DAILY REPORTS and Documents | iPNB Houston meeting info More notes on the Houston iPNB meeting Sept. 20-22, 2002 |
From the iPNB meeting in Houston September 20 - 22, 2002
Forwarded by: Jonathan Markowitz
From: http://KPFK.Netskier.Net/Governance/NationalBoard/2002-09-Houston.html PNB Meeting Notes
Friday Evening
Brian Deshaser is the head of the archives in LA. Submitted a grant proposal to the NEA to get assessment of the collection, recommend equipment and standards. Put in new server and operating system to replace the corrupted one. Getting skilled volunteers to help with the work. PRA = Pacifica Records Archive? Archives has a website; library of programs for rebroadcasting. Programmers are asking what they should do with their recordings. Currently digitizing what is not damaged. They have 300-400 programs in digital form. CDROMS last about ten years; going to reel-to-reel for longterm storage which is the archivists standard. Complains about tape label inks bleeding into cdrom and degrading the sounds. The national treasurer asked why they are not going to totally digital storage media. Jabari was the one. [I believe that Sharpie pens are the ones whose ink bleeds into cdroms, and people are advised to not write on the data-containing portions of cdroms with Sharpies. Other pens exist whose ink does not bleed into the cdrom media. The other thing to do is not write on the data containing parts of the cdrom.] ---------------------------------
All the software used is freeware, all open source. Pacifica uses Apache and unix. Jabari urges email security, and he uses hushmail for his own mail. He also suggests setting up paypal for collecting donations. He wants webmasters and net administrators at each station. He wants to get more personnel to do this work. He started a PacificaTech listserv. Pete wants to offer free info on the Internet, and low quality streams for free, and to charge for cd quality streams. [In contrast, I believe that it would be better to offer high quality streams to the Internet to attract and retain many listeners from afar. People are more than willing to support quality programming as the fund raisers continually demonstrate, but will not listen to music with poor sound quality. I find that Pacifica streams of 20kpbs or so of political content is not very intelligible, but that may just be my hearing. ] On Air Editorials and Resolutions. Strong support for low power fm and indymedia centers. Unanimous straw poll. Financial Matters. Report by Jabari something, PNB member and National Treasurer. June 2002 til now. Great Plains 6.1 accounting software has become more stable. Still having problems getting the printers to work. Having networking and security issues with the MS (Microsoft) software. MS owns Great Plains. Assessing the migration to a package Ackpak on Linux. Will cost 55-90K to migrate, including consulting, training to become fully network functional. [These costs seem high. I wonder what the specifics are. I am sure we could do it for much less in LA.] [It is incredible that Pacifica uses software from Microsoft. Pacifica programming criticizes the US government for giving too much support to ruthless corporations, and Microsoft's anticompetitive behavior is so extreme that the Justice Department has actually sued Microsoft. But Pacifica uses Microsoft software anyway??? What could they be thinking?] Budgeting Process. Budgets submitted by GMs. Not enough planning and discussion has been done to fulfill the mission. Radio recording equipment is old and inadequate. Finance office is just two staff workers: Jasmine and one helper. Woefully understaffed. Wants at least five fulltime staff. Need policies and procedures, and wants standardization across the five operating units. [Standardization of financial software is a good idea, but I would prefer to let the Berkeley people select the software since they are part of the extended Silicon Valley, and have much more software talent to draw upon than does Washington DC.] Fund drives. Wants to develop more effective streams of regular revenue. Wants this to be the primary function of a national officer. Office of Technical Operations and Development. IT (Information Technology) and radio technology. Jabari says that Pacifica needs a National Development Director. Funding and endowments. Strategic Planning. Currently none. Jabari has a giant plan for growth. He makes lots of good points about what needs to be done in the future. However, I have a lot of doubts as to just how feasible some of these things are for the immediate future. Budget for the next year, which is about to begin. This budget is not on the web (Why not?), and given only to the board members. Components for the five stations, the national office, and the archives. Budget increases two percent. National programming and the archives are two initiatives. Pete Crackas new media technologies. Proposes continuing the central services levy at twenty percent for the next six months. {Twenty percent seems awfully high. This is one fifth of the total foundation income. This leaves 80 percent for the five stations, which on average is 16% of foundation income for each station. Apparently Jabari thinks that the Pacifica national office is more important than the stations on average, since 20% is greater than 16%.] Communications Director, and