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Proposed bylaw language regarding staff diversity

From: Bob Lederer
Date: Thu Jan 23, 2003 4:54 pm
Subject: Strengthen by-laws on staff diversity

The (national) Pacifica Anti-Racism Working Group has repeatedly requested much more specific and strong language in the by-laws on diversity of the local station staffs. We presented the following at the iPNB meeting in Dec., so let me again bring it to everyone's attention. This was very precisely drafted to avoid problems with earlier versions, while keeping it specific enough to hold future LSBs and station managements accountable for progress or lack thereof in this area.

Bob Lederer


Current wording in Finck's draft:



Each LSB shall have the authority and responsibility, related to its specific radio station and radio station area, under the direction and supervision of the Foundation's Board of Directors:


L.To ensure that the station works diligently towards the goal of diversity in staffing, and maintenance of a discrimination-free atmosphere in the workplace.


PROPOSED CHANGE: The first option below is preferable; the second would be acceptable.

"To ensure that the station works diligently towards the goal of a workforce (including paid and unpaid staff and management) that reflects at least the signal area's percentages of diverse peoples of color, immigrants, women, non-heterosexual people and people with disabilities, and that the station maintains a discrimination-free atmosphere. "


"To ensure that the station works diligently towards the goal of a workforce (including paid and unpaid staff and management) that reflects at least the signal area's percentages of people who are underrepresented [or disenfranchised] based on their race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation and disability, and that the station maintains a discrimination-free atmosphere."

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