DAILY REPORTS and Documents index | iPNB Houston meeting info Daily notes from the iPNB meeting - Houston Saturday 9-21-02 |
9-21-02: Saturday
Apologies for name misspellings.
Intended AGENDA [ ended up being much modified ] 9:00 am Report from Executive Director, Q&/discussion 9:45 am Website Report 10:15 am Treasurer's Report 10:45 am Finances (1) FY2003 budgets (2) Review of income/expenses Jan 1, 2002 to July 20, 2002 12:30 pm Lunch Break 2:00 pm Archives Report 2:30 pm Bylaws Discussion 6:00 pm Adjourn for the evening Saturday, Sept.,21 9:00pm Meeting convenes 9:25 am Directors present: David Fertig, Carol Spooner, Teresa Allen, Pete Bramson, George Barnstone, Leslie Cagan, Robbie Robinson, Janice K Bryant, Ray LaForest, Jabari Zakiya, James Ferguson Not present: Bert Lee, Dick Gregory Chair Cagan welcomes all the stations and websites broadcasting the meeting. Runs down modified agenda: Report from Executive Director, Q&/discussion Dan Coughlin - Executive Director -Thanks KPFT community for organizing the meeting. Reads report Number one priority for Pacifica has been finances and we are now coming out of the crisis. Record fundraising over the last 8 months. Financial organization has a big part of the crisis. First budget passed in 2 years. Financial reports and complete set of monthly finance reports will be available after Oct 1. FY 2003 budget being worked on. The moneys given from KPFA have been used properly and will be accounted for. The treasurer and financial staff have done very good work. Also thanks to KPFA for their important support and support of Free Speech Radio News. Despite financial progress, still much to be done. In FY 2003 budget recommends setting the central levy at 20%, hopefully reducing to 18% in the future In rebuilding Pacifica 6 main items: -local and national news -training -new tech -archives -physical plant -relations with affiliates Plans for more support for FSRN Continued strong national programming planned in view of the crises in the country and world. The strength relies on the support of the local stations. Strong local diverse news depts. with training and diversity needed. Need to build up new technology - web etc. Archive: much work done and planned. Expansion of 20% planned. Fundraising activity is being planned. Pacifica must make a commitment to upgrade technical and technological infrastructure. Recommends creating a position for a national tech person. We need to best possible programming to widest possible audience. Looks forward to working the input in the process of development QUESTIONS: Barry - commends Couglin, Jasmine, Verna Avery Brown. Coughlin - acknowledges national staff Zakiya - Had asked ED for report on the stations' compliance with the required weekly 2 hours bylaws shows but it hasn't happened.( WPFW hasn't been complying.) Coughlin - LaForest - KPFA report frustrated with lack of finance report. When reports forthcoming? Coughlin - they've been too busy and accounting system still coming together. There are some overviews coming within a week. Spooner - Will there be monthly reports? What will the Oct 1 report cover? Coughlin - Report will cover Oct 2001 to Aug. 2002 There will monthly reports after. Cagan - Thanks ED and national staff Miguel Maldanado (WBAI LAB)- Asks for details of how debt to specific companies was negotiated and handled. Coughlin - Most of the cases with the hijacker hired companies still ongoing for at least another year. $900,000 paid out to a couple companies by the insurance company. Barry - Have any suits been files against Pacifica? Coughlin - No. Pacifica's lawfirm has done well to organize the process and all party's are working in a reasonable manner. Barry - What's the story with the "spy"a; firm? Coughlin - It's still an issue of the spy firm producing the product, Leslie? Cagan - the firm has yet to produce a document showing that Pacifica actually hired them. Ferguson - Is the lawfirm the current Pacifica hired still employed because there was a cap ($75,000)? Coughlin - yes, will soon need to extend cap. Ferguson - what about the severance packages? Cagan - will be reported later in meeting Website Report Pete Korakis - Gives url to website report: www.pacifica.org/documents/pdf/iPNB_report_for_the_website.pdf Background: pacifica.org around 6 years old. 2800 pages, been difficult to keep up, thanks for our patience. Pacifica.org going through make over. Been consulting with official and unofficial Pacifica site workers. New site has been launched (not yet complete), old site taken down. Old webmaster didn't keep log files. Log files have been established and now information has been gathered on visitors to the site. Reveals that there's a