on actual surpluses, if any, coming out of this fiscal year, this will require a combination of increased projected revenues and/or reduced expenses of approximately $100,000 in the WBAI budget, $95,000 in the WPFW budget, $80,000 in the KPFT budget, and $70,000 in the National Office budget. KPFA and KPFK will not have to make budget adjustments as their reserves going into the next fiscal year are adequate. The PRA deficit will be covered by the National Office as PRA will not be receiving their Central Services money from the National Office next fiscal year.

Agenda Change: The Agenda was adjusted to permit further budget discussions on Sunday morning, to postpone the Race and Nationality/Diversity item until Sunday, and to begin discussion of the elections on Saturday afternoon.

8. Elections - Next Steps

National Elections Supervisor Terry Bouricius was introduced. He reported that all stations now have Local Elections Supervisors, although the WPFW Elections Supervisor is "interim" as he is a law student who may not be able to complete the full elections cycle. Terry is looking for an Elections Supervisor for WPFW who will be able to complete the elections. Terry reported that he is confident that the nominations period can now get underway, and he and the Local Elections Supervisors are working with procedures and materials developed by the previous National Elections Supervisor (David Greene) and the KPFT and KPFA Local Elections Supervisors. Terry noted some issues that need to be clarified: (1) Fee waivers, which he suggested be delegated to the Elections Supervisor for this year prior to the election of LSBs, (2) rules concerning when a "candidate" becomes a "candidate" and access to air time before the nominations period closes, (3) Finalization of the membership mailing lists, which he recommended be done by the Elections Supervisors, and (4) authority to require adequate air time for candidates. Terry also reported that the tension and polarization at WBAI may require that he hire an outside firm in Michigan (or Wisconsin?) to count the ballots. He and the Local Elections Supervisors will form local Elections "Panels" (so as not to be confused with pre-existing Elections "Committees") made up of neutrals - who perhaps may not even be connected with Pacifica - who will run the elections and do the decision-making, as needed. He also said that separate Elections "Committees" would be formed, if they have not already been formed, to do outreach and other volunteer work.

Motion by Marion Barry, seconded by Ray Laforest:

Resolved that:
it is the "sense of the board" that all ballots be counted in the city of each station and open to observation by all interested parties.

Passed unanimously.

Motion by Teresa Allen, seconded by Ray Laforest:

Resolved that:
the equal access principles of the bylaws "Fair Campaign Provisions" are extended to assure that no station resources - including air-time, web sites, funds, etc. - are made available unequally to some candidates, but not all.

Passed unanimously.

Motion by Teresa Allen, seconded by Marion Barry:

Resolved that:
the National Elections Supervisor is authorized to promulgate a standard criterion defining when any individual at any station shall be deemed a "candidate" for Delegate, as well as rules governing access to air time for prospective candidates.

Motion by Carol Spooner, seconded by Teresa Allen:

Resolved that:
the iPNB directs and mandates the Executive Director of the Pacifica Foundation and the Management of KPFA, KPFK, KPFT, WBAI and WPFW to take all actions and steps necessary to insure that the elections of the local Delegates of the 5 Pacifica radio stations are as successful, broadly representative, and fair as possible. In pursuit of this, the iPNB mandates the full use of all the resources at the disposal of the stations and the network. Further, the Board mandates that Management fully support that all efforts will be made for the needed outreach to produce a sufficiently large and diverse pool of candidates for the local Delegates elections anf for the highest possible participation in the elections by the subscribers/voters. Management is directed to give Pacifica's National Elections Supervisor and the Local Elections Supervisors as well as the local elections committees there complete and full support and cooperation.

Actions to be taken in furtherance of this board directive shall include, but not be limited to:

  • Frequent live and recorded on-air announcements designed to inform and educate the subscribers about the elections and to urge their participation as voters and candidates.
  • Full use of Pacifica's and stations' web sites to provide information to the subscribers about the elections and candidates, and a concerted on-air effort to direct the subscribers to the web sites for that purpose.
  • On-air candidate presentations, discussions and debates.
  • Town Hall style "Candidates' Nights" events in different geographic parts of the stations' signal areas which could be broadcast or rebroadcast on the local station.
  • Publicity, including efforts to get stories and notices in local press about the elections and Pacifica's democratization.
  • Management is to take appropriate action to insure that all candidates are treated equally and fairly.

Passed unanimously.

Motion by Carol Spooner, seconded by Teresa Allen:

Resolved that:
1) Nomination of Delegates shall open on September 15th and close on November 15th, 2003.
2) Ballots and candidates written statements shall be mailed to the members on December 15th.
3) To be counted, completed ballots must be received by the elections Supervisor no later than January 7th, 2004.
4) The ballots shall be counted and the results certified by the Elections Supervisor no later than January 12th, 2004.
5) The newly elected Delegates for each station area shall meet to elect Foundation directors on January 17th, 2004.
6) The newly elected Pacifica directors shall be seated at the first meeting of the new national board on the weekend of January 30-February 1, 2004.
7) If a local station Delegate election fails to achieve a quorum of votes by the Election Close Date of January 7th, the Close Date for that station area only shall be extended for one week to January 14, 2004. The ballots shall be counted and the election results for that station area shall be certified by January 19th, and the newly elected Delegates for that station area shall meet to elect Foundation directors on January 24th.

Following discussion, and concerns expressed by Janice K. Bryant that all contributors to the October fund drives might not be able to vote, because the "record date" would be November 1st - 45 days before the ballots are mailed - the motion was amended by Carol Spooner as follows:

Resolved that:
1) Nomination of Delegates shall open on September 15th and close on November 15th, 2003.
2) Ballots and candidates written statements shall be mailed to the members on December 22nd.
3) To be counted, completed ballots must be received by the elections Supervisor no later than January 14th, 2004.
4) The ballots shall be counted and the results certified by the Elections Supervisor no later than January 19th, 2004.
5) The newly elected Delegates for each station area shall meet to elect Foundation directors on January 24th, 2004.
6) The newly elected Pacifica directors shall be seated at the first meeting of the new national board on the weekend of January 30-February 1, 2004.
7) If a local station Delegate election fails to achieve a quorum of votes by the Election Close Date of January 14th, the Close Date for that station area only shall be extended for one week to January 21, 2004. The ballots shall be counted and the election results for that station area shall be certified by January 26th, and the newly elected Delegates for that station area shall meet to elect Foundation directors on January 27th.

The motion failed:

5 NO - Barry, Bryant, Byrd, Laforest, and Robinson

4 YES - Allen, Barnstone, Cagan, and Spooner

Motion by Ray Laforest, seconded by Marion Barry:

Resolved that:
the interim Pacifica National Board will request that Judge Sabraw modify his order to allow for the following nomination and election time frame for transition elections:
1) Nomination of Delegates shall open on October 5, 2003 and shall close on December 5, 2003.
2) Ballots and candidates' written statements shall be mailed to the members on January 5, 2004.
3) To be counted, completed ballots must be received by the Elections Supervisor no later than February 5, 2004 (the "Election Close Date").
4) The ballots shall be counted and the results certified by the Elections Supervisor no later than February 12, 2004.
5) The newly elected Delegates for each station area shall meet to elect Foundation directors between February 17 and 19, 2004.
6) The newly elected Pacifica Directors shall be seated at the first meeting of the new National Board on the weekend of March 12-14, 2004.
7) If a Local Station Board election fails to achieve a quorum of votes by the Election Close Date of February 5, 2004, the Close Date for that station area only shall be extended for two weeks to February 19, 2004. The ballots shall be counted and the election results for that station area shall be certified by February 26, and the newly elected Delegates for that station area shall meet to elect Foundation directors between March 2 and 4, 2004. If at least one Local Station Board election must be so extended, the newly elected Pacifica Directors shall be seated at the first meeting of the new National Board on the weekend of March 26-28.
8) Based on the bylaws provision that the record date for determining members eligible to vote shall be 45 days before ballots are mailed, the record date for the transition election shall be November 21, 2003.

Following discussion about what would happen if the court did not grant an extension of the term of the interim board beyond January 30, 2004, during which Marion Barry and others opined that the Court "always" grants extensions when we ask for them, and advice from the National Elections Supervisor that either the Spooner time frame or the Laforest time frame was "doable," Carol Spooner moved that the motion be amended to provide that:

Should the judge not grant an extension of the iPNB term, then the election time frame would be as set forth in the Spooner motion, as amended, as above.

The amendment failed:

3 YES - Allen, Cagan, Spooner

6 NO - Barnstone, Barry, Bryant, Byrd, Laforest and Robinson

Following discussion that the nominations are already open as of September 15th, pursuant to Court Order of September 15th, Ray Laforest amended point (1) of his original motion and the motion was put to a vote as follows:

Resolved that:
the interim Pacifica National Board will request that Judge Sabraw modify his order to allow for the following nomination and election time frame for transition elections:
1) Nominations of Delegates shall open on September 15, 2003 and shall close on December 5, 2003.
2) Ballots and candidates' written statements shall be mailed to the members on January 5, 2004.
3) To be counted, completed ballots must be received by the Elections Supervisor no later than February 5, 2004 (the "Election Close Date").
4) The ballots shall be counted and the results certified by the Elections Supervisor no later than February 12, 2004.
5) The newly elected Delegates for each station area shall meet to elect Foundation directors between February 17 and 19, 2004.
6) The newly elected Pacifica Directors shall be seated at the first meeting of the new National Board on the weekend of March 12-14, 2004.
7) If a Local Station Board election fails to achieve a quorum of votes by the Election Close Date of February 5, 2004, the Close Date for that station area only shall be extended for two weeks to February 19, 2004. The ballots shall be counted and the election results for that station area shall be certified by February 26, and the newly elected Delegates for that station area shall meet to elect Foundation directors between March 2 and 4, 2004. If at least one Local Station Board election must be so extended, the newly elected Pacifica Directors shall be seated at the first meeting of the new National Board on the weekend of March 26-28.
8) Based on the bylaws provision that the record date for determining members eligible to vote shall be 45 days before ballots are mailed, the record date for the transition election shall be November 21, 2003.

The motion, as amended, passed:
6 YES - Barnstone, Barry, Bryant, Byrd, Laforest and Robinson
3 NO - Allen, Cagan and Spooner

The meeting was recessed for the evening at about 6:15 p.m. Further discussion of election-related items was postponed until Sunday.

SUNDAY, September 21st

Eight (8) Directors present: Allen, Barnstone, Barry, Bryant, Cagan, Laforest, Robinson, Spooner.

Also present: Acie Byrd (see note above).

Seven (7) Directors absent: Bramson, Ferguson, Fertig, Gregory, Lee, Smith, Zakiya.

8. Elections - Next Steps, Continued

Motion by Ray Laforest,

Resolved that:
for the 2003 Transition Elections of Delegates, the current Local Advisory Board at each Foundation radio station shall establish a 3-LAB Member "Waiver Committee" which may, in conjunction with the Local Election Supervisor, adjust or waive the contribution requirement for Listener-Sponsor Membership set forth in Section 1(A) of Article 3 of the Bylaws, on a case by case basis for reasons of financial hardship, where the proposed member has demonstrated a sincere interest in becoming a Member of the Foundation and is also genuinely unable to afford the contribution amount or to volunteer the minimum 3 hours of service.

Passed unanimously (9/0).

Motion by Ray Laforest,

Resolved that:
all Pacifica radio station General managers, Election Supervisors, Election Committees and other station staff working to publicize Pacifica election information shall include in their public information the options of becoming a local station member by performing volunteer work for the station in their communities or at home under circumstances prescribed by station management.

Passed unanimously (9/0).

Motion by Ray Laforest, seconded by Marion Barry:

Resolved that,

a. The listeners seeking waivers shall be allowed to sign a form in which they can check off "self-certification" statements affirming their inability to pay the minimum monetary contribution ($25/year) or to perform the minimum hours of volunteer labor (3 hours/year) due to economic, physical and/or other constraints, and

b. such certification forms shall be designed by the National Elections Supervisor for standardized use in all station areas.