Technical Director are the two new positions. Archives, capital, programming endowments are the three flavors of possible fund raising. They say they need to hire the Development Director before they can make the plan. Teresa Allen stated that her major interest is in the affiliates, much more than in finances and bylaws. She attended the meeting of the Grassroots Radio Coalition (GRC). Recommendations. Solve the problems with satellite radio for the affiliates, KU Radio satellite. Update contact info for the affiliates, get consultant to collect the info. {Consultant? Why not just put a signup form on a website, and save the money?] Work together on national programming with affiliates. Affiliates contribute to national programming. Link the various websites of affiliates and Pacifica. Affiliates feel they have more to offer Pacifica than vice versa. Steve Pierce - of the GRC - diverse stations with a public service agenda. WRPI in Troy New York has been running Pacifica programming since 1987. They are an all volunteer staffed station. They are not customers of Pacifica, but partners. But Pacifica has treated them like dirt. They are asking that Pacifica improve its ability to interact with them, and also to have some representation on the board. Affiliate reps to be elected by the affiliates themselves. Propose that fees be reduced by one third, and that affiliates be added to the governance board via the bylaws. [To me this seems to increase the vulnerability of the Pacifica Foundation to takeovers. While improvement of affiliate relations is a good idea, it would be much safer to do this after we have bylaws that are hardened against all possible takeovers of the Foundation. Why endanger the Foundation in a rush to give voting representation to the affiliates? Why do they need to vote immediately? What is the hurry? I see none.] Rob Robinson of the Washington Local Board seconded the motion, and David Fertig supported the idea. Carol Spooner notes that the affiliates can get the Pacifica programming for free, and that Pacifica now gives them substantially less than before. Rob supports this, and welcomes them as a contributor to programming. Jabari wants a subcommittee to study this. Suggests a Napster like system for sharing content. As a listener he asks how can I get as much as possible out of the system. Pete, Ray, Teresa, WBIX, WPRI, Atlanta, Troy New York, WMNF in Tampa, KGNU in Boulder, and Leslie Cagan comprise the PNB committee to work out these relationships. Leslie states the motion as to [1] rebuild the relationship, and [2] reduce the fees by one third for one year, and [3] figure out a way to involve the affiliates in the pacifica governance. James suggesting dividing the motion. The board commits unanimously to rebuild the relationship. Fee reduction for one year passed 10-0-1. Board expresses support for direct involvement of affiliates in Pacifica governance 9-1-1. Leslie seated the 6th member Charles Smith onto the Board since she got the letters of support from the old majority members. Bylaws discussion. [About time. There was way too little work done on the bylaws here.] They got thru 8 or 52 pages yesterday. Leslie proposes going thru the bigger items first. Jabari notes that this is a change in process from yesterday. Leslie proposed a brief report from the WPFW committee. Someone articulated some concerns as to what constitutes a voting member. Says that the electorate in DC has not been educated, and the election could be a farce. He proposes that voting members be those who support the mission, and notes that Republicans voted in the Democratic primary to defeat Cynthia McKinney. Article 4 re election of members of local boards. The process of electing delegates to the local boards. All these votes are just straw polls, conducted to ascertain the existing level of support for various ideas. Votes are reported in the order For-Against-Abstain. Diversity mandate 10-2-0. 7-5-1 in favor of a single approach to meeting diversity requirements. 4-7-2 in favor of letting local stations decide how to do it, number of seats, etc. [Same question, I know, but Leslie asked the board to humor her, and to vote it both ways.] Disqualify currently elected or politically appointed officials from local boards: 7-3-3. Disqualify previously (probably 3 yrs, exact time interval tbd) elected or politically appointed officials from running for local boards: 5-7-1. Revotes: Disqualify previously (3 yrs, exact tbd) elected or politically appointed officials from running for local boards: 4-8-1. Require local board members to resign if they run or are politically appointed to politica office 8-2-2. Leslie suggested, and then removed her suggestion that someone else first suggested, that members of corporate boards of directors be disqualified from local boards. Frequency of elections: Universally agreed that elections be staggered. Annual elections in each listening area: 3-8-1. How did Fertig vote? Why the heck did Pacifica not have an anchor person or reporter who would tell us this sort of information? Radio without a reporter makes one wish for television. Bernie Eisenberg commented that the board just ignored (Leslie says disagreed with) all the grid models that required annual elections. Staff members on the local boards? Suggestions range from one in 27 to one third.
