D.C DAILY REPORTS and Documents | D.C. iPNB meeting info Daily notes from the iPNB meeting in Washington D.C 12-6-02 |
12-6-02: Friday
Apologies for name misspellings.
Directors present: David Fertig, Carol Spooner, George Barnstone, Leslie Cagan, Ray LaForest, Jabari Zakiya, Teresa Allen Not present: Charles Smith, James Ferguson, Marion Barry, Dick Gregory, Bert Lee, Pete Bramson, Robbie Robinson (back injury), Janice K Bryant (ill) Proposed Agenda: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6 6:30 pm Review and Adoption of Meeting Agenda 6:45 pm Adoption of Minutes from previous meetings 7:00 pm Report from Board Chair 7:15 pm Report from Executive Director...including update on office move Q&A/discussion 8:00 pm General Community Comment 9:30 pm Adjourn for the evening Meeting convenes 6:45 Chair Cagan - Thanks the tech crew and everyone involved in producing the meeting(s). Gives info for broadcasts and webcasts. Review and Adoption of Meeting Agenda Cagan - Goes over agenda changes moving some items to later. "Possible bylaws vote" listed on the agenda is not going to happen... Matthew Lasar has emailed a statement for the iPNB to act on regarding upcoming FCC policy changes. Allen - Pleased to be in this historic place. [All Souls Church is signifigant in the Civil Rights movement] Concerned about putting important things to the end of the meeting for people who have to leave on time. Cagan - continues to go over agenda [ posted at the top of each of these pages and D.C. iPNB meeting info ] MOTION: To adopt agenda agreed Adoption of Minutes from previous meetings Secretary Spooner - Asks whether the board has received June minutes that have been distributed. September minutes not ready yet. Barnstone - asks there is a quorum? A: yes [5 people required, one third of the board] Cagan - suggests tabling adopting minutes agreed Report from Board Chair Cagan - Has a tough time deciding what to say... Realized that next week in the first anniversary of the lawsuits settlement that moved things forward at Pacifica. Wants to take stock of the last year. We [in the U.S. and the world ] are in a time of great crisis. We fought to regain Pacifica not just to reclaim the network, but because the network is needed in facing the struggles in the world. Unfortunately, after this past year we are far from solving the in the internal issues at Pacifica. Finances still an issue. Alot of progress in bylaws revision and governance restructuring, but a long way to go. We haven't come very far in dealing with programming matters nationally and at the five stations. Doesn't suggest that people aren't working on these things, but people at the network and at the stations are on overload. We need to find a way to make decisions and move on, and get things done. Not having the bylaws revision complete is hurting Pacifica badly. It is taking much badly needed energy that needs to be applied elsewhere. Alarmed at how we treat each other when we disagree. We have not made a lot of progress in learning how to disagree constructively and work together. During the struggle to re-gain the network we found a way to work together and this has to happen now. We need everyone working on things, can't afford to spare anyone. We have much more in common than what divides us. Our real differences are the powers that be that run the country and the world. The immediate challenge is to get through this weekend and the iPNB and people attending these meetings. Responds to an email that requested an update on the Democracy Now! contract. Nothing ready to report yet. The committee that was formed has engaged a few lawyers that have done some evalution that was handed in a couple of weeks ago and there hasn't been time to evaluate it yet. It will be presented to the board when that is done. It's been a very challenging year. We need to resolve the bylaws revision and get past the interim phase that we are in. [applause] Report from Executive Director - including update on office move Dan Couglin - Reads from report Thanks the national staff for their work. The number one priority of the national office to establish financial stability of the foundation. Very good fundraising at the stations this year. [applause as station fundraising figures are given] Station financial organizing going well. Still, major financial issues still unresolved; $1.4 million debt from hijacker national board. New permanent controller and development director will be hired Decline in CPB funding for KPFK and WBAI likely due to drop in fundraising in recent hijacker years. Move of national office to Berkeley continues to progress, planned for March 2003. New national staff is being put together including Valerie Van Isler Main areas of rebuilding Pacifica: 1) news staff and programming: Verna Avery Brown will be national news bureau chief working out of DC. 2) need rebuild strong programming and base of producers. KPFA's apprenticeship program has been good and their materials are being adopted. 3) new technologies - major changes at pacifica.org and work on the sites of the 5 stations [ webmaster report ] 4) physical plant - progress with KPFK antenna and other projects 5) Pacifica archive - successful fundraising for the archive, will become self supporting 6) Affiliates - only 17 affiliates left when the iPNB came in last year, now the number has doubled and is growing. People have been responding Cagan - questions from the board for the executive director? Barnstone - what has Pacifica done in working the ACLU regarding the situation regarding the current day civil liberties situation? Coughlin - looking to do more coverage of civil liberties issues and building relationship with civil liberties organizations Fertig - Pacifica was moved away from being a volunteer organization... how will Van Isler and Avery Brown bring together resources, volunteers? Coughlin - wants