category visitors not previously known about. What has been done: All 2800 pages have been organized into main categories. Different color headers for different sections of the site; Archived information, Pacifica information, interactive section - volunteering, contact info, Over 96,000 links need to checked and many fixed, all one of a time. Over 50,000 internal links, around half of which were broken. A lot of seems was intentional. A lot of traffic lost due to visitors knowing that the site didn't work. Another main issue is making the site user friendly. -No matter what page one drops in on there is thorough navigation and leads to other information. -Designing the layout so that important main information is visible in the viewer's screenshot without scrolling. -Remove the dead-ends -old donating and guestbook pages that didn't work any more. Need to market the site better. Important to use the log files to analyze audience. Pacifica has the content to draw big audience. Will improve. Email: everyone at Pacifica should have an @pacifica.org because it is a very good advertisement for the site. These addresses will forward to the users current address. There is no reason why Pacifica.org shouldn't be the prime independent media site. Wraps up report.[ big applause ] Cagan - Thanks Pete. Didn't realize the involvement of the work. What's happening with regard to coordinating the local station sites. Pete Korakis - Have had one conference call meeting, but has fallen behind. Have discussed what content should go where. Believes that programming information should be available centrally. Ferguson - Ask about meta tags bringing search engine attention. Pete Korakis - Meta tags are important but the site content is what more effectively creates traffic. Ferguson - ask about the broken links and are what info are we gathering on site visitors? Can we organize around the info? Pete Korakis - We get the info on log files which describes their computer, the nature of the visit and from where, but not specific personal information Jakiya - what is the software used for the site? Pete Korakis - all free, open source software - apache, lynx [ applause ] Jakiya - supports setting up paypal for donations, secure system for email, getting more web staff nationally and locally, establishing a protocol nationally for the sites. Supports establishing national tech list serve inviting techies listeners. Pete Korakis - yes to Jabari. Re: ecomerce - should be developed properly - currently competing with a lot of free content on the web. On Air Editorials --Editorial 1 Cagan - reads Anti-death penalty editorial to be endorsed by iPNB. Would be mandated to be played on the 5 stations and posted at pacifica.org LaForest - adds the issue of dna testing proving innocence Ferguson - editorial doesn't talk about people in prison not on death row. Cagan - that can be another editorial Barry - should add language regarding the judges who appoint inadequate lawyers. MOTION that anti-death penalty editorial and today's additions be approved. The editorial will be refined and released. PASSES unanimously by show of hands Editorial 2 Cagan - reads editorial against going to war in Iraq [ Pacifica Peace editorial ] to be endorsed by iPNB. [ applause ] Zakiya - correct the money figures Ferguson - can be call to action to visit website be expanded to directing people to contact the white house? Cagan - Reads Pacifica lawyer's advice regarding editorials. Possible problems with FCC, CPB, IRS. Best to keep the editorials to general issues. Ferguson - We're ok because we're addressing issues, not candidates. Agreed that language regarding contacting politicians to urge them to stop the war is ok. Bryant - only on site is ok Cagan - will check into it, but would love that Pacifica should take on a fight regarding including the contact language [ big cheers ] MOTION that anti-war in Iraq editorial and stronger language be approved. The editorial will be refined and released. PASSES unanimously by show of hands [ applause ] Cagan - Reads KPFA generated resolution that Pacifica acknowledges and supports low power radio and the Indy Media organizations. [ applause ] MOTION PASSES unanimously by show of hands [ applause ] --Treasurer's Report Jabari Zakiya, treasurer -Problems with computer systems around Pacifica regarding networking, accounting software etc. Looking into getting away from Microsoft system. Should be cost effective in the long run. Audit: completed in August allowing the release of CPB funds. Next audit happening. [ see www.pacifica.org for audit ] Budgeting process: still insufficient needs more planning and work. Need to budget more for infrastructure. Need unified