interim Pacifica national board phone meeting regarding approval of bylaws 1-3-03 |
Current Pacifica bylaw drafts iPNB secretary draft minutes meeting audio to be posted on kpftx.org [Rough notes by Roger M, NYC ] -------------------
Meeting starts 3:10pm eastern time Chair Cagan - 10 on call. Everyone has packets with all bylaws materials. Runs down possible agenda: Approving minor changes to Articles of inc., Spooner motion to set up legal fund to protect against bylaws etc challenges. Soon there are 14 iPNB members on the call: Bryant Spooner Barnstone Bramson Fertig Robinson Ferguson Allen LaForest Smith Cagan Zakiya Barry Lee [comes in later ] Fertig - moves that Articles of Inc. be done last and explains technical reasons - agreed Spooner presents motion - MOTION $100,000(20 from each station) legal defense fund in case of legal challenges to divsersity bylaws. To be returned to the stations if not used within 2 years. Bryant n Spooner y Barnstone y Bramson y Fertig y Robinson n Ferguson n Allen a LaForest n Smith n Cagan y Zakiya n Barry n FAILS Barry(?) and LaForest do not want to move forward with bylaws approval saying that materials/drafts that Spooner has presented were done improperly...language refined by her and only a few people... LaForest - diversity committee hasn't had proper amount of time... Fertig - gives rundown of the process over the last few weeks of people trying to get things done etc... Barry - should be time for the diversity committee to review and vote on the draft language that Spooner and others had come up with... Spooner - the diversity bylaws committee "majority" and "minority" reports came in without any actual bylaws language. She drafted language and repeatedly tried to get feedback from the committed members finally getting feedback from 4. The results were published and there hasn't been any objections from majority report people.. Bryant - liked Mimi Rosenberg's [WBAI area]late proposal that there be bylaws language requiring that the local boards should directly reflect the demographics of their listener area LaForest - the diversity process was flawed, too rushed wants more time, has volunteer lawyers Lee - supports more time Spooner - agrees that legal opinion on latest diversity language is important Allen - could we possibly pass draft A now to get elections process rolling and put in other language later? Lee - opposed Cagan - agrees Fertig - [ with interruptions from Lee ] concerned with what is practical within Pacifica's current political environment. Wants something that will have a real consensus... Explains the stages of development and mechanics of the current diversity bylaws language. Bryant's (Rosenberg's)demographic proposal is very problematic. The diversity bylaw language in draft A puts a mechanical solution on top of the proportional representation... Bryant - demographics don't pass legal muster? Fertig - if they are applied broadly they would, applied specifically no. Bryant - demographics approach was abandoned because the diversity bylaws committee could not reach agreement on how to apply it... Barry - Moves to further delay bylaws approval to give diversity 14 - 21 more days to complete process more thoroughly Spooner - request that "specific bylaws language" be required as the end product and that legal advice must be part of the process. ...various clarifying questions and refining of motion Allen - thanks Spooner for taking the initiative for getting the bylaws language straightened out. Asks the board members to return calls and discuss the work more and not wait till meeting. Spooner - against the motion unless there it includes that the legal advice from the lawyers be in writing to the iPNB LaForest - is alright with this... Barry - accepts Fertig - there should be a lawyer to stand by the opinion MOTION - The language goes back to the diversity committee for 21 days. The committee will produce proposals in bylaws language (majority and minority) along with lawyer's advice in writing. The iPNB will then convene via teleconference on May 20th, 2003 to vote on bylaws. Bryant y Spooner y Barnstone y Bramson y Fertig y Robinson y Ferguson y Allen n LaForest y Smith y Zakiya n Barry y Lee y Cagan y PASSES 12, 2 Fertig - supports more participation from iPNB on diversty bylaws committee Fertig runs down the make up of the diversity bylaws committees: Diversity bylaws committee: WBAI - LaForest, Miguel Maldanado, Mimi Rosenberg, Shiela Hamanaka WPFW - Barry, Fahima Sek, AC Bird [?] KPFT - Allen, Deb Shafto, Gallo [?] KPFK - Fertig, Norma Vega, Lydia Brazon KPFA - Susan DeSilva, Willie Radcliff Joyce Moore Allen - We need to pick the lawyers at this meeting or it won't happen in timely manner LaForest - runs down lawyers: Lani Grenier, Ted Shaw, John Lubell Allen -.... -- Loud electrical interference on phone line -- Lee - wants to join the diversity committee Allen - disagrees, too many people etc, cumbersome Fertig - then we'd have to add people from other areas... Agreed that Lee and other iPNB members can be non-voting members of diversity committee Allen - back to lawyers... LaForest - all lawyers have agreed to participate, and for free.(hasn't spoken to them directly) Cagan - request that LaForest will personally contact lawyers to confirm ...discussion regarding lawyers Cagan - asks Allen to clarify with a motion..... Allen - wants LaForest to select lawyer and report back... Fertig - wants to be part of lawyer selection process... MOTION - LaForest coordinate legal help for diversity committee AGREED. Allen - will be submitting other stuff to iPNB... ...Thanks all around 4:32pm eastern time adjourned in a good mood ... -------------------
Current Pacifica bylaw drafts
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