One third staff: 6
Total numbers on the local boards: Allow ranges of numbers of members on boards: 8-4. Leslie proposed first selecting the min, then the max number, to determine the ranges. Minimun Sizes and Votes:
16 - 6
Max Sizes and Votes:
24 - 8
Note: it was painfully evident that most of the PNB members had not read the various proposals and were thus unprepared to work on the bylaws. Article 7 Page 24 of the small grid. Committees: Executive Committees. PAC wants none. KPFA wants none. Leslie Cagan wants executive committees. Bernie Eisenberg pointed out that it is premature to discuss executive committees before defining the structure of the foundation, and Leslie agreed with him. And then the rest of the board agreed. Carol Spooner proposes a special meeting within the next three weeks to finish the bylaws work. Audience one minute comments. Rob spoke powerfully against executive committees. Carol Spooner notes that we need a delay even if we meet specially. Keep moving methodically, and maintain the progress. Someone from the audience noted that the board really should take the time to read and digest the complete proposals to appreciate how they integrate the issues, rather than taking the items piecemeal as they are currently doing. I believe that this is critical. End of Saturday --------------------------- Sunday Sunday, 2002-09-22 Vote to continue the move to Berkeley. All but Jabari yes. KPFT in Houston - 12 staff, fundraiser to raise $300K and 1500 new members. Volunteer staff grown from 60 to 128 on-air producers. Have been using new technologies and have a new stream, and a second stream at KPFX.org for experimental radio, and training for new broadcasters. Created a code of conduct to control factionalism. Considering bringing in an outside investigator to record all the various positions so that everyone feels that they have been heard. Deb Shafter LAB chair in Houston. Concerned about problem of concentration of power that enables takeovers, and so want to involve the largest possible number of people. Wants programming to be decided by a group with no single person making the final decision. Black community group woman spoke very well and made excellent points, about getting black community issues on the air, prisons, death penalty, hiv in prisons, black programming. Black minister spoke well with great passion re requirement for relevant programming. Michael Pimental. Wants to stop spending listener funds for an internal dispute between two professors at $900 per day. Black female volunteer finds great resistance to change within the current new KPFT. Favors diversity requirements, and no requirement to spend money to be a member, and fears blacks will not be elected to the local board since there is currently no black programming. Ken Freeland of KPFT listener supports fact finding and conflict resolution for the programming conflict. WPFW Tony, interim GM. Rebel Jazz station picking on the president. Transmitter has been hit five times by nature or people. The currently share transmitter site with the secret service; wants to move to another site. The Messenger is a ten minute evening news brief. WPFX a web media radio station for training ground, supplemenets regular programming. Have paid off most of debt. Wants a generator to back up powersupply. Sam perhaps Caseenee... working with IMC. sounds like the lab chair. Wants a serious news presence in DC. George Barnstone of Houston. Imperative that we have a national news bureau. Reem something, Activist, perhaps Indian voice, wants funding of outreach to get the activist listeners. WBAI. Female voice, apparently the GM, Valerie. Raised 2.8M over last 8 months. 8000 new listeners. 67% minority staff. 32% female. Value their independence and autonomy more than anything. Mission is independent journalism, and a political mandate. Miguel the LAB chair. Work has been mainly the GM search committee, and bylaws. 