Has the NYC "Unity Caucus" hijacked Pacifica? 4-19-03 |
4-18-03: iPNB meeting notes 4-2-03: Revised bylaws drafts ------------
To: WBAIBylaws@yahoogroups.com
Let's do be forthright about what happened at the iPNB meeting on Friday ... the iPNB sent the bylaws back to committee because the NY Unity Caucus is in bed with the old hijackers still on the board -- Lee, Barry, Ferguson -- and because the rest of the board is too intimidated and/or confused by race-baiting to stand up to it. What happened is that those who want to take Pacifica into further chaos and race wars and lawsuits are successfully orchestrating and manipulating the racial tensions that are endemic on "the left" ... and that a few, you can count them on your fingers probably, fanatics and zealots are in the mix because it allows them a place to vent their tragic hatred. Let us also be forthright that outreach is not easy but nonetheless many people of good will are already doing it -- and all Pacifica stations have made real strides this year in opening up to and building upon the multi-culturalism of their communities. Yes, that takes some of us into territory where we are not comfortable. That's a good thing. Your students and the people you meet in East LA are a good place for you to outreach ... and others have their places and connections ... and that is how communities become related in multi- cultural endeavor. As for electing the committees of inclusion -- who is going to do the electing? The same people who can't be trusted to elect diverse boards? This is ridiculous! Do not for a minute believe your own rhetoric about what I do and do not think will pass legal muster. I would have voted against the "majority report" bylaws proposal. I do not think any set-asides or numerical percentages or "requirements" will pass legal muster ... I think they will drag us into court, into administrative challenges, into loss of state funding for training and archives and federal CPB funding for programming and infrastructure, digital upgrades, tower repairs ... and into hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal bills that would be better spent on programming, training, outreach, infrastructure. And my opinion about that is very well informed ... I hope the committee WILL actually get legal advice this time from a civil rights attorney, and will listen to him/her. We'll see. --Carol ------------------
--- In WBAIBylaws@yahoogroups.com, Leslie Radford
Meanwhile, last November...
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 00:27:04 -0500 (EST)
dear all,
a message from the front.
people that have any connection with ray laforest, janice k bryant, rob
robinson and james ferguson better get busy.
the vote of 5-4 wasn't good enough in the straw poll to kill the
relentless tactics of the unity caucus.
the whole point of the unity caucus was self determination for the
however after being defeated TWO times in the bylaws subcommittee in favor
of the KPFA model, leader bob lederer and his group of people from the
unity caucus who meet in secret and ignore the votes of the official wbai
subcommittee, went straight to robinson and debbie campbell to try and get
FOUR pages of their language as suggestions into the draft, as late
as friday morning,
still trying to get stuff stuffed in there.
this group with no popular support has managed to tie the iPNB's decision
making power and perhaps make the new pacifica bylaws have FIVE
PROCEDURES. yes that is correct. do we not have enough problems? after all
the discussions of complications and how well choice voting with the 50/50
model of diversity works, can't we move on and perhaps visit this in a
year or so if no one is satisfied with the results?
the Unity caucus doesn't seem to care if they cause this kind of chaos
just so long as they can control the the wbai elections process.
am i full of it? am i wrong? do they care about pacifica? do they care
about self determination like they said they do? what are their real
values? now i am sure not everyone in the caucus is manipulative and self
serving, in fact i know that is not the case. there are some nice people
in it, but listen up.
the reason for the unity caucus was because they (fred
"sidhartha" nuygen, mimi rosenberg, bob
lederer, mark sanborne, ryme, errol, rashida, lee kronick, marion
borenstein, margaritte, muntu, cerene, joe kaye, just to name them
all) felt that the oppressed should have self determination. they
felt that the 16 categories
should self determine their representation. and since only about 5 of them
are here deciding these major changes by themselves, what does the rest of
the group think? it is cool?
they lost the "anyone on the planet can be a member, this was a blow.
did that stop their staunch demand for no "poll tax" as a subscription and
"workfare" for volunteering for the station? nah!
well, folks, they gave up most of the rest of their beliefs for a for a
"hybrid" model wherein everyone
gets to vote for everyone but that the candidates remain in their
categories. so there goes self determination. right out the goddamn
window. that was the whole point, right?
the next thing is that david greene who was the elections coordinator of
the kpfa elections both times informed donna gould, the hybrid model
author that in fact everyone voting in all the categories gave you the
winner take all method of electing which is far inferior to choice voting.
so at that point when one finds out that your real goals and ideals have
been defeated, that what you were fighting for you yourself gave up by
compromise and then find out that the compromise is worse than what you
were fighting and will invite complete chaos. do you then stop?
well there is just this one last thing you see....
the iPNB is considering that each lab under iPNB guidelines can structure
elections to their liking, come back with the plan, they will then again
look everything over, (oh by the way MAYBE this is legal) and then they will
write 5 different variations into the bylaws.
this way WBAI gets its way!!!!! ding ding ding. just what they wanted. and
the only thing they gave up was everything. but wait.... they can now
write what they can get away with.
i welcome any discussion on this.
4-18-03: iPNB meeting notes
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