Motion Passed (7/0/2)
7 YES - Barnstone, Barry, Bryant, Byrd, Cagan, Laforest, and Robinson
0 NO
2 ABSTENTIONS - Allen and Spooner

Motion by Carol Spooner,

Resolved that:
All station managers shall take all steps necessary to insure that all station staff (paid and unpaid) have read and understood the "Fair Elections Provisions" contained in the bylaws at Article Four, Section 6.

Motion passed unanimously (9/0).

6. Budget and Finances, Continued

Motion by Teresa Allen, seconded by George Barnstone:

Resolved that:
the iPNB provisionally approves the proposed fiscal year 10/1/03 to 9/30/04 budget, provided that by November 15, 2003 an amended budget will be presented to the board where all stations and the national office will have accumulated projected "surpluses" or working capital reserves of one month's operating expenses by the end of FYE 9/30/04.

Passed unanimously by the eight (8) directors present for the vote - Ray Laforest was not present for the vote.

Motion by Teresa Allen, seconded by Janice K. Bryant.

Resolved that:
Any board resolution involving unbudgeted expense shall be accompanied by a financial impact statement.

Following confusion about when and how such financial impact statements would be derived, and what to do if the proposed resolution had no financial impact, the motion was tabled.

Motion to table the motion:
6 YES - Barry, Barnstone, Bryant, Byrd, Cagan, and Robinson
3 NO - Allen, Laforest, and Spooner


There was a brief lunch break.

Non-Agenda Item - Public Demonstration and Board Response

Following the lunch break, a demonstration took place by about 30 members of the public and staff members present at the meeting. The demonstrators stood in front of the board table with their backs to the board, and chanted, expressing their displeasure with the board's handling of race and diversity issues in general, as well as in the bylaws. Director Ray Laforest joined the demonstration. The demonstrators read a statement containing 7 demands, attached to these Minutes as "Appendix 2"

This demonstration was followed by an angry confrontation between WBAI LAB Chair, Miguel Maldonado, and the demonstrators. Mr. Maldonado who accused the members of the WBAI "Unity Caucus," as well the WBAI management and LAB of discrimination against Latinos in general, and himself personally, asserting that WBAI is a "Black station." Mr. Maldonado also read a statement, attached to these Minutes as "Appendix 3."

Following these statements, WBAI listener Patty Heffley read a "Petition for Elections Now!" signed by approximately 450 listeners from across the country, attached to these Minutes as "Appendix 4."

Following the demonstration and reading of statements, Director Marion Barry moved the demonstrators' demands, seconded by Ray Laforest:

Resolved that:
1) Unless prevented by labor laws or other legal restrictions, the Pacifica Race and Nationality guidelines (approved by the iPNB at the June 2002 iPNB meeting in Berkeley) shall be made official policy of the Foundation, and that the policy shall be enforced immediately by the Executive Director. The Executive Director shall make a full report of the steps he has taken to enforce this policy at the next full Pacifica Board meeting.

2) There shall be immediately established a "National Commission on Affirmative Action and Equality," which would include both Pacifica activists and respected academic and community leaders, to develop a detailed action plan on issues of inclusion throughout the network.

3) The immediate adoption of a self-affirming procedure permitting waivers of contribution and volunteer requirements for listeners with economic and other hardships who seek to become voting members.

4) There shall be immediately established an advisory committees representing the full range of opinions and positions that would observe the elections in the five signal areas to report on and raise any issues of fairness in the upcoming Local Board elections.

5) There shall be immediate implementation of the hard-fought provision in the new bylaws requiring that all Pacifica meetings be held in fully accessible facilities, and a staff commitment to consult with groups representing people with disabilities when choosing venues.

6) There is a commitment by this board to include in the Fiscal Year 2004 budget, serious funding and a priority of raising more funds to expand training programs which give preference to people of color, women and youth, to all five stations.

7) This board supports adoption by the next board of a bylaws amendment creating meaningful affirmative action for disenfranchised groups in the election of local and national boards.

The question was divided into seven parts, which were voted upon separately. Public comments were taking during the board discussion of each part.

Part 1 - passed (8/0/1):
8 YES - Barnstone, Barry, Bryant, Byrd, Cagan, Laforest, Robinson, and Spooner
0 NO

Part 2- passed (8/0/1)
8 YES - Barnstone, Barry, Bryant, Byrd, Cagan, Laforest, Robinson, and Spooner

Part 3 - already done in previous motions passed today.

Part 4 - passed (6/2/1)
6 YES - Barnstone, Barry, Bryant, Byrd, Laforest, and Robinson
2 NO - Allen and Spooner

Part 5 - passed (8/0/1)
8 YES - Barnstone, Barry, Bryant, Byrd, Cagan, Laforest, Robinson, and Spooner
0 NO

Part 6 - passed (8/0/1)
8 YES - Barnstone, Barry, Bryant, Byrd, Cagan, Laforest, Robinson, and Spooner
0 NO

Part 7 - passed (6/2/1)
6 YES - Barnstone, Barry, Bryant, Byrd, Laforest, and Robinson
2 NO - Allen and Spooner

Motion by Barry,

Further resolved that:
the current LABs will establish the committees to observe the elections (in point 4, above), and that the composition of the committees would be at least 50% listeners (non-LAB members), 50% women, and 50% people of color; and no candidates may serve on the committees.

The Motion passed (6/1/2)
6 YES - Barnstone, Barry, Bryant, Byrd, Laforest, and Robinson
1 NO - Spooner
2 ABSTENTIONS - Allen and Cagan

Non-Agenda Item - Prometheus Radio Request RE: FCC Rules Concerning LPFM

There followed a brief presentation by Pete Tridish of Prometheus Radio (www.prometheusradio.org) concerning the status of Low Power FM radio and a request that Pacific contribute to public comments in support of new positive proposed FCC rules concerning LPFM that will occur on October 2nd. Mr. Tridish reported that more LPFM stations are needed in communities across the station, that the religious right has been better organized in applying for such licenses, and that local community radio people need to get better organized.

Motion by Carol Spooner, seconded by Teresa Allen:

Resolved that:
the iPNB instructs the Executive Director to take all steps necessary to file comments with the FCC in support of the LPFM rule-making coming up on October 2nd.

Passed unanimously.

There being no more time available, the meeting was adjourned without the board hearing reports from the station managers.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Spooner
Secretary, Interim Pacifica Board

MINUTES - September 19-21, 2003 iPNB Meeting

Appendix 1


September 15, 2003

Dear Leslie Cagan:

This letter is to inform you of my intention to resign immediately from the Interim Pacifica National Board (IPNB). My resignation was motivated by my overwhelming personal and work schedules.

Fortunately, Acie Byrd, from the DC listening area, has agreed serve out my term. As a member of the former "old majority", I enthusiastically cast my vote on his behalf.

It has been a pleasure, and an experience to serve Pacifica.



James J. Ferguson

MINUTES - September 19-21, 2003 iPNB Meeting

Appendix 2

Presented at the iPNB meeting in NYC Sept. 19-21, 2003





Presented to the Interim Pacifica National Board Meeting in New York City

September 21, 2003

We are a broad group of Pacifica listeners, staff and concerned activists from every signal area who have dedicated our lives to the fight for justice, liberation, and self-determination for all peoples. We are of African, Indigenous, Latino, Chicano, Asian, Arab and European descent. We are women and men, queer and straight, young and old, differently abled and able-bodied. Some of us have been fighting for the transformation of Pacifica for over a decade, others just joined the struggle recently. Most of us were involved in the struggle to free Pacifica from the corporate, neoliberal, Democratic Party usurpers who snatched and almost destroyed this network - a struggle that was victorious, thanks to the dedication of thousands of listeners and staff nationwide.

Fifteen months ago, in the wake of that remarkable people's victory, a similarly broad, diverse group of Pacifica activists -- including some of us here today -- mounted a three-day effort before one of these board meetings to dialogue, brainstorm and write a report on inequality and exclusion of racially and nationally disenfranchised people by the network. That report included this statement: "Throughout our dialogues, we heard countless stories of producers of color who were rejected for jobs and programs, disrespected, harassed, fired and banned; we heard of tokenistic gestures and pigeonholing; we heard of nonexistent or underfunded training programs for youth of color; we heard of insensitive white managers and narrow, white-focused programming that excluded or minimized coverage of poor communities of color. S4Throughout Pacifica, we must create breakthroughs that will stimulate dialogue, consciousness-raising and ACTION on these issues." The report included concrete steps in the areas of education, dialogue, goals, guidelines, and evaluation - all aimed at turning rhetoric into reality. We were pleased when this board embraced the group's recommendations and promised to implement them.

But since then, that report has collected dust and its guidelines have gone unenforced. Worse, some of our former allies in the Pacifica struggle have fought tooth and nail to obstruct the adoption of bylaws measures to mandate the inclusion of voices from communities which Pacifica's mission calls on us to address: poor and working class people, the globally dispossessed, people of color, prisoners, immigrants, women, lesbians/gay men/bisexuals/transgendered people, and people with disabilities.

We have watched with increasing dismay as officers of this board and members with legal training have used their positions and skills to manipulate and block democratic processes that could advance such efforts at inclusion, sometimes even violating the very guidelines and legal agreements that they themselves made. We have been outraged as the new leadership of this institution has used secretive and undemocratic tactics, and erected top-down, single-executive hierarchies, including for supervising elections, which marginalize grassroots community involvement - precisely what we all fought so hard against in the old system. We have
Witnessed grotesque attacks and demonization of activists who have spoken out against these tactics.

We say enough! We will not sit idly another minute while this board continues wasting time with tedious technicalities and legalistic hairsplitting, while excluding participation by the listeners and staff who are Pacifica's life-blood, and preventing discussion of vital issues that affect the future of the network.

Therefore, we have assembled here to demand the following from this interim Pacifica National Board:

1. The Pacifica Race and Nationality Guidelines be made official policy of the Foundation, and that the policy be enforced immediately, except where prevented by legal restrictions.

2. The immediate establishment of a National Commission on Affirmative Action and Equality, which would include both Pacifica activists and respected academic and community leaders, to develop a detailed action plan on issues of inclusion throughout the network.

3. The immediate adoption of a self-affirming procedure permitting waivers of contribution and volunteer requirements for listeners with economic and other hardships who seek to become voting members.

4. The immediate establishment of election advisory councils to the Local Election Supervisors in the five signal areas -- representing the full range of opinions and positions, including at least 50% women and 50% people of color -- that would observe and report to the National Board on the fairness of the elections election process.

5. The immediate implementation of the hard-fought provision in the new bylaws REQUIRING that all Pacifica meetings be held in fully accessible facilities, and a commitment to consult with groups representing people with disabilities when choosing venues.

6. A commitment by this board to include in the Fiscal Year 2004 budget serious funding and a priority of raising more funds to expand training programs at all five stations which give preference to people of color, women, and youth.

7. A resolution by this board supporting adoption by the next board, after review by a qualified civil rights attorney, of a bylaws amendment creating meaningful affirmative action for disenfranchised groups in the election of local and national boards.

And finally:

8. The placement of issues of inclusion and affirmative action at the top of this board's agenda for today's meeting, with significant time for public comment.

Your expressed commitment to Pacifica's mission, and to the communities who put you where you are today, demands that you do no less.

Actions, not words! EQUAL JUSTICE NOW!

MINUTES - September 19-21, 2003 iPNB Meeting

Appendix 3

WBAI Local Advisory Board chair Miguel Maldonado resolution regarding improper removal

Presented at the iPNB meeting in NYC Sept. 19-21, 2003



On September 17, 2003, Miguel Maldonado, the recognized chair of the WBAI LAB, was allegedly suspended as LAB chair in a process and proceeding that lacked the requried 30-day prior notification [1] and which was not conducted at a public or executive session meeting, also required for proper proceeding [2].

