The KPFA model for elections of local station boards at Pacifica 9-13-02 |
How the KPFA elections model works Proportional Representation - made easy Wbai.net and CdPNY (Coalition for a democratic Pacifica - NY) supports the KPFA model for elections. It is a working elections procedure developed through a lot of very hard work and applied successfully in 2 elections in the KPFA area resulting in a diverse and engaged local station board. There is room for improvement, but the KPFA model with it's use of Proportional Representation (more specifically "Single Transferable Voting Method" or "Choice Voting") is the best elections procedure with regard to achieving the goals of all parties involved in Pacifica bylaws revision including those concerned with self determination and making sure the under-represented achieve seats on local boards.
From the KPFA bylaws revision subcommitee draft
SECTION 1. DELEGATES DEFINED Delegates shall be any eligible natural persons elected by the Members, or class of Members, and is serving as such. Delegates shall serve as the Members' representatives in electing Foundation Directors. Delegates may only act personally at a meeting or by written ballot and may not act by proxy. SECTION 2. NOMINATION OF DELEGATES
SECTION 4. DIVERSITY GOALS It is the goal of the Foundation that a minimum of 50% of the Delegates shall be racial/ethnic minorities and a minimum of 50% of the Delegates shall be women. To that end, in any election of Delegates half the number of seats to be filled shall be filled by the top vote-getters who are racial/ethnic minorities and half the number of seats to be filled shall be filled by the top vote-getters who are women, regardless of whether or not they are among the top vote-getters overall. However, for purposes of applying this rule, no person shall be elected a Delegate who does not receive at least one-half (½) [ ammended to 1/3 11-24-02 ] the number of votes as the last person who would have been elected were it not for the diversity goals. After all the ballots are counted, the election coordinator shall examine the results to determine whether the diversity goals for the Local Board have been met in the aggregate and not just incrementally, and if they have not been met, then s/he shall look to see if there are candidates who are minorities and/or women who received at least half the number of votes of the lowest vote-getter who would otherwise be elected, and s/he shall declare them elected in order of highest number of votes received, replacing the candidates who would have been elected in order of lowest number of votes received. For example: if there are 4 seats to be filled and the top 4 vote-getters are 3 non-minority men and one minority woman, the non-minority man with the least votes who would have been elected will be replaced with the next highest votegetter who is either a minority or a woman provided s/he has obtained at least half of the votes of that non- minority man being replaced. The elections coordinator will then examine the results again to see if the diversity goals for both minorities and women has been met in the aggregate, and if not, s/he will replace the next lowest non-minority man who would have been elected with the next highest minority or woman with the minimum required number of votes who will fulfill the diversity goals. SECTION 5. FAIR CAMPAIGN PROVISIONS No Foundation or radio station management or staff may use air time to endorse or campaign or recommend for or against any candidate for election to Station Board Delegate, or give air time to some candidates but not others. All candidates for election shall be given equal opportunity for air time, and such air time shall be specially set aside for candidates statements and questions and answers from the listeners. No Foundation or radio station management or staff may give written endorsements to any listener-sponsor delegate candidates. Neither the Board of Directors nor any Local Station Board may, as a body, endorse any candidate(s) for election to the Local Station Board(s), however individual directors and Local Station Board Delegates who are members in good standing may endorse or nominate candidates. SECTION 6. DELEGATES' TERMS, LIMITATION OF TERMS The term of a Delegate shall be three (3) years. A Delegate may serve two (2) consecutive three-year terms. A Delegate shall not be eligible for further service as a Director until one year has elapsed after the termination of a Delegate's second consecutive three- year term.
End Notes:
1. The three-year requirement for listener-sponsor membership shall be suspended until January 1, 2006. Through January 1, 2004 Listener-sponsor members shall be eligible to vote on any matter properly brought to the members if they have met the minimum contribution or minimum number of volunteer hours within the preceding 12-month period; through January 1, 2005 Listener-sponsor members shall be eligible to vote if they have met the minimum contribution or minimum number of volunteer hours within the preceding two 12-month periods. 2. For the first implementation of these bylaws, nominations shall open immediately upon ratification of the bylaws and shall be open for 45 days thereafter. 3. For the first implementation of these bylaws, the top twelve vote-getters shall be elected, subject to the diversity criteria (unless Local Advisory Board members have been "grandfathered". 4. For the first implementation of these bylaws, the current Local Advisory Boards may, by majority vote, select up to four of their current listener-sponsor members to be "grandfathered" for a one-year term, and up to four of their listener members to be "grandfathered" for a two-year term (provided that 4 are "grandfathered" for a one-year term). This provision shall not apply to any Local Advisory Board member added after June 1, 2001, nor to any Local Advisory Board that has passed a resolution not to "grandfather" any of its members. Staff members, as defined in these bylaws, currently serving on Local Advisory Boards may not be "grandfathered". 5. For the first implementation of these bylaws, the top six vote-getters shall be elected, subject to the diversity criteria.
How the KPFA elections model works
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