50 applicants, 9 interviewed, 3 finalists. A female voice, whose name was obscured by station identification announcments, wants to know how much money actually comes in from fund raisers, not just pledges. Station identification announcments were a big problem all three days. These announcments were made over the top of the discussion instead of being interleaved into gaps of the dis discussion. Morover, these interruptions occurred way too often, and not just at the half hours. Eve ? notes that all five signal areas do not want appointed seats and do not want constituency models. One person one vote. Greatest safeguard. Carolyn Birden member of search committee. Need education on elections, and proportional choice. That appointed seats remain cause loss of their votes. She objects to local choice of election standards. Patty Hefley of WBAI. Wants universal election standards. Opposes contract with Democracy Now, which gives our assets away. Examine the ramifications of this contract which will bankrupt the foundation, and prevent the growth of Pacifica. ??? female voice --- WBAI programming has not been strong, too little call ins, lack of education by the stations, except by a couple of great programs from KPFK and WBAI. Urges continuance of programming. Notes that many on the PNB have little familiarity with the bylaws issue. Fahima Sack WBAI. Says that the constituency model has not had proper hearing. Needs proper exposition. Sareen Roberts from NY. There are no appointed seats in the constituency model. Bob Lederer, producer at WBAI thaks people for the emotional support re his mother's passing. Encourages everyone to spend quality time with dying parents. Erol Maitlin, WBAI listener, Pacifica activist, the mission is undergoing change. The listeners will decide the future, and this is new. The constituency model will encompass everyone. Roger Manning from WBAI. Notes that many principles of the constituency model are generally accepted, but not the methods. ----------------------- KPFK Eva Georgia. FCC has no jurisdiction in Mexico. KUSC has a program deal wiht the Mexican station to broadcast on 6am to 6pm on the 90.7 frequency. Congressional campaign. Listener campaign. FCC input due Oct 11. Rebuilding the studios. Progressive campaign to bring in listeners of color. Internal conflict results from lack of structure and policies. Proposes 800 number for listener callins at PNB. Wants stations to organize for peace marches. Lydia Brazon. July 20 added 8 members to the LAB. Lacked a quorum before then. Now have 11 women (10 men); 13 people of color vs 8 European. Added a staff member, Eben. Programming collectives working now. Support a bylaws convention a year later. Had a bylaws convention. Eva staff has grown from 15 to 23. Expenses increased 300k. Budget from 1.6M to 1.97M for FY. They eliminated a bunch of positions. Tom Cameralla. Thanks for listening to the listners. Failed to deal with relationship of station boards with the national boards. Eben Rey. Spoke very positively, about the volunteer staff and programmers who are carrying the load. That we need unions within Pacifica is hypocritical. Wants support for workplace democracy. Supports programming concil with needs assessment. Notes staff explosion at the national level. Staff at KPKK wil take a pay cut, and ask for more fund raising. We are humming with 23 staff. She spoke magnificently. Bernie Eisenberg. Total support of KPFK management and LAB. But Shubb programming legacy remains. Do programs that report from former government operatives support the mission? Ian Masters. Bernie thinks that his progrmming is not mission compliant. Aug 14 said on air that Eisenberg was a member of the communisit party. This is false. Does the board think that this red-baiting is acceptable? I think that I would really like to listen to the tapes to hear exactly what was said before I make any judgements about this issue. Fernando Velasquez of KPFK. Had to break. Wants diversity hires to advance the political mission and not just be colored. Mansour. Wants airing of bylaws meeting on Oct 13, and toll free number, and live email reading. Wants power sharing between PNB and LAB. Tracy Larkins, listener activist. Notes improved programming, thanks Sara Zwern and Fari for bringing people together. Big problem with conflict of interest with staff on local boards, since they are to represent the listeners, and not the staff. Supports unscreened listener callins. Demands this for most public affairs programming. Wants less star creation, so that this will give more people programming time. Margalo. Believes KPFK Unity model is the most democratic of all the models. And we need a convention in a year. Listeners need to be able to vote on all of the Pacifica issues. Raphael and Leslie Radford. The healing process in KPFK has been amazing. Amazing that he and Dave Adelson hugged each other today. Need PNB to assert that their bylaws are interim bylaws, and wil be reassessed by elected PNB. Leslie. PNB make sure to pass a resolution to readdress the bylaws in a year by the new board. Eva