If such an action is sustained, the WBAI LAB would lack a recognized chair and a means of conducting business.

Therefore, the iPNB states that it does not recognize this improper removal and continues to recognize Miguel Maldonado as chair of the WBAI LAB, pending a properly conducted process and procedure to sustain or replace him as LAB Chair.

[1] WBAI Station Board (SB) Bylaws, last amended 9/91, article IV, section V: Removal from SB)

Removal of a board member shall be by a 2/3rds majority of those present and voting at a duly notice regular or special meeting of the SB. The written notice shall be given to all SB members 30 days prior to the meeting, specifying the proposed removal and stating, in general, the grounds thereof.

[2] Pacifica Foundation Policies Governing Local Station Advisory Boards, approved 4/11/97 by Governing Board from Council of Chairs.

Executive Session. The LAB may, by majority vote, call an executive session to consider matters relating to personnel, litigation or matters involving confidential relationship or proprietary matters. In the event that an executive session is held, the reason shall be announced and noted in the meeting minutes, [...]

MINUTES - September 19-21, 2003 iPNB Meeting

Appendix 4

Petition for Pacifica elections now


To the Interim Pacifica National Board (iPNB),

Your work is done. It is time for elections! There has already been far too much delay.

Your refusal at your September 2nd meeting to set a timeline for elections is a continuing outrage against the listeners and is a violation of both the Settlement Agreement Section 3.c. and the newly adopted bylaws Article 4, Section 7. It is time for you to let go of your positions of power and allow elected directors to take the reins of the Pacifica Foundation.

The new bylaws give listener-sponsor and staff members of the Pacifica Foundation the right to democratically elect the local station board. Accordingly, we as members are demanding the following:

1) That the iPNB IMMEDIATELY adopt a reasonable timeline for elections.

2) That said timeline not extend the terms of the current iPNB directors beyond the court-mandated January 30, 2004, expiration date.

3) That all attempts at amending the bylaws be immediately stopped until elected boards can consider amendments as required by the new bylaws.

4) That the iPNB carry out its duty under Section 3.c. of the Settlement Agreement to oversee the elections in a fair and impartial manner and to avoid any and all interference with the elections process.

5) That the iPNB fully support, for example with funding and air time, the Executive Director, the National Elections Supervisor, and all Local Election Supervisors in their efforts to ensure fair, open, and democratic elections.

I am a member of Pacifica because I have donated at least $25 or volunteered at least three hours during the past year, or I am on the staff.


To sign the petition, go here: http://www.pacificalabs.org/iPNB/

Because this is a petition of Pacifica MEMBERS, please sign only if you are a member of one of the five Pacifica stations (KPFA, WBAI, KPFK, WPFW, or KPFT).

Under the proposed timeline, non-members have until October 10th to send checks or money orders to your local station. Internet listeners must choose one station with which to affiliate. Signing up and voting may be the most important steps you can take to preserve the freedom of the media in this country. See http://www.wbai.net/contact/contact.html for the mailing address of your station.



On September 2, the interim Pacifica National Board (iPNB) sank to a new low in its checkered career. After an extremely difficult and exhausting process of bylaws revision ended in the passage of a highly democratic set of bylaws, the board, by a 6-5 vote, refused to set a timeline for elections, as it is required to do under the new bylaws. The result is yet another delay for the thousands of staff members and listener-sponsors, who, with a $25 minimum donation or three hours volunteer time, now have the right to elect the boards that run Pacifica.

This is the same national board that reluctantly passed the same bylaws just over two months ago! There followed a bruising struggle to win approval by the required three out of five local boards. When KPFK in Los Angeles finally came through with the third ratification, in a hotly contested, 12-11 vote, the stage was finally set for elections, and a democratic Pacifica--or so it seemed. Instead, a narrow majority on the iPNB not only refused to create an electoral timeline, but argued that the bylaws hadn't really passed at all!

Their current call for delay revolves around a perverse misinterpretation of a judge's ruling. On July 8th, Judge Sabraw ruled that the bylaws had passed the iPNB, and ordered the local boards to all vote on the bylaws by July 23rd. They did, but only two of them passed the bylaws at that time. KPFK reversed its earlier negative vote and approved the bylaws on August 23rd. Now, the anti-elections crowd is claiming that the revote was illegal because it wasn't held by July 23rd. But the judge's ruling only set a deadline for a mandatory vote, not for passage. The purpose of the ruling was to speed up the process of passing bylaws and holding elections. Now, it is being misapplied by a majority of the national board to serve exactly the opposite purpose--slowing down elections, or stopping them altogether!

Instead, the current iPNB majority wants to proceed with a facilitated discussion process that was created in July, as a fallback, after the initial failure of the local boards to pass the bylaws. Since the bylaws have now passed, this facilitated discussion serves no further purpose except obfuscation and delay.

Delay tactics are nothing new at Pacifica, where people entrenched in power have been stalling passage of bylaws for months on end. The iPNB was supposed to have approved bylaws in 2002. Elections were to be held by the end of the year. The iPNB was supposed to have been replaced by an elected board in March of this year. But month after month passed by without the board passing bylaws. Many on both national and local boards simply haven't wanted to have to face elections to keep their jobs--probably for good reason! It's time such anti-democratic usurpers be driven out of power for good.

Carol Spooner, Secretary of the iPNB and principal hero of the fight to save Pacifica, has vowed to go to court and ask the judge to affirm that the bylaws have indeed passed and are in effect. (It was her motion to set a timeline that was voted down.) In the meantime, we need to crank up the pressure...here's where you can contact the iPNB members.

Two national board members, Rob Robinson and George Barnstone, are now obstructing elections under the new bylaws, even though they actually cast votes for PASSING the bylaws only a little over two months ago! If we can put enough pressure on these two I suspect they will see the writing on the wall and realize that the Pacifica community wants democracy NOW. The other four no votes are Marion Barry, James Ferguson, Ray LaForest, and Jabari Zakiya. Sing to them loud and clear:

Your old road is rapidly agin'. Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand, For the times they are a-changin'!


History: The Pacifica Foundation is the only major progressive radio network in the United States. For years, its five stations, KPFA in Berkeley, WBAI in New York, KPFK in Los Angeles, WPFW in Washington D.C., and KPFT in Houston, were threatened by a clique of corporate mainstreamers who tried to dumb down the programming, strip it of political content, and make the network non-threatening to the government and the corporate world. Dissident board members and activists among listeners, staff, and the progressive community filed lawsuits to bring Pacifica back to its radical, free-speech roots. In December 2001, we reached a historic settlement agreement, providing for an interim national board to take the helm for what was supposed to be a fifteen-month transition period. Drafting new bylaws and holding elections under them was the most important responsibility of the iPNB under the settlement.

