KPFA knew what was up in 1999 11-17-01 |
Concerned Friends of WBAI list of demands to the PNB [ posted on the email list at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NewPacifica ]
From: John Sheridan
In light of any agreement among the Pacifica National Board at this weekend's crucial meeting, it's worthwhile to see how many of the original 12 demands of the KPFA Steering Committee from 1999 have/are being/are going to be met:
Proposed Demands from KPFA's Steering Committee
Governance: Pacifica must make a legally binding commitment to democratize its governing structures by establishing a mechanism for the democratic selection of board members including all constituencies of member stations. Our concept of democratization includes complete operational and financial transparency and accountability to the stations' constituencies at all times. The Pacifica board members, including the chair must agree to retire as part of the implementation process. The by-laws changes to bring this about should be adopted no later than August 31, 2000. Lynn Chadwick must be terminated based on her performance in that position. Pacifica must agree to guarantee, starting immediately, the inclusion of local paid and unpaid staff and management paid staff and Local Advisory Board members in the selection and evaluation processes for KPFA station manager. Gag Rule: The gag rule is to be lifted immediately at all Pacifica stations and on all national Pacifica programs. Pacifica is to confirm this in writing. All programmers at all Pacifica stations who have been terminated during the current crisis for breaking the gag rule must be offered reinstatement. Charges: The central services charge by Pacifica to each station shall not exceed ten percent in the fiscal year 2000. Nicole Sawaya: Rehire Nicole Sawaya as KPFA General Manager or as Pacifica Executive Director. Larry Bensky: Rehire Larry Bensky as a Pacifica National Program host Sale of Stations: Pacifica must issue a legally binding written commitment not to sell, transfer or encumber or allow the sale transfer or encumbrance of any Pacifica broadcast licence or station. Funding: Pacifica must reaffirm its commitment to maintain "independent funding sources" (from the mission statement) without corporate underwriting. Crisis Expenses: Any extraordinary expenses, including but not limited to security guards, legal fees, public relations, and other expenses that have been or will be incurred in the current crisis in the current fiscal year or any future fiscal year will be paid for by Pacifica National and will not be charged to any Pacifica station and will not result in layoffs of station staff. The Pacifica National Board members must fulfill their responsibility to raise funds for the Pacifica Foundation. The Executive Committee of the Pacifica National Board are directly responsible for the actions taken by the Executive Director of the Foundation, Lynn Chadwick. The Executive Committee of the Pacifica National Board must raise funds for the extraordinary expenses approved and spent by Lynn Chadwick. The funds shall not be raised through loans or sales /lease/ barter of Pacifica assets. Open Books: Each of the five stations must become financially separate from the Pacifica Foundation. The Pacifica Foundation must maintain separate financial records for Pacifica and for each of the five stations. All transactions between the entities must be in accordance with standard accounting procedures and an audit trail for these transactions must be available for review by station management at the end of each monthly financial close process. The balance sheet and income statement for all Pacifica entities, along with other financial tables that present the updated monthly status of endowments, trusts, and other financial instruments must be available to radio stations management within a reasonable date after the monthly financial close (not to exceed ten days) Free Speech: Pacifica must make a legally binding written reaffirmation of its commitment to the concept of Pacifica as free speech public radio, with open and robust exercise of the First Amendment and a commitment to peace and social justice. Pacifica must also agree to make a legally binding written commitment to openly espouse the importance of the rights of workers to organize and bargain collectively and to work in an atmosphere committed to the dignity of all workers. Training Program: Pacifica must agree to implement a training program at each station, based on the model KPFA has provided for 19 years, in order to provide diversity to all Pacifica stations, and Pacifica will move to thoroughly integrate apprentices into programming, and to support youth in all Pacifica work Diversity: Pacifica must agree to renew its commitment to diversity in every aspect of the operation of Pacifica, and of each of its stations. Pacifica programming will include more slots for dynamic, top-quality community/public affairs shows appealing especially to young people and people of color, using as many apprentices as is possible and feasible. -- John |
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