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Notice of New Pacifica bylaws

From: Dave Fertig
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 1:45 PM
Subject: KPFK LAB Approves Draft "B", Pacific Has New Bylaws.

The following is a notice from interim Pacifica Board member David Fertig regarding the adoption of new bylaws by Pacifica Foundation. Please distribute, post and fax as widely as you may deem appropriate:

On August 23, 2003, the KPFK Local Advisory Board met with proper notice and quorum, and voted 12-11 in favor of the following motion:

"That the KPFK LAB approves "Draft B" of the bylaws passed by the iPNB, as to those portions concerning the number and manner of election of the local and national boards."

Thus, with this vote of the KPFK LAB, in conjunction with the prior (July 9, 2003) majority votes of the KPFA LAB and KPFT LAB approving those portions of draft "B" bylaws concerning the number and manner of election of the local and national boards, and pursuant to the July 8, 2003 ruling in Consolidated Case No. 814461-0 ("Case"), by the Hon. Ronald M. Sabraw, judge of the California Superior Court, in and for the County of Alameda, said "Draft B" has now received approval by a majority vote of at least three of the five Local Advisory Boards pursuant to Paragraph 3.b of the Case Settlement Agreement of December, 2001.

Consequently, the previously-named "Draft B bylaws" now constitute the bylaws of the Pacifica Foundation.

-David R. Fertig
member, Pacifica Foundation interim Board of Directors
member, KPFK Local Advisory Board

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