To sign the petition, go here: http://www.pacificalabs.org/iPNB/

Petition: Pacifica Elections Now! Doc. Num: 17772

Neysa Linzer Staten Island, NY, USA
Writes: Democracy=Fr edom of Speech
[1028] 09-28-2003 12:17 am IP: 24. 168. 98. 141, si. rr. com ~ Method: ~all ~Orig. Java ~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Sarah Levin Berkeley, CA, USA
[1027] 09-24-2003 11:22 pm IP: 12. 240. 240. 166, client. attbi. com ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jason LeValley Tucson, Arizona, USA
schmackie-----earthlink. et
[1026] 09-20-2003 3:55 pm IP: 63. 184. 9. 153, dialsprint. net ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Beth Holden New York, NY, USA
[1025] 09-19-2003 2:07 pm IP: 64. 8. 237. 243, client. dsl. net ~ Method: ~all_sm ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Susan Long Fairfax, CA, 94930
Writes: Please sign now. You work for us and we want this
[1024] 09-19-2003 11:03 am IP: 216. 240. 35. 38, dynamic. idiom. com ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
James Long Fairfax, CA, USA
Writes: Come on. We need those bylaws now!
[1023] 09-19-2003 11:00 am IP: 216. 240. 35. 38, dynamic. idiom. com ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Wayne D. Gibb Forestville, CA, USA
[1022] 09-18-2003 2:09 pm IP: 205. 155. 64. 209, santarosa. edu ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Les Switzer Houston, Texas, USA
[1021] 09-18-2003 2:04 pm IP: 129. 7. 253. 113, dhcp. uh. edu ~ Method: ~all_sm ~AUTO~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
marie caesar bronx, new york, usa
[1020] 09-18-2003 12:42 pm IP: 161. 185. 1. 100, nyc. gov ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Bill Ritchey nyc, ny, usa
Writes: the cabal from nyc has been obstructing elections
[1019] 09-18-2003 12:08 pm IP: 63. 199. 87. 84, dsl. snfc21. pacbell. net ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
David I. Block Brooklyn, NY, USA
[1018] 09-17-2003 3:06 pm IP: 162. 84. 155. 155, ny5030. east. verizon. net ~ Method: ~all ~Orig. Java ~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Peter Stickney Santa Rosa, CA, USA
Writes: Please don`t dawdle, we`re almost there!
[1017] 09-17-2003 2:38 pm IP: 209. 204. 160. 220, sonic. net ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Judi Hirsch Oakland, California, USA
[1016] 09-17-2003 1:41 pm IP: 68. 134. 169. 229, tnt33. sfo8. da. uu. net ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Stephen Salchow New York, NY, USA
[1015] 09-17-2003 10:25 am IP: 162. 83. 207. 151, ny5030. east. verizon. net ~ Method: ~all ~Orig. Java ~MAC ~MAC ~MAC ~AUTO~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Stephen Salchow , ,
[1014] 09-17-2003 10:16 am IP: 162. 83. 207. 151, ny5030. east. verizon. net ~ Method: ~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Cathy Melio Stockton Springs, Maine, USA
Writes: Pacifica Elections are long overdue!
[1013] 09-17-2003 9:59 am IP: 142. 167. 35. 122, prexar. com ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Joseph Anderson Berkeley, California, U.S.
[1012] 09-17-2003 2:05 am IP: 12. 80. 215. 124, san-francisco-08rh16rt. ca. dial-access. att. net ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Robin Ruth Candace Oakland, CA, USA
Writes: don`t stand in the doorways,don t block up the hal
[1011] 09-17-2003 12:27 am IP: 67. 118. 122. 36, dsl. snfc21. pacbell. net ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Michael S Donaldson Berkeley, CA, USA
Writes: Member of the first KPFA elections committee.
[1010] 09-16-2003 11:48 pm IP: 66. 117. 129. 128, dsl. lmi. net ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Edward Shacklett Ventura, CA, USA
[1009] 09-16-2003 6:40 pm IP: 198. 68. 144. 232, rain. org ~ Method: ~all_sm ~all_sm ~Orig. Java ~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Roy Felshin New York, NY, USA
[1008] 09-16-2003 6:30 pm IP: 149. 123. 22. 171, 123. 22. 171 ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Leslie Nowinski New York, New York, USA
[1007] 09-16-2003 5:04 pm IP: 68. 173. 34. 87, nyc. rr. com ~ Method: ~all ~Orig. Java ~MAC ~JAVA (NS) ~MAC~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jenny Walty Brooklyn, NY, USA
Writes: Freedom of expression needs a democratic outlet.
[1006] 09-16-2003 3:21 pm IP: 216. 75. 95. 114, ip. e-nt. net ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Bryan Williams Austin, TX, USA
bryanawilliams-----yahoo com
[1005] 09-16-2003 2:43 pm IP: 24. 153. 177. 171, biz. rr. com ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Carol A. Carlisle West Chester, PA, United States
[1004] 09-16-2003 1:42 pm IP: 146. 145. 233. 90, 145. 233. 90 ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Gillian Claycomb San Francisco, CA, USA
[1003] 09-16-2003 1:38 pm IP: 64. 163. 157. 62, dsl. snfc21. pacbell. net ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Leslie Farney Warwick, NY, USA
Writes: Thank you Mitch Cohen
[1002] 09-16-2003 6:01 am IP: 68. 193. 210. 35, dyn. optonline. net ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Stacey Martin San Francisco, CA, USA
[1001] 09-15-2003 10:35 pm IP: 209. 86. 1. 36, dialup. mindspring. com ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Steve Chessin Mountain View, CA, USA
[1000] 09-15-2003 7:21 pm IP: 192. 18. 42. 10, sun. com ~ Method: ~JAVA (NS) ~MAC ~MAC ~MAC~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
John Jolly San Rafael, CA, USA
[999] 09-15-2003 5:41 pm IP: 67. 25. 105. 236, 25. 105. 236. Dial1. SanFrancisco1. Level3. net ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Robin Perl Brooklyn, New York, USA
[998] 09-15-2003 3:21 pm IP: 4. 43. 252. 36, nycmny1. elnk. dsl. genuity. net ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Deborah Heinzmann Concord, CA, USA
Writes: Do the right thing..Assig election timetable now!
[997] 09-15-2003 2:42 pm IP: 63. 183. 41. 60, dialsprint. net ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Harvey Baylis Flushing, New York, United States of America
Writes: It`s about time!
[996] 09-15-2003 2:23 pm IP: 67. 25. 44. 146, 25. 44. 146. Dial1. NewYork1. Level3. net ~ Method: ~all_sm ~all_sm ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Ephraim Resnick New York, NY, US
ephraimresnick-----netsc pe.net
[995] 09-15-2003 10:21 am IP: 207. 237. 204. 244, c3-0. nyw-ubr2. nyr-nyw. ny. cable. rcn. com ~ Method: ~Orig. Java ~MAC~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Glenn Martin San Francisco, CA, USA
[994] 09-14-2003 9:58 pm IP: 209. 86. 248. 243, dialup. mindspring. com ~ Method: ~all ~JS~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Howard Brandstein New York, New York, USA
[993] 09-14-2003 9:10 pm IP: 165. 247. 26. 130, dialup. mindspring. com ~ Method: ~AUTO~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Peter Sylvester Palo Alto, California, United States of America
Writes: What a terrible time for Pacifica to be paralyzed.
[992] 09-14-2003 7:47 pm IP: 171. 66. 166. 64, Stanford. EDU ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
joyce miller New York, NY, USA
[991] 09-14-2003 6:53 pm IP: 205. 188. 208. 106, proxy. aol. com ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Fred Blair Los Angeles, California, USA
Writes: Lets get on with the Elections..
[990] 09-14-2003 5:32 pm IP: 66. 81. 28. 155, rev. o1. com ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Bill Murawski New York, New York, USA
Writes: I volunteered 3 hours for WBAI fund drive show
[989] 09-14-2003 3:57 pm IP: 66. 108. 173. 243, nyc. rr. com ~ Method: ~all ~JS ~AUTO~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
bill mitchell berkeley, ca, usa
[988] 09-14-2003 3:01 pm IP: 66. 81. 125. 196, rev. o1. com ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jay Murphy New York City, New York, USA
[987] 09-14-2003 1:38 pm IP: 216. 223. 197. 4, oldslip. inch. com ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Keith Frick Santa Barbara, California, USA
Writes: Get on with it!
[986] 09-14-2003 1:19 pm IP: 66. 81. 23. 7, rev. o1. com ~ Method: ~all ~JAVA (NS) ~JS ~JS ~JS ~AUTO~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Michael Lebron New York, New York, USA
unreceived_dogma-----min spring.com
[985] 09-14-2003 1:07 pm IP: 4. 33. 84. 168, nycmny1. elnk. dsl. genuity. net ~ Method: ~MAC ~all ~all ~all ~all ~all ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Cathryn Swan Brooklyn, New York, US
[984] 09-14-2003 1:02 pm IP: 67. 31. 26. 112, 31. 26. 112. Dial1. NewYork1. Level3. net ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Ralph Davies Oakland, CA, USA
[983] 09-14-2003 1:00 pm IP: 64. 172. 60. 141, dsl. snfc21. pacbell. net ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Writes: Pacifica is a DEMOCRATIC organization
[982] 09-14-2003 12:59 pm IP: 12. 233. 57. 77, client. attbi. com ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Damian Miller Maspeth, NY, USA
[981] 09-14-2003 12:28 pm IP: 64. 154. 78. 133, 154. 78. 133. Dial1. NewYork1. Level3. net ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Ken Ellis New Bedford, MA, United States
[980] 09-14-2003 8:37 am IP: 209. 91. 57. 179, cable. mindspring. com ~ Method: ~MAC~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Bruce Tanner San Jose, CA, USA
[979] 09-14-2003 4:25 am IP: 66. 93. 131. 176, sfo4. dsl. speakeasy. net ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Curtis Gray Berkeley, Calif., U.S.A.
[978] 09-14-2003 1:28 am IP: 66. 117. 136. 224, ppp. lmi. net ~ Method: ~all_sm ~AUTO~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Richard Guenther Placerville, California, USA
[977] 09-14-2003 12:12 am IP: 66. 52. 79. 181, calis. com ~ Method: ~all ~all ~JS ~AUTO~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Terry Fletcher Berkeley, CA, USA
[976] 09-13-2003 11:21 pm IP: 66. 218. 46. 54, 218. 46. 54. dslextreme. com ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Catharine Kibira Berkeley, California, USA
Writes: Please don`t put Pacifica at jeopardy again.
[975] 09-13-2003 8:52 pm IP: 67. 160. 214. 227, client. comcast. net ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Gail Weed New York, NY, USA
[974] 09-13-2003 6:58 pm IP: 198. 81. 26. 144, proxy. aol. com ~ Method: ~all ~JS ~JS~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
James L. Eaton New York, NY, USA
[973] 09-13-2003 6:53 pm IP: 198. 81. 26. 144, proxy. aol. com ~ Method: ~all ~all ~JS ~JS ~JS ~JS ~JS~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jonathan Swiler Houston, Texas, usa
[972] 09-13-2003 3:43 pm IP: 67. 10. 88. 218, houston. rr. com ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Ruth Benson Staten Island, New York, USA
[971] 09-13-2003 12:29 pm IP: 24. 168. 102. 145, si. rr. com ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Richard Leigh New York, NY, USA
Writes: Enough already!
[970] 09-13-2003 11:59 am IP: 4. 33. 83. 178, nycmny1. elnk. dsl. genuity. net ~ Method: ~all ~JS~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
lisa young n.y.c . , ny, usa
[969] 09-12-2003 11:11 pm IP: 141. 157. 239. 77, ny325. east. verizon. net ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Frank Irwin Brooklyn, New York, US
mjack4610-----earthlink. et
[968] 09-12-2003 10:55 pm IP: 68. 167. 63. 198, NYCMNY83. covad. net ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jaime Kathenes Clifton Forge, Virginia, USA
Writes: It`s time for a change ` Pacifica Elections!
[967] 09-12-2003 10:54 pm IP: 64. 4. 99. 156, 4. 99. 156 ~ Method: ~MAC ~JAVA (NS)~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Laurent Gabrielli Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
[966] 09-12-2003 7:52 pm IP: 198. 81. 26. 144, proxy. aol. com ~ Method: ~AUTO~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Veronica Toole Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
Writes: KPFK LAB member
[965] 09-12-2003 7:50 pm IP: 198. 81. 26. 144, proxy. aol. com ~ Method: ~AUTO~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Erwin Frranke III Angleton, Texas, Texas
Writes: Roll over.
[964] 09-12-2003 6:20 pm IP: 216. 110. 88. 222, 110. 88. 222 ~ Method: ~JAVA (NS)~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Steve Carlson Sugar Land, TX, USA
scarlson-----chromaenerg .com
[963] 09-12-2003 4:10 pm IP: 206. 97. 178. 42, 97. 178. 42 ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Scott Wesseler Cincinnati, Ohio, America
[962] 09-12-2003 2:56 pm IP: 193. 166. 233. 65, rlinna. ton. tut. fi ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Paul Lion Los Angeles, CA, USA