web strategy. Need better finance staffing. Debt reduction: debt down to $1.5 million. Finance committee: needs to address banking structure, money for lawyers. DN contract: still in process of sorting it out. Finance office operations: need more staff. need to resolve move to Berkley issue as affects staffing plans. Fundraising: audit shows how reliant Pacifica is on fund drives and how inefficient the drives are. (money for premiums etc) Need to develop other means of fundraising. National staff: needed for many functions. National Program director (was a settlement hot item) National tech dept. needed. National development director - fundraising etc. Outreach director Strategic planning: unlikely to happen until permanant PNB in place. Supports Tech development, acquisitions, creating print branch of Pacifica Summary: have moved forward, audits have allowed return of CPB funding, need to prioritize financial transparency and accountability QUESTIONS for treasurer: Fertig - Praises report. Urges prioritzing handicap access at Pacifica facilities Bryant - Praises report. Personal problem in dealing with Citibank. Zakiya - agrees, but there are no clean banks Ferguson - what about credit unions? Zakiya - wouldn't fill Pacifica's needs Bryant - wants to have local finance management Zakiya - agrees, but the national needs to have the main control Bryant - the ideological needs to influence the decisions Zakiya - agrees. Barry - praises report. recommendations will be covered in budget presentation? A: yes LaForest - asks about the property item in report Zakiya - Pacifica should own it's own facilities. Part of long term planning. Need to bring properties up to snuff regarding access and efficiency. Cagan - the iPNB has the challenge to be forward thinking in laying out the groundwork for the future Pacifica, but to leave a lot of the important work for the upcoming elected PNB Ferguson - yes, but there some things that some of the Jabari's suggestions are valid for now. Cagan - points that national Program director hot item wasn't talking about hiring at the time, but removing the then current national program director [ Utrice Lied ] [ "hot items" referred to are in the lawsuits settlement ] Ferguson is out of order repeatedly interrupting Cagan regarding national pd. Cagan - continues: something about Don Mussel, and that finance and national office should stay together. Jakiya - we need the tech together and coordinated around the network Barry - he didn't come to Pacifica to fire Utrice Leid Ferguson - the spirit of the national pd hot item was that a person would be hired Spooner - during the settlement negotiations there were 2 separate meetings where the priorities were probably different Robinson - likes that the financial reports addresses planning, because Pacifica currently doesn't have the resources to carry out the mission and what needs to be done. Zakiya - praises Yasmine [ comptroller ] who basically saved Pacifica's butt. Spooner - the iPNB needs to remember that they are not elected and that much of the future items should be the business of the incoming elected Pacifica national board. (1) FY2003 budgets [ Approved Pacifica budget for 2003 [ 26 page pdf - 537kb ] ] Yasmine Bryann, comptroller - Ask for comments and approval of budget [ iPNB has copies. not on web yet ] Dan Coughlin, Executive Director - Quick overview of budget Bryant - how to get training and outreach into the budget? Bryann - they are already included in salary sheets (not all in ) Barry - Q: what size budget would a 15% national levy create? A: deficit Q: is a national pd in budget? A: yes, national staff of 4 as well Q: is this sufficient? A: Yasmine passes the question to who will be the permanent comptroller Q: if budget adopted will nat'l pd recruitment start? A: Coughlin, wants to consult with personal committee first. Barry - does budget assume reduction in premium cost? A: yes Bryann - while increasing staffing is an issue, the source of income has to worked out/considered Spooner - will having a national development director pay off (fundraising)? Coughlin - yes, there are several types of fundraising that need to coordinated and planned. Bryann - national development director is needed and would cover things the understaffed national office hasn't been able to get to. Spooner - just suggesting that some goals and figures be attached Spooner - where is the expense items for ... Bryann - in the individual station budgets. Spooner - Cagan - why does the money for paying Free Speech Radio News go to national instead of the stations paying individually? Maybe it's just of reading of what's listed where in the budget? Barry - tries to clarify Spooner - Who