thanked profusely the KPFK bylaws production team for driving unity. ------------------------ KPFA. Jim Bennett GM of KPFA. Thinks need to revise job description for the nationla programming director. Never had a good one. Need to develop programs locally. Discover what is useful for the stations first before hiring that person. Does not think it is good to have a national progarmming director. If there is one, then he/she should not supervise, but should be supervised by the stations. Handouts how they make decisions in their programming council. Evolved to include unpaid staff, and listeners, as well as programmers. Created a schedule of regular evaluations of current programmng, with committees evaluting the programming, and helping programmers create better shows. Adds value to the programming. Creating schedule space for new programs. Middleeast radio project is an example. Develp cohost and mentoring relationships. Susan Desilva from the Local Board. Different written report from the packet. Communications are improving a lot. Insufficient management personnel so overworked. Wants authoritative local board so they can support station managment. LAB opposes set asides for constituencies other than listenrs and staff. Defining separate constituencies divides us. Proportional representation really works. Wants to review the Democracy Now contract before it is signed. Steve Conley. Diversity issues there. Came out of the Pacifica Now conference. Muslim and Hispanic communities are now working to produce programs. Ted Frieman of the LAB. Sees remarkable unity between the stations and the PNB. Offers their election model to the network. Opposes direct election to national board. Local boards know the issues better than remote listeners. Mary Berg, lab, .... Strongly supports programming director working for the stations. Opposes the unity model as being divisive (NY unity model). Shawndra Halpern. Suggests that local committes reduce national costs by doing the work locally. Willy Racliff, vice chair of local board. Listeners are often chairing committees on diversity committee there. Wants new board asap. DC and Houston need a lot of immediate help. Wants proportional representation on the national board. WHy should the smallest station has the most votes? LAB, member, accented woman. Appalled in level of staff at national office, one million dollars per year. Takes money from the local level. Not needed admininstraively or programming. Want programming from the base up. Do not settle for false compromises on the mistakes on the Democoray Now contrct. Wants to see a programmers convention of the five stations. We need to invite our native americans onto the discussion of racisms. She was great. But what was her name? Jane Jackson. Given flowers, and is deeply grateful. Power to the people, not to corporate government. ----------------- Leslie notes that budget is provisional, and will be reexamined in Dec. That we need to examine the staffing questions. Says the national staffing is still fluid. Fertig asked for a straw poll on the convention next year. Leslie opposes this now. This motion will come before the board at the next meeting and Leslie agrees. -------------------------- Leslie solicits comments on race and diversity. Carol moves that the board express the sense of this body in support of a washington news bureau. 10-0. Adrian ? of KPFA area. Work on diversity of race and nationality. Developed a non-confrontional model which they will share with the network. Raphael spoke to say the complexities are incredible. How to inject healthiness into a sick culture: this is unknown. Need to get professionals involved to teach us how to do this. Believes that KPFK wil succeed if anyone will. Eva, Lydia, and David Fertig are all committted to this. Ted Weisgal spoke about the progress in Houston. Someone, Kwasi??, wold like to see labs come up with guidelines for the network. I don't think this speaker Kwazi afterall, but this was radio so I can not be sure. Leslie assumes that the PNB form a committee to work on diversity issues. She is a strong supporter of a central national office to do the work whenever possible. She is a centrist, whereas many from Berkeley and Houston are de-centrists. Carol Spooner opposes any PNB committee that is not integrated with the local committees. Fertig is proud to be involved in this committee. Vote was 9-0-1. Fertig, Teresa, Janice K Bryan, James Ferguson (will ask him to participate). Mandate those cities to set one