[961] 09-12-2003 12:42 pm IP: 67. 73. 27. 247, 73. 27. 247. Dial1. LosAngeles1. Level3. net ~ Method: ~AUTO~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Rhonda Druke Houston, TX, USA
[960] 09-12-2003 12:53 am IP: 204. 2. 20. 14, phonoscope. com ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Leslie Lewis
Leslie Lewis New York City, New York, USA
[959] 09-11-2003 9:20 pm IP: 152. 163. 252. 101, proxy. aol. com ~ Method: ~all_sm ~all_sm ~JS ~AUTO~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Melinda Mayers The Woodlands, Texas , United States of America
[958] 09-11-2003 7:57 pm IP: 24. 160. 87. 137, houston. rr. com ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Raymond Meyer Mountain View, CA, USA
Writes: Is there any good reason why elections should not
[957] 09-11-2003 7:38 pm IP: 198. 81. 26. 144, proxy. aol. com ~ Method: ~all_sm ~JS~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Dick Hague San Francisco, California, USA
[956] 09-11-2003 7:30 pm IP: 198. 81. 26. 144, proxy. aol. com ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Peter Dudar Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
[955] 09-11-2003 7:07 pm IP: 198. 81. 26. 144, proxy. aol. com ~ Method: ~AUTO~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Sally Marr Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
Writes: KPFK LAB member
[954] 09-11-2003 7:06 pm IP: 198. 81. 26. 144, proxy. aol. com ~ Method: ~AUTO~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Laura Gagnon New York, New York, USA
[953] 09-11-2003 5:51 pm IP: 65. 105. 67. 2, z065105067. nyc-ny. dsl. cnc. net ~ Method: ~all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Carolynn DiGiuseppi Petaluma, California, USA
carolynnstoddlers-----ya oo.com
[952] 09-11-2003 5:03 pm IP: 67. 74. 34. 34, 74. 34. 34. Dial1. SanFrancisco1. Level3. net ~ Method: ~all_sm~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
susan pelican
susan pelican WOODLAND, ca, usa
[951] 09-11-2003 3:11 pm IP: 168. 150. 192. 182, dcn. davis. ca. us ~ Method: ~All ~All~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Laurie Lewis Berkeley, CA, USA
laurie-----laurielewis.c m
[950] 09-11-2003 2:41 pm IP: 66. 81. 223. 174, rev. o1. com ~ Method: ~All~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Caleb Kleppner San Francisco, CA, USA
[949] 09-11-2003 2:17 pm IP: 66. 81. 216. 84, rev. o1. com ~ Method: ~All~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
H E Shoup Houston, Texas, USA
Writes: The time is now!
[948] 09-11-2003 12:20 pm IP: 67. 192. 132. 35, tnt5. hou10. da. uu. net ~method_js~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Margot Backus
Margot Backus Houston, Texas, United States
[947] 09-11-2003 12:11 pm IP: 129. 7. 192. 195, dhcp. uh. edu ~method_autodraw~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Patrice Davis San Francisco, CA, USA
[946] 09-11-2003 12:06 pm IP: 67. 119. 120. 130, dsl. snfc21. pacbell. net ~method_all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
david kawecki san francisco, ca, usa
Writes: democracy now for pacifica!
[945] 09-11-2003 11:54 am IP: 66. 81. 119. 145, rev. o1. com ~method_all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Marty Schiffenbaue Berkeley, CA, USA
Writes: Democracy Now!
[944] 09-11-2003 11:00 am IP: 64. 164. 2. 243, dsl. snfc21. pacbell. net ~method_autodraw~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
carol caputo 141 clinton ave, Patchogue, New York, U.S.A
[943] 09-11-2003 9:08 am IP: 205. 184. 173. 53, rasserver. net ~method_all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Bruce Wilson Cotati, CA, USA
[942] 09-11-2003 1:32 am IP: 64. 142. 13. 252, sonic. net ~method_all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Elnora Harcombe Bellaire, Texas, USA
[941] 09-10-2003 7:42 pm IP: 128. 42. 176. 212, rice. edu ~method_all~ . Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Linda Edwards Santa Rosa, California, USA
Writes: It`s time for elections!
[940] 09-10-2003 6:38 pm IP: 207. 62. 200. 40, 62. 200. 40. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Carl V Phillips Houston, Texas, USA
[939] 09-10-2003 6:17 pm IP: 129. 106. 91. 220, sph. uth. tmc. edu. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Paul Kotheimer Columbus, OH, USA
[938] 09-10-2003 4:05 pm IP: 140. 254. 255. 125, cohums. ohio-state. edu. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Bert Picard Woodside, NY, USA
Writes: WBAI member and supporter
[937] 09-10-2003 2:55 pm IP: 205. 184. 164. 100, rasserver. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
mary stookey north olmsted, ohio, usa
[936] 09-10-2003 12:51 pm IP: 67. 20. 104. 147, clvdoh. adelphia. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Faraz Waheed Columbus, Ohio, USA
Writes: Yay for Democracy!
[935] 09-10-2003 12:37 pm IP: 68. 75. 16. 232, dsl. wotnoh. ameritech. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Annie Lehrmann Houston, TX, usa
allehrmann-----sbcglobal net
Writes: Angry - George Barnestone is grandstandti
[934] 09-10-2003 12:03 pm IP: 64. 217. 124. 101, 217. 124. 101. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Scott Egan Tucson, Arizona, USA
[933] 09-10-2003 11:45 am IP: 152. 163. 252. 101, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Thomas Wm. Hamilton Staten Island, NY, USA
[932] 09-10-2003 10:39 am IP: 149. 123. 66. 134, 123. 66. 134. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Robert Simmons Houston, TX, USA
[931] 09-10-2003 9:56 am IP: 216. 39. 216. 239, compassnet. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Yuji Moriki New York City, New York, USA
[930] 09-10-2003 8:55 am IP: 68. 161. 75. 172, ny325. east. verizon. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Dick Shyers
Dick Shyers Stockton, California, USA
[929] 09-10-2003 2:01 am IP: 66. 81. 34. 73, rev. o1. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Martha Wallner Albany, CA, USA
[928] 09-10-2003 1:31 am IP: 66. 117. 136. 173, ppp. lmi. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Bermie Fox San Francisco, CA, USA
Writes: We must keep Pacifica Radio free for the people
[927] 09-10-2003 1:29 am IP: 68. 165. 6. 64, SNVACAID. covad. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
William P. Majoue Inverness, Ca., usa
[926] 09-10-2003 12:59 am IP: 207. 135. 101. 153, ptreyes. horizoncable. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Anuj Shah Houston, TX, USA
[925] 09-10-2003 12:38 am IP: 66. 69. 145. 225, houston. rr. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Marcia Rider Corralitos, CA, USA
[924] 09-10-2003 12:33 am IP: 198. 81. 26. 144, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
John Shively oakland, CA, USA
Writes: The imbedded saboteurs should leave now.
[923] 09-9-2003 11:36 pm IP: 165. 121. 192. 57, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Gregg Carleton Houston, Texas, USA
Writes: Let us have Democracy!
[922] 09-9-2003 9:03 pm IP: 68. 90. 61. 238, dsl. hstntx. swbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Neil Galindez Houston, TX, US
[921] 09-9-2003 8:35 pm IP: 66. 69. 188. 2, 69. 188. 2. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Julie Meyer Washington, DC, DC, USA
[920] 09-9-2003 5:45 pm IP: 4. 64. 191. 192, washdc3. elnk. dsl. genuity. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Octavio B. Vazquez Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
[919] 09-9-2003 5:41 pm IP: 199. 35. 200. 189, rasserver. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Andy Sekara San Francisco, California, US of A
[918] 09-9-2003 5:05 pm IP: 67. 74. 41. 63, 74. 41. 63. Dial1. SanFrancisco1. Level3. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Clay Smith Houston, Texas, USA
Writes: Give us an election and please go away
[917] 09-9-2003 4:23 pm IP: 69. 22. 47. 8, cable. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
John F. Davies Orinda, California, USA
Writes: Enough bickering ! Lets get on with it!
[916] 09-9-2003 3:51 pm IP: 63. 164. 145. 198, 164. 145. 198. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Joan Laughlin houston, texas, usa
[915] 09-9-2003 3:11 pm IP: 69. 22. 9. 108, cable. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Stanley Stefancic San Rafael, CA, USA
[914] 09-9-2003 3:01 pm IP: 12. 80. 223. 71, san-francisco-12rh16rt. ca. dial-access. att. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Matthew Donowho Houston, Texas, USA
matt-----illuminatigroup com
[913] 09-9-2003 3:00 pm IP: 24. 160. 112. 125, houston. rr. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Javier B. Garcia Brooklyn, NY, USA
Writes: WBAI member
[912] 09-9-2003 1:15 pm IP: 208. 241. 100. 15, speedus. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
michael woodson houston, tx, u.s.a.
[911] 09-9-2003 1:03 pm IP: 207. 80. 16. 10, 80. 16. 10. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jeff Darlington Houston, Texas, USA
Writes: Progress requires change.
[910] 09-9-2003 12:15 pm IP: 24. 167. 28. 90, houston. rr. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Dante Toza Philly, PA, USA
[909] 09-9-2003 11:43 am IP: 66. 92. 233. 106, phl1. dsl. speakeasy. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Naomi Sager New York, NY, USA
[908] 09-9-2003 10:42 am IP: 128. 122. 140. 98, CS. NYU. EDU. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Paul Sheridan
Paul Sheridan Brooklyn, NY, USA
Writes: democracy, NOW!
[907] 09-9-2003 10:39 am IP: 67. 31. 41. 172, 31. 41. 172. Dial1. NewYork1. Level3. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Brandon Moeller Houston, Texas, United States
Writes: The people, yes.
[906] 09-9-2003 10:34 am IP: 129. 7. 146. 222, dhcp. uh. edu. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Matthew Kresha Houston, Texas, Aztlan
twocrows-----sbcglobal.n t
Writes: Stop the disruption, start the voting.
[905] 09-9-2003 10:22 am IP: 65. 64. 229. 174, dsl. hstntx. swbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Barbara Sykes Mill Valley, CA, USA
lowellsykes-----hotmail. om
[904] 09-9-2003 10:01 am IP: 65. 146. 85. 127, nas115. oakland1. ca. us. da. qwest. net, proxy: 64. 70. 24. 56. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Frank J. Burris Canton, OH, USA
[903] 09-9-2003 7:52 am IP: 63. 188. 137. 77, dialsprint. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Dave Ijams Richmond, CA, USA
[902] 09-9-2003 6:59 am IP: 63. 206. 89. 59, dsl. snfc21. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Susan Klein Clifton Forge, VA, USA
[901] 09-9-2003 6:34 am IP: 64. 4. 96. 166, 4. 96. 166. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Benjamin New York, NY, USA
[900] 09-9-2003 6:09 am IP: 24. 199. 76. 23, cable. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Dave Brast Inverness, CA, USA
[899] 09-9-2003 2:48 am IP: 64. 40. 162. 119, svn. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Mary Fishman Berkeley, CA, USA
[898] 09-9-2003 2:33 am IP: 12. 240. 222. 123, client. attbi. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Irma Zuckermann Berkeley, California 94708, U.S.A.
Writes: A subscriber since \'51 and a phone volunteer at KP
[897] 09-9-2003 12:44 am IP: 158. 252. 241. 58, dialsprint. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Attila Nagy Cotati, California, USA
Writes: Democratize Pacifica
[896] 09-9-2003 12:32 am IP: 64. 142. 12. 244, sonic. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Patricia Gray Burlingame, California, ( I wonder sometimes) U.S.A,
Writes: Democracy!!
[895] 09-8-2003 11:45 pm IP: 12. 81. 2. 208, sanjose-06-07rs16rt. ca. dial-access. att. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
David Occhiuto NYC, NY, USA
[894] 09-8-2003 11:42 pm IP: 67. 31. 12. 41, 31. 12. 41. Dial1. NewYork1. Level3. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Joseph Cantwell Dix Hills, NY, USA
Writes: It is time we movedon.
[893] 09-8-2003 11:36 pm IP: 24. 47. 106. 212, dyn. optonline. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Greg Dinger San Rafael, CA, USA
[892] 09-8-2003 11:03 pm IP: 12. 236. 137. 38, client. attbi. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Juliette A. Valente Woodacre, Ca, USA
[891] 09-8-2003 9:25 pm IP: 12. 210. 240. 200, client. attbi. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Robert F. Thornthwaite Stafford, TX, USA
[890] 09-8-2003 9:07 pm IP: 216. 39. 212. 112, mylinuxisp. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Daniel Newman Berkeley, CA, USA
[889] 09-8-2003 8:52 pm IP: 12. 232. 202. 77, client. attbi. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Pamela Holt Oakland, CA, CA