writes the check to FSRN? A: the stations. Agreement that budget is somewhat confusing as laid out. Bryann assures that the information in question is there and that they can work to make it clearer Spooner - concerned about passing an unbalanced budget. Fertig - wants budget to show what consolidated budget be itemized Cagan - items are broken down [ they've lost me here... editor ] Bryann - budget can made clearer Yakiya - the budget is detailed to point of being considered anal, but it's important. The issue is that the iPNB doesn't have specific plan for what needs to get done. There hasn't been the time for the board and staff to get all this done properly but we're doing the best we can. Bryann - wants to help Fertig and board members understand the budget Ferguson - supports that the KPFA budget narrative format would make a good standard for the national budget. Barry - that the consolidated budget (which is generating the confusion) is just an overview, details are in the individual station budgets. Does Pacifica have a line of credit [ laughter ] A: no, can't get one [ laughter ] Cagan - ask about Satellite expense. Not picked up by KPFA? Jim Bennent(KPFA): thinks that it's the cost of individual station transmitters and rent on satellite that are referred to in the budget. Cagan - remarks on widely wrangle staff statistics between the 5 stations. Supports adopting this budget with the understanding that there will be a revised budget in December. Robinson - supports ranging between iPNB finance committee and ED, comptroller, Joyce Snowden(human resources person) LaForest - is there an outreach person budgeted for each station? Bryann - not all yet. Cash flow not there yet. Coughlin - were still in the process of consolidation, planning is coming. Bryant - supports researching grants and other alternative funding for training etc. Asks about legal expenses items in budget A: [ didn't get this ] Where the "other" grant revenues are coming from A: miscellaneous small grants Spooner - is short fall based on 20% levy rate? A: yes will there be levees above the 20% on the stations to cover shortcomings A: no, if alternative funding is not found, those items cut form the budget Zakiya - we must remember that all the money is Pacifica money. We are and must remember that we are national network MOTION: adopt this budget with the understanding that there will be a revised budget in December. PASSES with show of hands except for Spooner who doesn't want to approve a deficit budget for the national office [ applause ] [ Approved Pacifica budget for 2003 [ 26 page pdf - 537kb ] ] LaForest - with clarification of Mumia death penalty status.[ still technically on death row ] - 12:55 brief lunch break - -2:05pm Reconvene- Marion Barry absent Affiliates Proposal Teresa Allen, iPNB affiliates committee -Inspired at Grass Roots Radio conference by the affiliate stations and other community stations... Affiliates say that they have more to offer Pacifica that we them. Break agenda briefly for presentation of plaques from FSRN to KPFT, KPFA, for their courageous support. [ cheers and applause ] Teresa Allen continues... Suggestions from affiliates -resolving tech issues, satellite etc. -Pacfica to bring files, contact info etc up to date -keep affiliates notified of special programming -the possibility of Pacifica carrying affiliate contact -linking websites Steve Pierce - Grass Roots Radio Coalition and WRPI - Troy, NY -Talks about WRPI's involvement with airing Pacifica programming. The affiliates are an integral part of the Pacifica network. Affiliates aren't interested in being a customer but a partner. It's been a difficult period in the relationship with Pacifica where the affiliates are treated badly The affiliates want to finally build a decent relationship with Pacifica and to elect their own representative to the national board. Teresa Allen - reads proposal: -Pacifica pledges to work on the relationship with the affiliates - fee reduction to 2/3 of '97 rates for the next fiscal year -that iPNB support direct participation in Pacifica governance MOTION: to adopt proposal Barnstone - why should Pacifica agree to this with the request for lower fee? Fertig - but it will pay off Bryant - we partly owe the affiliates, particularly for the support for their during the hijack years. They helped save Pacifica Spooner - Pacifica offers less programming currently LaForest - it pays to band together with the affiliates in the tough political times Zakiya - supports subcommittee to work on this [?], more organization of the affiliates and Could broaden this discussion to include the Indymedia centers and others. Cagan - there already is an iPNB affiliates committee