KPFT and KPFA ratify bylaws draft B 7-9-03 |
From: Ken Freeland Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 9:49 PM Subject: Let it "B "Tonight the KPFT LAB voted overwhelmingly in favor of the B version of the bylaws as approved by the iPNB. This followed endless delaying tactics by known opponents of version B on the LAB. One of their most significant arguments -- that only a "special meeting" (rather than a regular meeting of the LAB) would satisfy Judge Sabraw's requirements, led to an amendment that required the iLAB chair, Deb Shafto, to inquire immediately for a legal answer to the question. If the judge decides to be persnickety about this, the KPFT iLAB will have to schedule another vote. If he accepts it, we are one step closer to starting the countdown to LSB elections. By my count (not official!), the vote was ten in favor, and only two (Greg Gieselman/Diallo Kantambu) voting against. Credit goes especially to Rick Pothoff for relentlessly spearheading the issue, and Deb Shafto for assuring that the listening community was allowed to voice its concerns before the motion to table the vote was defeated. Peace, Ken Freeland ----------------------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2003 22:29:21 -0700
Tonight the KPFA LAB approved Version B of the bylaws. 13 LAB members voted for B and one (1) voted against. In addition, 3 members who did not attend expressed their preference for B by e-mail. A late comer to the meeting also indicated his preference for B as well. The LAB currently has 19 members and the quorum is 10. |
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