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L.A. iPNB meeting info
Reports and documents from the
interim Pacifica National Board meeting
in Los Angeles, CA., March 7-9, 2003

Audio archive: kpftx.org

Friday 3-7-03
Executive Director report, Personnel Committee report, Community Comment
Saturday 3-8-03
Bylaws Vote, Treasurer's Report, FY2003 adjusted budgets, Training Programs, Race and Nationality
Sunday 3-9-03
Committees: Finance, Personnel, Race and Nationality, Elections

Secretary Spooner's meeting notes and bylaws changes

[ documents further down page ]

The notes were typed up daily in the meeting room by me, the editor of wbai.net.
Thanks to CdPNY who sponsors this site and my travel to iPNB meetings.

Roger M, NYC

Documents and information presented at the meeting

Audio archive: kpftx.org

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