up if they don't have one. Vote: 10-0-1 that the labs be mandated to form diversity committees. Note: What authoritity does the pnb have to mandate what the labs do? Still a good idea to do it. However, I might be wrong, but I believe that the PNB has authority is over the stations, and not over the labs. I think this discussion assumes the centrist model where the PNB rules the LABs rather than supporting the LABs. Carol Spooner has heard from General Managers that they prefer that national programming come out of local stations. Some guy says that each station develop their segment. Leslie wants a national staff person to be hired to oversee this, paid national coordinator. Jabari notes that the mandate for 2 hrs of bylaws programming was not followed. He notes the problem of limited people, time, and money to do all the things we want to do. He thinks this is less important than the bylaws programming education. It sounds good, but it affects budget, and we don't have inplut from the station managers. He opposes this. Jim of Berkeley says they did do two hours bylaws programming each week. Jabari says this movement must come bottom up rather than top down. Raphael says the proposal came from the bottom up, and now needs support from the top down. Teresa Allen of Houston notes that we did not get to see the resolution in writing in advance. Carol Spooner is opposed because we just ratified an unbalanced budget. She is unwillig to committ the foundation to spending money that it does not have. She wants to fund this, but not by further unbalancing the budget. Someone, perhaps Rob, notes that the PNB meetings are not conducive to including minorities. Dave Fertig notes it is very important to kept the issue in front of your nose. We need to appoint a person to monitor this. Ray of WBAI supports lab initiatives. Leslie notes that the whole budget needs to be readjusted, particualrly national staffing. She states the issue is to commit to do what we can. Carol notes that we have already seleted PNB members to birddog the local station efforts. Perhaps one member of that committed could volunteer to be the chair, and the KPFA chair will serve as the short term national coordinator. They meet weekly and have for a year. Diversity committee of each lab. KPFA will plick up the costs for a couple of months. Raphael spoke with Rob to seek out grant money for this. And the initial prog would try to raise funds for more diversity programming. Teresa moves to accept KPFA's offer to temporarily finance the national diversity coordinator, and submit grants to finance this. And one of their jobs would work with the five lab committees. Steve and Ted are both on the KPFA committee. Jabari agrees with the spirit, but has issues of the process. What will their work products be? He says he is an engineer. Leary of doing something that sounds nice, but what will it really do? If we continue to take on obligations without acountable work products that can be measured then we do not have accountablility. Carol calls the question. 10-1. Vote proceeds. 10-0-1. Fertig agrees to submit his report in other means, and Leslie says post his report on the web. Ray reported that that bylaws meeting conflicts with a bunch of station fund raising drives. kpfx.org will follow up this program with a special program. ----------------------- Official After-Meeting Netcast of Oddments and Endments, Comments and Insights Mariah is getting ready. This is Ody your announcer. This is the official netcast after the board meeting. KPFTX.org or something close to this. Pete Branscomb. One of the better meetings. Teresa Allan thanks the mediators who really helped them work thru conflicts, which is part of the mission. Adrain Lowbee. Is so happy with the support of race and nationality work. It is so difficult because locally everyone is so afraid. Pat Bingham. Race and diversity group from Houston really misprepsented the work o f the GM and programming director at Houston. Leslie Cagan. Very productive weekend. Not nearly enough progress on bylaws. The office move discussion was very important. Reme Katoona (I know I have this name terribly wrong, but this is radio.) One issue is the issue of self destermination. The concept is alien. Most are not yet aware of the this issue. It is not a surprise considering that racism is stil internalized. and not yet overcome. Rob Robinson. Maybe we can move forward and create good programming for our listeners. We need to have a plan for what we as a board can