reporters at the White House, ACLU, Homeland Security, but not enough funding Fetig - how will volunteers be brought in? Couglin - great training program and new volunteers at WPFW [applause] and at in various situations at different stations. It's going to take time to develop and organize volunteers. Cagan - invites people to eat sandwiches that have been brought in. Spooner - It's been quite a year... We've been focusing on news which is very important, but that's not all that we will be doing - arts, public affairs. People around the network have expressed that that public affairs programming etc are being developed fast enough. What has been going on with this? Coughlin - public affairs and news is very expensive it will take time to develop national news... Spooner - was referring to programming that has been developed by volunteers etc. Coughlin - much has been going on Zakiya - concerned with the internal strife at the station and it's drain on energy etc. What does the executive director's thoughts? Coughlin - Agrees with what Cagan said earlier and Pacifica is a lifeline to the communities and we want to develop less threatening work workplaces. In Houston there is development of a code of conduct Allen - wants to hear more about Corporation for Public Broadcasting money and the stations Coughlin - WBAI CPB grant dropped from $430,000 - $380,000, KPFK dropped from $230,000 to $185, 000. CPB grants calculated using audience numbers and fundraising figures. The boycott against Pacifica in 2001 affected this. Should be able to get some of the money back for KPFK because of signal interference issues... Fertig/Coughlin - some back and forth about KPFK LaForest - Concerned about programming. Is there any development with the idea of having outreach coordinators at the stations? Coughlin - working on it Cagan - will take questions from other people... The executive director segment of the meeting morphs into the public comment period... KhaRabia Rayford, WPFW LAB - Question about Verna Avery Brown's upcoming work. Pacifica is at a crossroads in regarding it's identity - activists network or a news network? There needs to be a national outreach director and local outreach and programming needs to built on what people want [need?] Coughlin - KPFA and KFPK doubled their support (revenues) this last year, what changed? After observations, feels that it's the increase in progressive programming. Is Working on outreach. We have to prioritize what Pacifica will do in the near future with the limited resources. Cagan - the issue of a national outreach director is not a simple matter. Feels that the priority now is the local outreach. Rayford - a national outreach office works toward accountability LaForest - are the local stations budgeted for an outreach person? A: yes, but not all that stations have the resources Mary Berg, KPFA LAB - Since getting KPFA back after the lockout [1999] they've had a lot of progress with inclusion - people having access and being involved with the station. Wants to know what ed thinks of developing relationships with associate stations as well as affiliates Coughlin - likes the idea Miguel Maldado, WBAI LAB - Want to know what the developments there have been with regards to national programming and a national program director. Couglin - talks about past and planned national days of broadcasts and other peace programming. As of yet there isn't a definite plan regarding national programming. Barnstone - the time for this programming is now. Demands to know what ed is doing right now regarding programming on civil liberties Couglin - programmers all the 5 stations are working on that constantly. Working on getting a beat reporter to cover the homeland security act. Barnstone -Is Avery Brown working on the civil liberties issues? A: yes Coughlin - we are all very concerned and are working on covering civil liberties issues. Cagan - doesn't feel that Pacifica or people at the stations have yet risen to this need. We need to put a coordinated effort in place to educate the programmers and increase awareness. It will take more that just the ed. Barnstone - not to dis the ed, but this isn't happening yet... Spooner - Back in the mid nineties there were many dedicated volunteer programmers who doing valuable work, they were gotten rid of and have yet to be replaced in the current Pacifica. It is not an issue of money, there are many volunteer resources, we need to re-establish a structure to bring people in etc. There's been 30 new programs at KPFT... Reads a comment published in a DC paper from an unlighted WPFW listener complaining about the pre-empting programming for the national day of broadcasting for the archives Coughlin - there needs to first be more discussion before building a programming plan etc Spooner - disagrees... Duane Bradley [KPFT] decided new programming needed to be done and has been doing it. Management can go look at the mission as a guide etc and move forward. Coughlin - that's good for the short term but, we want to reinforce Pacifica's identity in the practice... Zakiya - There's needs to be accurate data before there can be useful discussion regarding programming. He has called for an audit of the programming at all the stations. When can this happen? Cagan - the iPNB has asks all the LABs to audit the programming at their stations. Zakiya - Would like to see the audit be detailed. WPFW has failed to do their mandated weekly 2 hours of bylaws/governance programming. when will this be enforced? Coughlin - will make sure there will be a programming report. Has misunderstood that the mandated weekly 2 hours of bylaws/governance programming was still in effect. Will get on it. Cagan - It's not only up to the ed to get the programming audits done Spooner - suggests using the KPFA programming audit as an example Cagan - suggests that a list of info being sought for programming