set up with people various affiate stations and Pacifica people to work on the relationship with the affiliates. Steve Pierce - pacifica.org can greatly facilitate connectivity for listeners etc between Pacifica and the affiliates MOTION: to approve of above resolution Spooner - points out that iPNB cannot yet commit to giving a seat to affiliates because the bylaws haven't been approved yet. Cagan - the proposal understands this. MOTION: is split up and voted on -Pacifica pledges to work on the relationship with the affiliates PASSES unanimously by show of hands MOTION: fee reduction to 2/3 of '97 rates for the next fiscal year PASSES by show of hands, one abstention MOTION:that iPNB support direct participation in Pacifica governance, details to be worked out in bylaws process PASSES by show of hands,one opposed, one abstention Cagan - All motions carry [ applause ] Marion Barry comes in. Charles Smith is now seated on the iPNB Charles Smith from Houston and appointed by the former board majority members to fill the seat vacated by Wendell Johns earlier this year. BYLAWS revision work continues... Chair Cagan requests that the iPNB presently prioritize the most basic items in the bylaws grid. People listening to the broadcast unfortunately can't see it. Roger Manning (me - wbai.net) - makes point of information that people listening into the meeting can find the bylaws comparison grid at wbai.net Sam Husseni, WPFW bylaws committee, LAB - gives brief input (wasn't able to make it yesterday) -Concerned that the current listenership is still lacking in decent knowledge of Pacifica and history of the problems and issues. -who's qualified to vote: has proposed that all people's that are a victim should be able to vote at Pacifica [laughter ] Voters should be people who understand the Pacifica mission and agree that it should be applied. Chair Cagan proceeds to ARTICLE FOUR [ bylaws comparison grid ] Bryant - requests that Bob Lederer present some ideas from "Unity Caucus" on how to compromise or intregrate the different approaches. Cagan agrees, but after going over the article Spooner presents... [ see iPNB bylaws straw polls summary ] ARTICLE FOUR: Election of delegates (only offered by KPFA draft(B)) Section 1. Delegate defined Section 2. nomination of delegates Section 3. Election of delegates Section 4. Diversity goals Fertig - KPFK proposal approved 2nd alternative of diversity goals and was firm as to applying proportional representation voting method. Bob Lederer - presents Unity Caucus compromise ideas and Overview of Constituency model Proposes that constituency approach be implemented locally and reviewed in a year by the PNB in a bylaws convention. The KPFA model [ bylaws draft B ] could be used to implement approach and some of Fertig draft(C) Barry - objects to provision against elected official being disqualified from being on the board Allen - sees potential conflict interests Spooner - Pacifica is frequently in disagreement with government and office holder on board puts Pacifica in awkward position Barnstone - 1/3 of local board being staff is too high Spooner - at KPFA staff enriches the station board LaForest - - important to have people serve a year on local board to determing their dedication. Cagan - concerned about having elections every year. Too much work etc. Zakiya - Supports greater proportional listener representation. How did KPFA come up with these numbers? Spooner - decision to have 2/3 listener reps. Had a larger board (22), smaller(18) worked better. Annual elections have the advantage of keeping the momentum. Bryant - Feel annual elections are too much. Would we not want to allow very cool elected officials on the board? A:no Chair Cagan - reiterates is the iPNB is not making final decisions today, but getting a sense of the body Ted Wiesgal - KPFT committee supports that local candidates should [ missed the rest ] Cagan - is it possible that initially there not be only one elections method applied to all the stations? Robinson - agrees Fertig - maybe we should test the different methods in different areas. Spooner - we'd only be putting off a difficult decision for a year that would get any easier. We should do this now. LaForest - doesn't feel that it would be delaying the process, but allowing [ missed this ] STRAW POLL: That the Pacifica Bylaws should have a diversity requirement 9 for, 2 against Spooner - to change an area's election procedure in a year may be very difficult ...ongoing discussion about diversity requirements and how to apply them... STRAW POLL: Should there be ONE common approach for election rules and diversity requirements for ALL 5 stations 7 for, 5 against, 1 abstain STRAW POLL: Should