do to improve our programming to meet our mission. John Sheridan of KPFA. We did some good work. Finally decided to move the admin and financial offices to Berkeley. Passion makes good radio. Thinks continuation of bylaws programming is esential. Hope that a coalition of labs will lobby for annual elections. Bernie Eisenberg. What amazing set of days. Some good, some bad. Real disappointed on elections every two years. Loves the move back to Berkeley. Mariah. Otis and Mariah discussing. Steven Braun. Says he is always willing to talk when asked by a beautiful woman. Sorry that the Democracy Now contract stayed under the radar. The contract can easily be set aside if either side challenges it. Very serious failures to make material disclosures. At some point Amy Goodman decided to become an independent contractor, and Pacifica decided to give her all the pacifica work products, donor lists, and the name of the program, in effect to take the program with her. Just when Pacifica had built it up to a valuable product, with 5-10 hours per week, and six years of support. Pacifica should give her complete control, still, of the content of the show, and pay her fairly as an independent contractor. This wins for both sides. I think this is a good analysis. The basic premise of the contract is flawed in that it gives her ownership of the show. We have others who could take over the show. Fernando Velasquez. Notes that most of Pacifica listeners are on the West coast. He notes that WPFW has never roared at the government in DC. Steven Brown notes that the PNB responds to the pressure of the audience. He noted that they postponed the move of the national office to Berkeley during a telephone meeting where they could not be pressured by the audience. Then, they responded to the audience pressure and lobbying by the audience here in Houston, and approved the move. I believe he noted that they may be having their special meeting at someplace where they can minimize their costs, such as Washington DC, which would distance them from the bulk of the listener-activists, so that they will not feel their pressure. Someone did say this, but I can not be sure who it was. Tom Camarella. Notes lack of discussion between relationship between PNB and station boards. Says listeners must try to attend the emergency meeting. Fernando notes that programmers are entrenched and do not want to give up their programs. He says that no one group should be able to dominate the station with their money. Diverse programming will bring in money from the diverse groups, and thus escape the domination. Tim Freeland. As antiwar activist decries the lack of focus on fighting the war. Mariah from the bay area LAB comments that the PNB passed a one Million dollar budget, with 100K for consultants, is too much. Notes that they want to create a topdown structure of a power base. She wants a bottom up sturcture. Tom Camparella. Says we need constant vigilance. Steven Braun. Part of national budget is being justified by national programming. He thinks that local progamming is the right palce to create programming. Patty Heffley from NY.. cf WBAI.Net. Notes from last four days of meetings. Docs that never made it to the Pacifica.Org web site. Go there for the docs. She notes that management always opposes using the air to promote diversity. We should use the radio as a public address system to bring in the people into the movement. No young people here. No space for anyone with a new idea. Diversity has nothing to do with youth, and creativity. Anti-globalism is is the only real movement out there. So many good ideas out there that we do not make room for. Mariah was looking for a time to explain it being a settlers' society. Choamsky said you can never introduce a new idaea in two minutes. She hopes to move to Mendocino country, and be able to touch the hands of someone who has surivived a massacre. Flying across the country one is shocked at how everything has been parceled out. The whole landscape has been subjugated, and now it is coming back to haunt us. The trees in Mendocino have had acorns collected, and are full of memories and ghosts, and will allow us to see how we have benefited from the genocide. Hopes to continue this disucssion later. Chris Simpson works on the web pages. We are looking for your ideas and participation. Mariah Gilarden. Producer of www.tuc.org. First of the banned and fired. Mariah the Pariah. ------------------
John Wenger
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