audits be made up Allen - agrees that the first step to working on programming is getting accurate information. ...The gay program at KPFT was good because it brought together public affairs, arts etc. (Public comment period phases in) Susan DeSilva, KPFA LAB - KPFA LAB really wants to see the Democracy Now! contract. before it's finalized. Also with the elections procedure issue, we've gone over and over it and it's time the national board takes a stand and moves the process forward. Applauds what's happening in Houston with all the new programs. Steve Conely, KPFA - Asks ed whether there would be a national training program policy? A: mixture of local and national criteria. Would require a national training director? A: probably not. Feels that outreach needs to be a main priority. Concerned that there be a focused, consistent coordinated process. Barnstone - asks about Asian presence on the KPFA LAB? Cagan - this is a topic for later... Spooner - no Asians on LAB, but 13% Asian programming Cagan - moves on..... Sam Husseini, WPFW LAB - would you agree that that it is racist to imply that U.S. lives are more valuable than Iraqi lives? Coughlin - would agree with that Husseini - What plans are there for establishing a DC news bureau to closely cover the developments on Capitol hill, war etc. Though there are a shortage of resources, feels the main reason for shortcomings in this is lack of leadership. Couglin - the financial problems are still too much of a barrier Have to make tough choices. Tom Gomez, WPFW area - there's so much going on and there's still no morning news on WPFW! Got get the big divisions within the WPFW community which are blocking things from moving forward. Supports more use of volunteers in news and other things. Donna Gould, WBAI area - Wants iPNB to address "listener rights" in KPFK's bylaws draft [ had been over looked in the bylaws process ] Agreed. Transparency is essential. There should be regular unscreened listener call-ins at the stations - the right of listeners to connect with each other. It's crucial for the protection and health of Pacifica that listeners ...Get's clarification on the status of next stage of bylaws draft. Spooner - new draft hasn't been produced yet [current unedited bylaws draft] Susan Lee, WBAI area - Asks the iPNB to Please get in on the very unpleasant situation in NY. Against programmers being commanded from above as to their show's content. Marion Borenstein, WBAI LAB - Has envisioned an empowered Local station board and LSB meetings being held in the different communities throughout a station's listening area. This is where outreach and input from the listeners will happen. Not as pessimistic that Pacifica's not doing enough. We are too hard on ourselves. Short range and long range goals should be set up. People need to know where their money's going. Kahlil Jacobs Fantauzzi, KPFA LAB - Pleased with the progress that has been made in the last year. What is the commitment to engaging young people of color in the discussion of building Pacifica? There's needs to be more diversity in the form of bilingual programming aimed at youth. [applause] Billy Ray Edwards, WPFW LAB - The chickens have come to roost on the programming issue at WPFW. Congratulates the LAB for using good judgement in the bylaws process and seeing though the status quo supportive nature of the hybrid and KPFA models. The issue of diversity needs to be dealt with in programming. Programming has improved and it will get better. Doesn't appreciate that WPFW has been treated like a step child in the way that various people characterize the problems of the station. Kwasi Nkrumah, KPFK LAB - Not as concerned with simply having a dedicated reporter covering the main news stories in DC, but Pacifica needs to train people to do good alternative new story coverage at all the stations - to have the development come from bottom up. [applause] Patty Heffley, WBAI area - All the archives, including the DN archives and the subscriber lists should remain in Pacifica's hands. Supports using the archives more. The difficulties between people stem partly from the sense of powerlessness experienced by many people in the Pacifica community in the past. Supports the iPNB from stopping people's particular agendas from holding up processes. There has yet been proper attention to the issue of establishing listener-member binding referendum and access to the airwaves in order to connect with one another. [applause] David Moore, Missoula MT - Addresses the issue of people not getting along within Pacifica; would do well to remember mission. Regarding elections procedures; wonders if it might be best for each station to determine their own [ some groans ] Andrea Fishman, WBAI area - We need to develop ways to respond to the issues. A way to do that is in developing democratic processes at Pacifica. Wants to work on this till it's properly resolved. Supports establishing binding referendum and bylaws ratification procedures. Deena Kolberg, WBAI - Supports establishing an outreach coordinator for acquiring more affiliates. Very important. Hiring an affiliate outreach coordinator will be a wise investment with regard to absorbing new technology. Coughlin - many affiliates have/are coming back. Agrees affiliates are an important resource. Joanie Osberg, WPFW programmer - We have had alot of successes we need to appreciate these more. Supports some reports and discussion on the successes with programming at the stations Star Bowie, WPFW area - There hasn't been enough coverage of what Israel's role will be in a war with Iraq. Ed Herman and others have written articles. Also supports better, more in depth long range coverage of Israel. Cagan - Let's please on time at 9am tomorrow. Will try to get better heating in the room. 9:33pm - meeting adjourns Roger Manning, NYC |
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