[888] 09-8-2003 8:06 pm IP: 64. 169. 83. 227, cocolink. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jon Mitguard San Rafael, CA, USA
[887] 09-8-2003 7:54 pm IP: 68. 164. 28. 234, SNVACAID. covad. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Wendy Jorgensen Columbus, Ohio, United States of America
Writes: Pacifica Radio would be a welcome in Central Ohio.
[886] 09-8-2003 7:16 pm IP: 172. 145. 49. 94, ipt. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Fadi Saba San Jose, California, US
[885] 09-8-2003 7:09 pm IP: 146. 74. 1. 99, 74. 1. 99. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jon Almeleh Staten Island, New York, USA
Writes: Elections NOW!
[884] 09-8-2003 7:07 pm IP: 24. 164. 131. 80, si. rr. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Sue Severin San Anselmo, CA, USA
[883] 09-8-2003 7:02 pm IP: 165. 247. 206. 139, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Margaret Billings El Cerrito, CA, USA
Writes: Let`s get back to the business of running a statio
[882] 09-8-2003 6:53 pm IP: 12. 240. 0. 168, client. attbi. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Steve Connely
Steve Connely Oakland, Ca, usa
[881] 09-8-2003 6:51 pm IP: 64. 171. 27. 102, dsl. sntc01. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Carolyna Marks Berkeley, CA, USA
[880] 09-8-2003 6:42 pm IP: 68. 122. 42. 237, dsl. pltn13. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Yaney LA MacIver Corvallis, OR, United States
[879] 09-8-2003 6:03 pm IP: 206. 102. 11. 248, dsl. easystreet. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Barbara Nimri Aziz NY, NY, USA
Writes: I do not have signing capacity on my pc
[878] 09-8-2003 5:55 pm IP: 170. 215. 213. 149, 149. nas4. nor. ny. frontiernet. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Frank Fitzgerald NY, NY, USA
goodlight-----goodlight. et
Writes: An unencumbered unmanipulate vote NOW!
[877] 09-8-2003 4:37 pm IP: 4. 43. 248. 178, nycmny1. elnk. dsl. genuity. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Barbara Goldberg Jericho, NY, USA
[876] 09-8-2003 4:32 pm IP: 216. 21. 193. 15, spectrumdsl. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Robert Nelson Canyon, California, USA
[875] 09-8-2003 4:26 pm IP: 216. 192. 70. 23, as. wcom. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Gary Gibson Tucson, Arizona, United States
Writes: Make Pacifica a democratic institution! !!
[874] 09-8-2003 4:12 pm IP: 63. 184. 48. 51, dialsprint. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Edgar Hull Salem, Ohio, USA
edgarhull-----earthlink. et
[873] 09-8-2003 4:12 pm IP: 24. 145. 232. 73, cable. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Hastings, Jason Tucson, AZ, US
[872] 09-8-2003 4:12 pm IP: 216. 253. 194. 85, 253. 194. 85. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
James Schriver Houston, TX, United States
JamesSchriver-----mindsp ing.com
Writes: Previous email petition was returned `undeliverab
[871] 09-8-2003 3:57 pm IP: 66. 149. 92. 140, biz. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jennifer `Marquessa` Weaver
Jennifer `Marquessa` Weaver Houston, Texas, USA
[870] 09-8-2003 3:13 pm IP: 68. 90. 60. 199, dsl. hstntx. swbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Mr. Bobbie D. Flowers New York, New York, U.S.A.
[869] 09-8-2003 2:56 pm IP: 66. 134. 249. 137, NYCMNY83. covad. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Romulo Sanchez Newark, NJ, USA
[868] 09-8-2003 2:51 pm IP: 206. 149. 212. 22, ras14. nynyc-t. alerondial. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
John Berger Lakewood, CA, USA
[867] 09-8-2003 2:24 pm IP: 199. 89. 199. 81, mattel. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Bon Kelly Moab, Utah, USA
Writes: Don`t be afraid to timelines, action will follow
[866] 09-8-2003 2:19 pm IP: 205. 119. 128. 142, grand. lib. ut. us. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Tim Lemmon
Tim Lemmon Columbus, Ohio, United States
[865] 09-8-2003 2:13 pm IP: 164. 107. 187. 53, scc. ohio-state. edu. Witnessed at ThisCause.org.
Margaret Aylward Columbus, Ohio, USA
[864] 09-8-2003 1:46 pm IP: 140. 254. 27. 211, fpd. ohio-state. edu. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Peter R. Force Venice, California, U.S.
[863] 09-8-2003 12:18 pm IP: 4. 3. 255. 74, 3. 255. 74. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Nancy Raffaelli Richards Venice, California, Stati Uniti
[862] 09-8-2003 12:15 pm IP: 4. 3. 255. 74, 3. 255. 74. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Edge Dostal fresno, ca, usa
[861] 09-8-2003 12:02 pm IP: 24. 127. 66. 217, we. client2. attbi. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Marian Cruz
Marian Cruz Hollister, CA, USA
[860] 09-8-2003 10:56 am IP: 67. 115. 42. 84, hollinet. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Paul Trudeau Sacramento, CA, US
[859] 09-8-2003 10:36 am IP: 168. 150. 235. 42, dcn. davis. ca. us, proxy: 63. 200. 93. 226. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Steven Gotzler Jersey City, NJ, USA
Writes: Diversity will come from actions, not from bylaws.
[858] 09-8-2003 10:25 am IP: 68. 38. 243. 82, jersyc01. nj. comcast. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Barbara Whipperman Oakland, CA, USA
Writes: Stop delaying
[857] 09-8-2003 9:01 am IP: 136. 152. 194. 150, HIP. Berkeley. EDU. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Chuck Scurich San Clemente, Callifornia, United States of America
Writes: I`m afraid the judge`ll rule `receivershi ` soon
[856] 09-8-2003 7:05 am IP: 209. 204. 181. 192, sonic. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Carolyn Meek Houston, Texas, USA
[855] 09-8-2003 6:56 am IP: 205. 188. 208. 106, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Lyn Gerry Waterloo, New York, United States
[854] 09-8-2003 5:26 am IP: 24. 93. 11. 155, rochester. rr. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Anthony J. (Tony) Sustak Richmond, CA, US
Writes: I demand Pacifica Elections be held now.
[853] 09-8-2003 4:12 am IP: 165. 121. 192. 141, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Shawn Ewald New York, New York, USA
[852] 09-8-2003 4:03 am IP: 141. 149. 35. 25, ny325. east. verizon. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Molly Talcott Santa Barbara, CA, USA
mtalcott-----umail.ucsb. du
[851] 09-8-2003 2:31 am IP: 209. 179. 233. 134, cvx17-bradley. dialup. earthlink. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Lester Radke El Sobrante , A, USA
[850] 09-8-2003 2:16 am IP: 209. 86. 240. 72, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Helene Knox Berkeley, CA, USA
Writes: The Best are full of passionate intensity now.
[849] 09-8-2003 2:06 am IP: 204. 31. 254. 244, rasserver. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Bill Bates Stafford, Texas, U.S.A.
Writes: resolution, please!
[848] 09-8-2003 1:51 am IP: 208. 187. 23. 161, ev1. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Camilla Cracchiolo Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
Writes: This has taken far too long
[847] 09-8-2003 1:51 am IP: 66. 81. 104. 127, rev. o1. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Tanya Phillips Albany, CA, US
Writes: Enough nonsense! Let`s get on with it!
[846] 09-8-2003 1:31 am IP: 172. 193. 141. 157, ipt. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Stephen M Brown
Stephen M Brown New York, NY, USA
[845] 09-8-2003 1:21 am IP: 66. 108. 213. 199, nyc. rr. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Margo Shafer Berkeley, CA, USA
[844] 09-8-2003 1:06 am IP: 12. 233. 56. 70, client. attbi. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Susan Schacher Oakland , CA, USA
[843] 09-8-2003 12:51 am IP: 158. 252. 242. 129, dialsprint. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Susan Schacher Oakland , CA, USA
[842] 09-8-2003 12:51 am IP: 158. 252. 242. 129, dialsprint. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Philip Paull
Philip Paull Berkeley, Ca., USA
philpaull-----earthlink. et
[841] 09-8-2003 12:50 am IP: 209. 86. 243. 68, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Susan Schacher Oakland, CA, USA
[840] 09-8-2003 12:49 am IP: 158. 252. 242. 129, dialsprint. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Irwin and Phyllis Luckman Oakland, California, USA
[839] 09-8-2003 12:18 am IP: 209. 86. 249. 252, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Tomas Moran Palo Alto, CA, USA
Writes: Former Pacifica Board Member
[838] 09-7-2003 11:36 pm IP: 12. 234. 228. 74, client. attbi. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Rob Mykoff Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Writes: democracy IS important
[837] 09-7-2003 11:16 pm IP: 66. 233. 197. 120, cox-internet. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Mara Rivera San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Writes: We will never let our stations be destroyed
[836] 09-7-2003 10:24 pm IP: 64. 2. 63. 160, z064002063. sjc-ca. dsl. cnc. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
C. Liu Whitestone, NY, U.S.A.
Writes: Stop stalling. Listeners want elections - NOW!
[835] 09-7-2003 10:05 pm IP: 67. 73. 24. 208, 73. 24. 208. Dial1. LosAngeles1. Level3. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Joel Isaacson Berkeley, CA, USA
[834] 09-7-2003 10:03 pm IP: 158. 252. 214. 176, dialsprint. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Gaspare Castronovo Brooklyn, New York, USA
[833] 09-7-2003 9:51 pm IP: 165. 247. 29. 49, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Harriet Castronovo Brooklyn, New York, USA
harriet1212-----earthlin .net
[832] 09-7-2003 9:40 pm IP: 165. 247. 29. 49, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Allan Brison new haven, CT, USA
[831] 09-7-2003 9:20 pm IP: 68. 63. 120. 198, nhaven01. ct. comcast. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Paul Surovell
Paul Surovell Maplewood, New Jersey, USA
Writes: The bylaws have been approved per the settlement
[830] 09-7-2003 9:15 pm IP: 152. 163. 252. 101, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Tim O`Dowd Houston, Texas, USA
[829] 09-7-2003 9:06 pm IP: 205. 186. 67. 143, rasserver. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
MaryAnn Martinez
MaryAnn Martinez Houston, Texas, USA
Writes: Elections now!
[828] 09-7-2003 8:54 pm IP: 205. 186. 67. 143, rasserver. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Enzo Bard Baldwin, New York, USA
thoubard-----optonline.n t
[827] 09-7-2003 8:50 pm IP: 24. 188. 179. 145, dyn. optonline. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jean Romsted Highland Park, NJ , USA
[826] 09-7-2003 8:31 pm IP: 198. 151. 130. 246, Rutgers. EDU. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Phil Beder New York, NY, USA
[825] 09-7-2003 8:19 pm IP: 64. 24. 68. 168, 105. popsite. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jan Goodman Santa Monica, CA, USA
[824] 09-7-2003 8:02 pm IP: 4. 62. 203. 124, lsanca1. elnk. dsl. genuity. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jim Lutz Oakland, CA, USA (until California secedes!
[823] 09-7-2003 7:50 pm IP: 68. 164. 19. 135, SNVACAID. covad. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
John P. Jones Venice, CA, U.S.A.
Writes: EG, you`re outta here!!!
[822] 09-7-2003 7:42 pm IP: 24. 126. 240. 196, we. client2. attbi. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Don White Los Angeles CISPES, California, USA
donwhite4justice-----hot ail.com
[821] 09-7-2003 7:18 pm IP: 67. 114. 84. 58, dsl. lsan03. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Craig Gordon Berkeley, CA, United States
[820] 09-7-2003 7:12 pm IP: 198. 81. 26. 144, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jacinta Amaral Fresno, CA, USA
jacintaa-----csufresno.e u
[819] 09-7-2003 7:01 pm IP: 129. 8. 204. 50, 8. 204. 50. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
DE Moore Los Angeles, CA, USA
[818] 09-7-2003 6:51 pm IP: 63. 205. 129. 102, dsl. lsan03. pacbell. net.
Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Thomas Breen fresno, ca, CA, USA
[817] 09-7-2003 6:43 pm IP: 129. 8. 204. 50, 8. 204. 50.
Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
myla reson santa monica, california, peace
myla4justpeace-----yahoo com
Writes: Democracy Now!
[816] 09-7-2003 6:26 pm IP: 209. 78. 120. 131, mptvfund. org. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Elayne Isaacs Berkeley, CA, USA
[815] 09-7-2003 6:23 pm IP: 66. 81. 154. 26, rev. o1. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Frank Marrero Jr 39 w 14th st, New York, N.Y., usa
