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The Houston LABs combine

From: http://geocities.com/kpftradio/ILAB4.html


The Local Advisory Board of KPFT invites all listeners to its next meeting to be held on Wednesday 2/6/02 at 7PM. The meeting location will be determined shortly.

Meeting Report

A brief report of the 1/18/02 meeting follows:

The meeting opened at 7:01 PM with a role call vote of all KPFT LAB and iLAB members then (per the request of the national board) both LABs were merged. The new merged LAB is composed of 24 members (with prior LAB member Barney Goodman having submitted his resignation and iLAB member Ben DeSoto having stepped aside).

The meeting moved to election of officers. Echoing some objections from the audience, Doug Darrow proposed tabling the officer selection. This table motion was rejected. Deb Shafto was unanimously elected Chair. Dan Jones was elected Secretary by voice vote. Mary Ann Martinez was elected vice-chair by voice vote (after Russ Setzekorn declined to be nominated).

The minutes from the 1/10/02 meeting were approved. Then a summary of the plans for future LAB elections was given by Dan Jones and Greg Gieselman; a summary of the national board meeting was given by iPNB members Teresa Allen and George Barnstone. Update on the beginning of the KPFT GM search (which is now open and will close 1/25/02) was given by Dan Jones. Interim GM Steve Brightwell was introduced.

The next public LAB meeting was agreed on as 2/6/02 at 7P, at a site to be named shortly. The LAB publicly committed to finding a space to accomodate a larger number of people for the next meeting.

Then the meeting moved into public comment, which will be summarized separately. Formal meeting was then adjourned for another hour of small group meetings in 6 different rooms with LAB members facilitating the discussion in each room. The meeting disbanded at 10 PM. Total attendance was approximately 400-500 people with a number of people turned away for lack of space.

(Preliminary notes provided by Dan Jones, formal minutes to be presented at next public meeting)

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