iPNB set some minimal rules and the stations determine their own elections and diversity methods 4 for, 7 against, 1 abstain Section 2. part B. candidates and holders of any elective or appointive public office at any level of government be disqualified from holding seats at Pacifica Barry - strongly objects. Zakiya - disagrees because Pacifica having government office holders can interfere with it's independence ...some discussion... STRAW POLL: Should candidates of any elective or appointive public office at any level of government be disqualified from holding seats at Pacifica 7 for, 3 against, 3 abstain STRAW POLL: Should former holders of any elective or appointive public office at any level of government in recent past be disqualified from holding seats at Pacifica 4 for, 8 against, 1 abstain STRAW POLL: Should a person who chooses to run for any elective or appointive public office at any level of government be required to resign their seat at Pacifica 8 for, 2 against, 2 abstain ...more discussion on all this STRAW POLL: should local elections happen every year? 3 for, 8 against, 1 abstain Bernie Eisenberg (KPFK area)- objects to this vote. It shows that the iPNB is ignoring the desires of all the proposals on the grid that call for yearly elections. Section 3, parts A., B. How many staff on local boards? STRAW POLL: Support 1/3 staff seats on local board? 6 for STRAW POLL: Support 1/6 staff seats on local board? 1 for STRAW POLL: Support 1/4 staff seats on local board? 10 for How many total seats on local boards? Some discussion about whether or not could use ranges (ex: 18-36) STRAW POLL: Support using a single number when determing total seats on local boards 4 for STRAW POLL: Support allowing ranges when determining total seats on local boards 8 for Some discussion on choosing the range numbers... STRAW POLL: Support 16 as minimum number total seats on local boards 6 for STRAW POLL: Support 18 as minimum number total seats on local boards 6 for STRAW POLL: Support 24 as maximum number total seats on local boards 8 for STRAW POLL: Support 36 as maximum number total seats on local boards 4 for STRAW POLL: Support 20 as minimum number total seats on local boards 6 for Skip ahead to: ARTCLE SEVEN: committees of the board Section 1: executive committee Spooner - explains proposal. Should be called "administrative committee" AC is for the PNB having a smaller group that act on smaller issues in a timely manner, but must report to the PNB and wouldn't have the authority to act, but refer to executive director or other entities to act. Creates a committee of more than just than just one person (ie: board chair) ...some discussion about executive/administrative committees... after a while: Bernie Eisenberg - "what a short memory we have..." The hijackers used an excutive committee to hijack Pacifica It is premature to discuss executive committees before defining the structure of the foundation. ... some other comments... iPNB decides to table discussion of EC 5:26pm Zakiya - moves that we adjourn at 5:45 out of courtesy to the hotel and make use of that time for a little bylaws public comment Agreed. Some announcements and Chair Cagan runs down tommorrow's amended agenda Spooner - calls for discussion tomorow about scheduling a special meeting for finishing the bylaws work. COMMUNITY COMMENTS: Ted Wiesgal, KPFT - Marion Borenstien, WBAI LAB - how do we progress at local level Tom , - doesn't support executive committees Dina Kolberg, WBAI area - supports extending time for bylaws revision process Stacy Davis, KPFT LAB - concerned that members will have no say regarding handling of Pacifica major assets. Debbie Speer, KPFA - Mary Berg, KPFA - supports prioritizing ARTICLE 8 Michael Pimental, KPFT - against having executive board. David Addelson, KPFK - if having executive committee meetings they should be open Cerene Roberts, WBAI area - Roger Manning[ writer of these notes], WBAI area - plugs public meetings bylaw that has been included in the KPFA draft in short form [ under ARTICLE 8, SECTION 4. DUTIES part 6 (duties of stations boards ] Andrea Fishman, WBAI area - thanks iPNB for the open process and supports extending the time for the process Evan, KPFK LAB - appreciates the iPNB support for 1/4 staff on local boards Robertson - against creating committees such as an executive board that effectively prevent the PNB acting as a whole. Zakiya - thanks everyone for working so well at this meeting [ big applause ] Spooner - as for extending time for bylaws revision, that is already happening, but we must continue push and schedule another meeting before Dec. 5:55 pm Adjourn Roger Manning, NYC |
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