[814] 09-7-2003 6:13 pm IP: 24. 49. 243. 230, pbc. adelphia. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Valerie Anton San Anselmo, CA, United States
[813] 09-7-2003 6:13 pm IP: 12. 80. 204. 54, san-francisco-03rh15rt. ca. dial-access. att. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Gail Pacifica Oakland, CA, USA
[812] 09-7-2003 6:09 pm IP: 64. 166. 87. 104, dsl. sntc01. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Andre LaFlamme
Andre LaFlamme Studio City, California, USA
[811] 09-7-2003 6:09 pm IP: 198. 81. 26. 144, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Debra Valov Oakland, CA, USA
[810] 09-7-2003 6:08 pm IP: 64. 166. 87. 104, dsl. sntc01. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Toni Gross Oakland, California, USA
Writes: We need to get on with the elections and keep this
[809] 09-7-2003 6:05 pm IP: 209. 86. 249. 237, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Kathy ` Bill Rueve Sebastopol, CA, USA
Writes: Please don`t fail us now!
[808] 09-7-2003 5:52 pm IP: 198. 81. 26. 144, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Andrew Norris Mountainside, NJ, USA
[807] 09-7-2003 5:49 pm IP: 198. 138. 111. 87, nji. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
janice blue
janice blue Houston, Texas, USA
Writes: The time is now.
[806] 09-7-2003 5:22 pm IP: 69. 22. 46. 163, cable. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Dennis Fetters Houston, Texas, U.S.A
DennisAfetters-----aol.c m
Writes: KPFT Election Supervisor
[805] 09-7-2003 5:03 pm IP: 67. 10. 80. 149, houston. rr. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Forrest Nixon San Jose, CA, USA
Writes: Let`s move to democratic elections
[804] 09-7-2003 5:01 pm IP: 172. 139. 118. 97, ipt. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Richard Del Nero Scotch Plains, NJ, United States
Writes: We want elections NOW!
[803] 09-7-2003 4:59 pm IP: 12. 89. 183. 143, newark-12rh16rt. nj. dial-access. att. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Elizabeth Currans Santa Barbara, California, USA
[802] 09-7-2003 4:50 pm IP: 66. 52. 15. 117, lsan. dial. netzero. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Pilar Baca Barnard Sacramento, CA , U.S.A.
[801] 09-7-2003 4:44 pm IP: 63. 175. 152. 104, macnexus. org. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Robert Carter Houston, Tx, USA
[800] 09-7-2003 4:33 pm IP: 208. 186. 193. 200, ev1. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Eselle Jelinek Berkeley, CA, USA
ejel-----uclink.berkeley edu
[799] 09-7-2003 4:30 pm IP: 136. 152. 194. 127, HIP. Berkeley. EDU. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Steve Martinot Berkeley, California, USA
marto-----ocf.berkeley.e u
[798] 09-7-2003 4:03 pm IP: 66. 81. 65. 86, rev. o1. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Silvia Arana Brooklyn, NY, USA
[797] 09-7-2003 4:00 pm IP: 69. 22. 250. 155, cable. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
karen klitz berkeley, california, united states
kklitz-----socrates.berk ley.edu
[796] 09-7-2003 3:55 pm IP: 66. 81. 69. 11, rev. o1. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Warren felt Northridge, CA, USA
Writes: Let`s get off the dime! These delaying tactics ha
[795] 09-7-2003 3:52 pm IP: 24. 24. 196. 66, socal. rr. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Kevin White Houston, Texas, USA
[794] 09-7-2003 3:41 pm IP: 206. 126. 49. 186, nstci. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Rhonda Garner Houston, Texas, USA
msrhondagarner-----aol.c m
Writes: Impeach George Barnstone
[793] 09-7-2003 3:32 pm IP: 205. 188. 208. 106, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Vinod Prabhakaran Berkeley, CA, USA
[792] 09-7-2003 3:13 pm IP: 67. 122. 249. 144, dsl. pltn13. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Evelyn Grandinetti Sunnyvale, CA, USA
[791] 09-7-2003 3:00 pm IP: 209. 86. 5. 182, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Evelyn Grandinetti Sunnyvale, CA, USA
[790] 09-7-2003 2:59 pm IP: 209. 86. 5. 182, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Timothy Johnston Marina, CA, USA
[789] 09-7-2003 2:50 pm IP: 67. 121. 4. 197, dsl. mtry01. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Steven Starr Los Angeles, CA, USA
steven-----freenetprojec .org
Writes: Elections Now! Diversity Now! Stop NeoCons Now!
[788] 09-7-2003 2:40 pm IP: 24. 30. 126. 117, we. client2. attbi. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jacques Berchten Albany, California, USA
jacques1102b-----yahoo.c m
Writes: Please schedule voting date ASAP
[787] 09-7-2003 2:34 pm IP: 208. 59. 199. 232, sfrn. ca. webcache. rcn. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Mark Kornovich Point Richmond, California, USA
Writes: let`s vote already
[786] 09-7-2003 2:29 pm IP: 12. 232. 201. 73, client. attbi. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jennifer Schneider Simi Valley, CA, USA
[785] 09-7-2003 2:26 pm IP: 66. 81. 248. 25, rev. o1. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Mike Holland Belmont, California, U.S.A.
Writes: Get started with the Pacifica Board elections.
[784] 09-7-2003 2:16 pm IP: 69. 3. 26. 139, SNVACAID. covad. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Peter Cedric Smith Brooklyn, NY, USA
[783] 09-7-2003 2:13 pm IP: 216. 194. 20. 248, 216-194-20-248. nyc. ny. metconnect. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
chris hardman Sausalito, CA, United States of America
chris-----antenna-theate .org
Writes: Move On!
[782] 09-7-2003 2:05 pm IP: 65. 168. 85. 206, 168. 85. 206. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Gerald Auth Laguna Beach, CA, usa
Writes: The sooner, the better
[781] 09-7-2003 1:43 pm IP: 68. 5. 77. 20, oc. oc. cox. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Rick MItchell Houston, TX, USA
Writes: ends never justify means; means justify ends
[780] 09-7-2003 1:39 pm IP: 66. 25. 12. 71, houston. rr. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
adi gevins oakland, california, usa
[779] 09-7-2003 1:27 pm IP: 64. 172. 105. 208, dsl. snfc21. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Michael Peters Monroe, New York, USA
Writes: Democracy now, please.
[778] 09-7-2003 1:26 pm IP: 209. 63. 167. 183, nrp1. mon. ny. frontiernet. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Paul Romero Oakland, CA, USA
Writes: Avoid Legal Problems
[777] 09-7-2003 1:22 pm IP: 64. 139. 27. 223, sjc. megapath. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Armin Wright Oakland, CA, usa
Writes: Democratize Pacifica!
[776] 09-7-2003 1:21 pm IP: 66. 81. 218. 86, rev. o1. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Michael B ailey San Leandro, ca, usa
Writes: Let`s move on. Stop the potential of another coup
[775] 09-7-2003 1:19 pm IP: 67. 160. 199. 112, client. comcast. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jeff Peress Glen Cove, NY, USA
[774] 09-7-2003 1:17 pm IP: 65. 229. 115. 245, tnt21. nyc9. da. uu. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
David H. Silberman San Francisco, CA, USA
Writes: We need to move on; especially in these times.
[773] 09-7-2003 1:15 pm IP: 171. 66. 212. 187, Stanford. EDU. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Tim Gordon Berkeley, California, USA
Writes: Enough`s enough!
[772] 09-7-2003 1:13 pm IP: 66. 117. 146. 28, rdsl. lmi. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Michael DeBellis San Francisco, CA, USA
[771] 09-7-2003 1:06 pm IP: 63. 193. 113. 217, dsl. snfc21. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Tamara Nicoloff Piedmont, CA, USA
Writes: Don`t hold the people`s momentum back.
[770] 09-7-2003 12:59 pm IP: 209. 86. 7. 61, 209. 179. 168. 31, , proxy: 209. 179. 168. 35. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Wade B. Holland Inverness, CA, USA
Writes: This 40+ year member insists on elections!
[769] 09-7-2003 12:52 pm IP: 64. 40. 162. 135, svn. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
matt magana san francisco, california, usa
[768] 09-7-2003 12:42 pm IP: 66. 92. 7. 40, sfo1. dsl. speakeasy. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
David Dresser Berkeley, California, USA
Writes: Come on! You are adults. Perform the work.
[767] 09-7-2003 12:30 pm IP: 63. 198. 197. 21, dsl. snfc21. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
george pursley pinole, ca, usa
[766] 09-7-2003 12:27 pm IP: 63. 206. 90. 79, dsl. snfc21. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
David Tallitsch Brooklyn, NY, USA
Writes: Preserve Pacifica!
[765] 09-7-2003 12:23 pm IP: 68. 161. 64. 221, ny325. east. verizon. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Donna Mickleson Berkeley, California, USA
Writes: I am incredulous! Enough, already!
[764] 09-7-2003 12:22 pm IP: 66. 117. 146. 28, rdsl. lmi. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Douglas Stevenson 2808 Welk Common` Fremo t, CA, USA
Writes: Allow the elections to proceed.
[763] 09-7-2003 12:20 pm IP: 12. 210. 9. 4, client. attbi. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Norbert K. Farrell Oakland, Ca, USA
Writes: Just do it!
[762] 09-7-2003 12:20 pm IP: 66. 81. 147. 121, rev. o1. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Sandra Morey Oakland, CA, USA
Writes: Eternal vigilance is the price of Freedom
[761] 09-7-2003 12:15 pm IP: 66. 81. 147. 121, rev. o1. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
michael bordenave fresno, CA, USA
[760] 09-7-2003 12:13 pm IP: 165. 247. 224. 54, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
peter franck
peter franck san rafael, ca, us
[759] 09-7-2003 12:12 pm IP: 67. 119. 190. 3, dialup. pltn13. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Joan Paulin Palo Alto, CA, USA
[758] 09-7-2003 12:07 pm IP: 12. 234. 229. 60, client. attbi. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Donna Mickleson
Donna Mickleson Berkeley, California, USA
Writes: I am incredulous!! Enough, already!!!!
[757] 09-7-2003 12:04 pm IP: 66. 117. 146. 28, rdsl. lmi. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jonothan L. Logan New York, NY, USA
[756] 09-7-2003 11:14 am IP: 165. 247. 49. 96, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
M.T. Karthik Los Angeles, CA, USA
fiftyfootpinetreepre s-----notshown.com
Writes: elections are waaaaay overdue
[755] 09-7-2003 11:02 am IP: 63. 196. 246. 233, dsl. lsan03. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
LaRose T. Parris Brentwood, New York, USA
[754] 09-7-2003 10:44 am IP: 172. 200. 151. 127, ipt. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jessica Villota New York, NY, United States
Writes: You can`t stop us.
[753] 09-7-2003 10:31 am IP: 208. 36. 129. 131, 36. 129. 131. ptr. us. xo. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Robert Goldberg Jericho, New York, USA
Writes: Thank you
[752] 09-7-2003 10:14 am IP: 216. 21. 193. 196, spectrumdsl. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Steffie Brooks Queens, NY, USA
Writes: There`s a battle outside and it`s raging
[751] 09-7-2003 10:06 am IP: 24. 90. 46. 251, nyc. rr. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
linda zises
linda zises bklyn, , n.y., u.s.a.
[750] 09-7-2003 9:46 am IP: 67. 31. 64. 68, 31. 64. 68. Dial1. NewYork1. Level3. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Nathan Privitt Manning, South Carolina, USA
[749] 09-7-2003 9:26 am IP: 216. 218. 80. 152, r18. scsumt. infoave. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jim Krivo Franklin Square, New York, U.S.A.
[748] 09-7-2003 8:58 am IP: 24. 191. 17. 217, 10. 100. 4. 111, , proxy: 66. 119. 33. 170. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Gil Gilmore Norwalk, CT, USA
zenbones-----sbcglobal.n t
[747] 09-7-2003 8:54 am IP: 64. 252. 113. 89, 113. 252. 64. snet. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Anthony Ernst Southampton, New York, usa
tonyernst-----springmail com
Writes: We need to move on! by-laws can be changed later
[746] 09-7-2003 8:26 am IP: 24. 189. 186. 195, dyn. optonline. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Ken Ellis New Bedford, MA, United States
kennethellis-----earthli k.net
[745] 09-7-2003 6:48 am IP: 209. 91. 57. 179, cable. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
R. Paul Martin Brooklyn, New York, USA
Writes: WBAI Unpaid Staff
[744] 09-7-2003 6:40 am IP: 68. 161. 165. 112, ny325. east. verizon. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Dorothy Jesse Beagle Berkeley, CA 94704, USA
jessprez-----concentric. et
[743] 09-7-2003 6:16 am IP: 66. 238. 120. 103, fre-ca. osd. concentric. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
edi vach` silver lake, ca, us of a
[742] 09-7-2003 3:41 am IP: 208. 187. 131. 123, safepages. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Bob Henschen Bellaire, TX, USA
Writes: TIme to move forward with elections.
[741] 09-7-2003 1:29 am IP: 207. 221. 160. 139, rasserver. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
L. Darlene Pratt
L. Darlene Pratt berkeley, ca, usa
[740] 09-7-2003 1:16 am IP: 198. 81. 26. 144, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jackie Julty Newark, CA, U.S.A.
Writes: Pacifica is the people`s radio!
[739] 09-7-2003 12:46 am IP: 209. 165. 11. 99, 99. lightspeed. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Brian Nelson El Cerrito, CA, United States
Writes: Knock off the crap!
[738] 09-7-2003 12:39 am IP: 216. 100. 132. 68, dsl. snfc21. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
robert graham Houston, Texas, usa
Writes: get on with it-----stop obstructing
[737] 09-7-2003 12:39 am IP: 208. 187. 141. 116, ev1. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Rachel Potasznik NY, NY, U.S.A.
[736] 09-7-2003 12:38 am IP: 206. 216. 60. 165, rasserver. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Pat Clinton San Francisco, Ca., U.S.A.
bpaclin-----mindspring.c m
[735] 09-7-2003 12:38 am IP: 68. 164. 18. 88, SNVACAID. covad. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jackie Julty Newark, CA, U.S.A.
joltster-----earthlink.n t
[734] 09-7-2003 12:38 am IP: 209. 165. 11. 99, 99. lightspeed. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Kathleen O`Nan Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.
[733] 09-7-2003 12:29 am IP: 209. 178. 152. 237, cvx5-bradley. dialup. earthlink. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Bani Ogando New York , NY, USA
bani-----respectanimals. om
[732] 09-7-2003 12:14 am IP: 64. 12. 96. 71, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
nancy stein
nancy stein pt. reyes, ,
[731] 09-6-2003 11:39 pm IP: 64. 40. 162. 201, svn. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Donas John Los Angeles, CA, USA
[730] 09-6-2003 11:17 pm IP: 198. 81. 26. 144, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Sarah Johnson Nyack, NY, USA
[729] 09-6-2003 11:01 pm IP: 165. 247. 24. 177, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Eric Romsted Highalnd Park, NJ, USA
Writes: It`s Time.
[728] 09-6-2003 10:16 pm IP: 198. 151. 130. 246, Rutgers. EDU. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
karen Pomer Los Angeles, CA, USA
[727] 09-6-2003 8:54 pm IP: 64. 12. 96. 71, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Carole LaFlamme
Carole LaFlamme Los Angeles, California, USA
[726] 09-6-2003 8:43 pm IP: 198. 81. 26. 144, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Philippa Woolley Brooklyn, ny, usa
[725] 09-6-2003 8:32 pm IP: 24. 29. 151. 85, nyc. rr. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Joe Giambrone Perris, CA, USA
Writes: I sponsored KPFK, THIS TIME. Get it?
[724] 09-6-2003 8:29 pm IP: 4. 65. 87. 21, lsanca1. dsl-verizon. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Nicholas Dewar San Francisco, CA, USA
[723] 09-6-2003 8:17 pm IP: 165. 247. 223. 195, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Chuck Zlatkin
Chuck Zlatkin New York, NY, USA
Chuck Zlatkin-----hotmail.com
[722] 09-6-2003 7:58 pm IP: 64. 12. 96. 71, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Thomas Pieragastini Willowick, Ohio, United States
tpieragastin04-----jcu.e u
[721] 09-6-2003 7:50 pm IP: 147. 9. 178. 188, students. american. edu. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Joseph W. Smith Sun City , AZ, USA
[720] 09-6-2003 7:34 pm IP: 64. 140. 159. 245, phx. extremezone. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Sue C Hestor San Francisco , CA, USA
Writes: this is going on much too long
[719] 09-6-2003 7:31 pm IP: 64. 163. 213. 11, dsl. snfc21. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Gregg McVicar Walnut Creek, California, USA
Writes: Let`s roll.....
[718] 09-6-2003 7:31 pm IP: 66. 92. 219. 16, sfo2. dsl. speakeasy. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Lois G. Roberts San Francisco, CA, USA
LgrobertsR-----netscape. et
[717] 09-6-2003 6:42 pm IP: 130. 212. 118. 138, sfsu. edu. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
William Isecke Teaneck, NJ, usa
[716] 09-6-2003 6:36 pm IP: 67. 82. 205. 139, dyn. optonline. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Lawrence Cafiero Scotts Valley, California, United States of America
larrycafiero-----earthli k.net
[715] 09-6-2003 6:32 pm IP: 204. 27. 188. 1, ottaway. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
James O`Hara Forestville, California, USA
[714] 09-6-2003 6:27 pm IP: 204. 33. 210. 179, rasserver. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Melissa Dowling Alvin, Tx, USA
jpdowling3-----earthlink net
[713] 09-6-2003 5:44 pm IP: 67. 74. 143. 118, 74. 143. 118. Dial1. Houston1. Level3. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Robert Johnson New York, New York, USA
Writes: Obstructing media democracy is the iPNB`s disgrace
[712] 09-6-2003 5:43 pm IP: 66. 65. 120. 40, nyc. rr. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jim Curtis Santa Rosa, California, United States of America
Writes: These bylaws are the best! Elect a new board!
[711] 09-6-2003 5:31 pm IP: 64. 40. 162. 180, svn. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Frank Boeheim
Frank Boeheim Los Angeles, California, USA
[710] 09-6-2003 5:24 pm IP: 152. 163. 252. 101, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Janet Costello Sonoma, California, U.S.A.
[709] 09-6-2003 5:18 pm IP: 165. 247. 216. 83, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Sallie Chrisinis Houston, TX, U.S.
[708] 09-6-2003 5:13 pm IP: 67. 10. 69. 79, houston. rr. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Wenonah Hauter The Plains, VA, United States
[707] 09-6-2003 5:03 pm IP: 216. 44. 70. 98, ppp. FCC. NET. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Steffie Brooks
Steffie Brooks Queens, NY, bwahaha(citi en of the world)
Writes: get out of the road if you can`t lend a hand
[706] 09-6-2003 5:01 pm IP: 24. 90. 46. 251, nyc. rr. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
patty heffley NYC, NY , USA
Writes: elections before the rnc in nyc!!!
[705] 09-6-2003 4:32 pm IP: 162. 84. 195. 80, ny5030. east. verizon. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Cynthia Ohama Inverness, California, USA
[704] 09-6-2003 4:15 pm IP: 64. 40. 162. 183, svn. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Owen Broadhurst Agawam, MA, United States of America
thersites-----unforgetta le.com
[703] 09-6-2003 4:05 pm IP: 24. 218. 220. 225, ne. client2. attbi. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Richard L. Pollak Brooklyn, NY, USA
Writes: The matter is really urgent ` please ACT(!)
[702] 09-6-2003 3:59 pm IP: 206. 216. 55. 184, rasserver. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Gertrude Stein New York, NY, USA
Writes: Listener Control by Voting
[701] 09-6-2003 3:56 pm IP: 67. 31. 54. 221, 31. 54. 221. Dial1. NewYork1. Level3. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Gertrude Stein New York, NY, USA
Writes: Listener Control by Voting
[700] 09-6-2003 3:53 pm IP: 67. 31. 54. 221, 31. 54. 221. Dial1. NewYork1. Level3. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Curt Schorell Houston, TX, USA
radio4houston-----housto .rr.com
Writes: Democracy Now (remember?)
[699] 09-6-2003 3:43 pm IP: 24. 174. 19. 203, houston. rr. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Adrienne Lauby Cotati, California, USA
[698] 09-6-2003 3:42 pm IP: 65. 214. 144. 193, pm3b. monitor. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Louis Blois Staten Island, NY, USA
[697] 09-6-2003 3:41 pm IP: 67. 31. 38. 156, 31. 38. 156. Dial1. NewYork1. Level3. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Jamie Kruse
Jamie Kruse Brooklyn, NY, United States
[696] 09-6-2003 3:15 pm IP: 24. 239. 145. 182, cable. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Sam Zaslavsky New York, New York, USA
[695] 09-6-2003 3:14 pm IP: 162. 84. 136. 156, ny5030. east. verizon. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Claudia Zaslavsky New York, New York, U.S.A.
[694] 09-6-2003 3:05 pm IP: 162. 84. 136. 156, ny5030. east. verizon. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Wendy Tanowitz San Rafael, Marin, USA
Writes: Save Pacifica!
[693] 09-6-2003 3:01 pm IP: 68. 165. 69. 74, SNVACAID. covad. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Gary Evans Sonoma, California, USA
Writes: Fascism rises while you waste time.
[692] 09-6-2003 3:00 pm IP: 165. 247. 216. 83, dialup. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
evan davis columbus, ohio, beastbellyst n
Writes: Holophernes is dead! Yeah, Judith!
[691] 09-6-2003 2:44 pm IP: 24. 95. 38. 123, columbus. rr. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Michael Costello Bodega, California, USA
[690] 09-6-2003 2:37 pm IP: 65. 214. 144. 165, pm3a. monitor. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Larry Chin
Larry Chin San Francisco, CA, usa
[689] 09-6-2003 2:30 pm IP: 152. 163. 252. 101, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Elizabeth McLellan NYC, NY, USA
[688] 09-6-2003 2:27 pm IP: 162. 84. 195. 80, ny5030. east. verizon. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Andrew Claycomb San Francisco ` Los Angeles, CA, USA
[687] 09-6-2003 2:26 pm IP: 134. 69. 25. 101, dhcp. oxy. edu. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Ivana Edwards IvanaEdwards earthlink.ne , New York, USA
IvanaEdwards-----earthli k.net
[686] 09-6-2003 2:22 pm IP: 24. 199. 93. 99, cable. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Mark Rausher New Paltz, New York, USA
[685] 09-6-2003 2:16 pm IP: 24. 239. 187. 18, cable. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Carol Carlisle West Chester, PA, United States
[684] 09-6-2003 2:06 pm IP: 151. 201. 155. 160, phil. east. verizon. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Edward Rippy Oakland, Ca, USA
[683] 09-6-2003 1:57 pm IP: 66. 167. 126. 211, SNVACAID. covad. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Chandra Hauptman Berkeley, California, USA
[682] 09-6-2003 1:09 pm IP: 209. 86. 252. 202, dsl. mindspring. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Chaitanya Diwadkar San Francisco, CA, United States
[681] 09-6-2003 12:48 pm IP: 66. 125. 94. 176, dsl. sntc01. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Shiu M. Hung Redwood City, CA, San Mateo County
[680] 09-6-2003 12:39 pm IP: 63. 194. 133. 86, dsl. snfc21. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Ken Freeland Houston, Texas, USA
Writes: We`ve waited long enough. No more delays!!
[679] 09-6-2003 12:16 pm IP: 207. 218. 236. 102, ev1. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
David F. Gassman Oakland, California, USA
Writes: Enough Already
[678] 09-6-2003 12:02 pm IP: 131. 89. 178. 60, pge. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Erica Sezonov Houston, Texas, USA
[677] 09-6-2003 11:42 am IP: 64. 243. 70. 131, ghg. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Peter Rasmussen Berkeley, Calif., Amerikkka
Writes: Stop procrastinat ng! Elections now!
[676] 09-6-2003 11:39 am IP: 66. 117. 128. 206, rdsl. lmi. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Torry Mercer Houston, Texas, USA
torrymercer-----hotmail. om
[675] 09-6-2003 11:35 am IP: 64. 243. 70. 131, ghg. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Peter Rasmussen Berkeley, California, Amerikkka
Writes: Enough procrastinat on! Time to move ahead!
[674] 09-6-2003 11:35 am IP: 66. 117. 128. 206, rdsl. lmi. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Frank Ferris Sebastopol, California, U.S.A.
[673] 09-6-2003 10:55 am IP: 63. 205. 184. 178, dsl. snfc21. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Bert Holland New York, NY, USA
Writes: We sorely need Pacifica NOW.
[672] 09-6-2003 10:33 am IP: 216. 179. 75. 34, cust. bestweb. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772 Bert
Holland Bert Holland , ,
[671] 09-6-2003 10:24 am IP: 216. 179. 75. 34, cust. bestweb. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
James E Vann Oakland , California , USA
[670] 09-6-2003 9:04 am IP: 198. 81. 26. 144, proxy. aol. com. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772
Edwin Pearl Los Angeles, CA, USA
[669] 09-6-2003 5:18 am IP: 64. 164. 168. 89, dsl. lsan03. pacbell. net. Witnessed at ThisCause.org. Watermark must show: 17772

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